
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Because of Computers

Donald Trump is still refusing to accept the reality of Russia (Putin) using propaganda to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.

Trump — who, for extra flair, spoke with an American- and Israeli-flag-wielding Don King at his side — blamed the whole controversy on the confusing nature of “computers.” “I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of the computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what’s going on,” he said. “We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind of security we need.”

He sounds as bad as Hillary did when wondered if you could scrub a hard drive with cloth. Also, this is not a good image for the president elect...

Just sayin'...

By the way, speaking of election meddling...what happened to all those mouth foamed cries of voter fraud? Now, it's not as rampant since Trump won?

Once again, voter fraud is very rare in this country and in no way did it affect the outcome of the 2016 election. There's a big difference between the hacking of emails combined with the spread of propaganda through fake news to an all too gullible conservative population and the hacking of actual voting machines. The latter never happened and there was virtually zero voter fraud.

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