
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

So Much For Government Force

It really sucks that the Cliven Bundy kerfuffle has now all become about race. What it should be about is a deadbeat receiving a government handout who thinks, as a communist would ironically, that land belongs to everyone. I thought conservatives were all about property rights...

But what really perplexes me about all of this is how the government, which I have been told many, many times will come with guns and force citizens to pay taxes if they haven not, has given up for the time being. Obviously, they don't want another Waco and with all the attention on Bundy, as well as the militia guys frothing at the mouth to fire their guns, any sort of forceful action would still look bad even given how much of an asshole Bundy has shown himself to be.

I guess the government really isn't in the "force" business after all and apparently is a lot weaker than we think.


GuardDuck said...

Huh, I thought you said that some civilians with rifles would be steamrolled by the gov't?

Mark Ward said...

Of course they could do it if they wanted to, GD, but they didn't so that pretty much torpedoes your whole "men with guns coming to your house" force meme. Care to retract it?

GuardDuck said...

Yeah... except for the part where men with guns actually did go to some guys house to force things.... and the only reason they stopped was because other guys with guns were there saying no. Are you really this dense?

Mark Ward said...

Ah, so the "good guys" stopped the "bad guys" and that's all there was to it. Obviously, there is more to it than that. The federal government clearly did not want another Waco and so, with all the media attention, they backed off. This means that the "men with guns forcing us to do something meme" doesn't always play out that way when other factors are in play.

This doesn't change the fact that Bundy is getting government handouts and has zero respect for property laws. The land belongs to everyone? Really? That sounds like communism to me.

GuardDuck said...

Now you're mumbling about other stuff....