
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Trump's Best Words 2019

Wow. Seriously, Trump supporters, this is your guy?

1 comment:

Nikto said...

Everyone makes little mistakes when they speak. They say the wrong words. They mispronounce words. They call people by the wrong name. Obama made mistakes in his speeches all the time.

But Trump's errors are of a different order. His brain is clearly fritzing out. He's short-circuiting in the middle of sentences. He's clearly not all there.

Trump did not talk that way 20 years ago. His mental state and cognitive capacity are deteriorating. This was evident even before he was elected, and it's only gotten worse under the stresses of the office.

This is only one of the many reasons that Republicans in the Senate should pressure Trump to resign, before a vote on impeachment. It will save everyone, especially the Republican Party, a great deal of pain and suffering.

And then the Evangelicals will get who they really wanted in the first place: Mike Pence.