
Sunday, July 19, 2009


"I love these folks who helped get us in this mess and then suddenly say, 'Well, this is Obama's economy.' That's fine. Give it to me! My job is to solve problems, not to stand on the sidelines and harp and gripe"

-President Barack Obama, July 14, 2009.


chas said...

Republicans and conservatives don't actually have any solutions to our economic problems...just hate and fear mongering. BTW, Mark, that blog you post on...Smallest Minority...I think they might fall into Bill Maher's category of the people who have moved into the mental hospital. Either that or Civil War re-enacters. I don't get why you bother with those lunatics.

jeff c. said...

Agreed, chas. I can barely read that site without laughing. It's odd that they think liberals are so delusional and yet virtually everything on that site is the finest example of insanity I have ever seen.

Mark, I do admire your tenacity there. I especially loved the thread in which you challenged them to leave their little paranoid and angry cocoon to post on a liberal blog and no one, except the site runner, did. What a bunch of fucking cowards.

juris imprudent said...

Well children, I've been known to post over here as well as there (TSM). I note that neither of you has the mental acuity or intestinal fortitude to spout off but in the safest of sandboxes. Maybe you should stick to DU if you like the sound of an echo-chamber. Even here you might be subject to disagreeable opinions.

Adam said...

" I especially loved the thread in which you challenged them to leave their little paranoid and angry cocoon to post on a liberal blog and no one, except the site runner, did. What a bunch of fucking cowards."

Ah, yes. The presumption that none of us leave our little circle of groupthink.

Funny, did you even fucking BOTHER reading Mark's 7/5 post? See the 18 comments?
Seeing any of you responding to me? No? Why is that?

Don said...

I see there is a discussion on oil and energy on Kevins blog. Why aren't chas and jeff c over there educating everyone? or are we just supposed to *assume* they are smart, critical thinkers about the issues of the day just like the rest of you all here claim to be?