
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Our Warming Planet

1 comment:

Nikto said...

Temperatures are setting records around the world. In Japan, according to the Wall Street Journal, dozens of people have died in temperatures reaching 106 degrees.

They're worried that the heat will kill athletes and spectators in the 2020 Olympic Games, to be held in July and August. Now, everyone knows that Japan is hot in July, and that’s why they held the 1964 Olympics in October.

Yet for some reason (bribery and the involvement of the Yakuza), Tokyo’s application for a July Olympics was approved.

With average summer temperatures several degrees warmer than they were 54 years ago, and the significantly higher humidity that accompanies higher temps, the summer games should be rescheduled for October 2020.

And that will give Japan extra time to build the air-conditioned stadium they promised for the Games, but then reneged on.