
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gun Making Up For Small Penis In Georgia

Looks like the new Georgia gun law is working out about like I expected...

Parents at a Forysth County park abruptly stopped a children's baseball game after growing suspicions of the behavior of a man carrying a gun in a waist holster Tuesday night. "He's just walking around [saying] 'See my gun? Look, I got a gun and there's nothing you can do about it.' He knew he was frightening people. He knew exactly what he was doing," said parent Karen Rabb.

Park users flooded 911 with 22 calls about the man. Forysth County deputies questioned the man, and found that he had a permit for the handgun. Authorities said since the man made no verbal threats or gestures, they could neither arrest him nor ask him to leave the park. Another parent questioned what point the man was trying to prove. 

"Why would anyone be walking around a public park, with a lot of children and parents and people here playing baseball, and he's walking around with a gun?"

Uh, because they are fucking insecure assholes who have control issues? Just a wild guess:)


GuardDuck said...


Markley's law confirmed in the opening post

Mark Ward said...

Interesting that your first comment on this was not to denounce what this guy did but analyze me. Ah well...

Larry said...

I denounce him as an asshole. But there's never been a cause so noble or just that assholes won't attach themselves to it. Just look at some of your pet causes...

Mark Ward said...

I can't disagree with you, Larry.

GuardDuck said...

Do I have to denounce him Mark? You realize I used to arrest assholes like that don't you? No, I don't have to denounce an action that is so obviously assholish.

What is interesting is that not only do you fall into a classic psychological trap regarding guns, but your response to being shown that is to lash out. Defensive much?