
Thursday, October 01, 2015

And, Once Again, Another Fucking Mass Shooting

How much longer are we going to have to put up with this shit? Same bullshit, different day. The president has now delivered his 15TH address to the media on a mass shooting. For the general public, it's become routine. For the families who have lost loved ones, they get the to join the really, super special club of devastated people who got shit on by the Gun Cult.

There is one thing that is different about this case, though. Oregon has conceal carry and Umpqua Community College allows conceal carry on campus. MSNBC just interviewed a gentlemen by the name of John Parker Jr. who had a gun and did not draw it. So, plenty of good guys with guns and they didn't stop him. And the bad guy wasn't deterred. At the very least, we can now fully dispense with that bullshit lie.

I love my country but the fact that nothing is done while people are being slaughtered regularly makes me pretty fucking ashamed of it.


Larry said...

John Parker was in a different building about 200 yards away from the building where the shooting happened. From the interview I saw, he only heard secondhand that there was an active shooter, and he thought it could be someone on the other side river target shooting. He and someone started to head over to see what was going on when the were told to go inside, that there was a lockdown. Also, the interim president of the college stated in her press conference that the campus IS a gun-free zone. That's also stated on the college's website, which is down at the moment, no doubt overloaded. But the Wayback Machi e has it archived. See Clause 19. She's somewhat mistaken, though. While Oregon law says that campuses can't ban legal concealed carry on their grounds, they can still do so in the buildings on campus. Mr. Parker responded that it's not his job to instruct everybody in the law of the land, and that the 2nd Amendment is clear. Had he been in the same building as the shooter, he might've been able to do something. But since he wasn't even an eyewitness, he couldn't and didn't.

Mark Ward said...

John Parker said in the interview on MSNBC that the campus allows conceal carry and that there are always many students who carry their guns there.

Mark Ward said...