
Sunday, July 05, 2015

Lots of Reflection

My question on Quora, How exactly are Christians under attack in the United States?,  has now received nearly 20,000 views. There have really been some great answers and the top one has this great line in it.

In essence, for the first time in living memory Christians are being called out on the ways they've accrued, maintained, and abused privilege in this country. The vast majority are taking this in a remarkably Christ-like way, but the ones making this claim (oh no! we're being persecuted!) are still fighting to restore their dominance.

Right. It's not that they are being persecuted. It's that they are not allowed to be bigoted assholes anymore and that pisses them off. In fact, this comment can be extended to all of conservative land. It's not that the media is liberal. It's that they are telling the truth about conservative BS. It's not that fact checkers are biased. They are calling conservatives on their bullshit and people are finally listening.

Check out this answer.

The comment thread is most illuminating. Here is my favorite.

Your sect may claim that Jesus had something to do with the harsh rules of the Old Testament, but you seem to cherry-pick which rules to keep and which to throw away. You have no evidence that your interpretation of the Bible is accurate or that any deity actually exists. You are not stating the truth. You are preaching the doctrines of your sect, doctrines that are without supporting evidence. Other Christian denominations reject what you teach.


Zoinks! Another "fake" Christian!!! Seems like this is becoming a trend. Gee, I wonder why...:)

1 comment:

Nikto said...

There's no mystery about this.

The reason conservative Christians are receiving condemnation and verbal abuse should be abundantly clear to any Biblical scholar. It lies in Matthew 7:12: Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.

Or, if you prefer Galatians 6:7: [W]hatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Conservative Christians have been heaping abuse and scorn upon gays, blacks, immigrants and atheists for centuries. These groups are no longer constrained by social pressures to keep quiet.

This is the main reason some conservative whites and Fox News anchors are terrified and want to "take their country back." The handwriting is on the wall: their kind is only going to decline in political power. They have been extremely abusive to these other groups and now they're afraid of Biblical karma being visited upon their heads.

Confederates thought slavery could never be abolished because freed slaves would slaughter their former masters in retribution for centuries of mistreatment, with forced labor, torture, rape and familial destruction. The 1804 Haiti Massacre scared the pants off white slave holders in the United States.

For a while Lincoln even thought that the solution to this problem was to send former slaves to Africa.

The answer for conservative Christians is therefore easy. If they want to stop being treated like bigoted idiots, they should stop acting like bigoted idiots.

However, Donald Trump's instantaneous rise in the polls after his comments about Mexico sending us their criminals and rapists indicates this won't be happening any time soon.