
Saturday, October 09, 2021

A Slow Moving Coup

Bill Maher is hoping that his latest editorial scares the shit out of more people. I'm just hoping that it wakes the Democrats up and they start arresting the people that are trying to take over our country. 

We are already in a civil war. We know who the bad guys are. We saw them on January 6th. We see them here. They are attempting to turn our country into an authoritarian regime by accusing the rest of us of doing the same thing. 

This was done quite successfully in Germany in the 1930s. People like Kevin Baker have fully embraced Goebbels-like tactics out of pure fear and hatred. They continually LIE about the left and, quite frankly, anyone who doesn't agree with them. 

They are very dangerous and must be stopped within the law that we are barely holding on to...


Kevin said...

Wow. You really are obsessed with me, aren't you? And even more so Trump.

How did those "Jim Crow" voting laws in Georgia that got the All-Star game moved to Texas do? They were supposed to suppress Black voter turnout! What was that? Turnout was UP?

And those racist, misogynist anti-immigrant Virginia voters tossed out Andrew McAuliffe! But they also elected a 1st generation Cuban-American Attorney General and a Black woman Lt. Governor from Jamaica. But they aren't authentic because they're Republicans, right?

I notice that you haven't said anything about Bill Maher's latest anti-woke monologues. Interesting.

As to Authoritarianism, again, Trump didn't push for vaccine passports ("Papiere, bitte!") Trump never suggested "Get the jab or lose your job." And, BTW, I'm heartened by the negative reaction of the population to that authoritarianism. I'm sure you're quite terrified of it.

"Authoritarian." You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

I come by and check here from time to time just to see what insanity you're spouting. You never disappoint!

Mark Ward said...

"What was that? Turnout was UP?"

I think you guys should keep enacting stricter voting laws. It seems to help Democrats out quite a bit:)

"And those racist, misogynist anti-immigrant Virginia voters tossed out Andrew McAuliffe!"

Well, first of all, it's Terry Mcauliffe. And he wasn't tossed out. Ralph Northam is the outgoing governor and he is term-limited. Mcauliffe was a poor candidate. Youngkin won because he ran as a non-cult Republican. Conservatives would win even more elections if they stopped being racist and realized that non white people are actually pretty conservative.

"I notice that you haven't said anything about Bill Maher's latest anti-woke monologues. Interesting."

I haven't said anything because he's making it out to be a bigger problem than it is. At best it's a mild issue. Not as bad as what he talks about in this video. That's what you support. Fascism. And that includes putting on a big, hysterical show about how the other side is actually fascist (see also: Goebbels).

"Authoritarian." You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."

It means you and your ilk. You essentially are the age of an adolescent. The world revolves around the individual and not what's best for society. You DON'T WANNA because the adults trying to solve problems AREN'T THE BOSS OF YOU and THINK THEY ARE SO SMART.

We saw what you are all about on January 6th. It was a dress rehearsal. Perhaps you should try something larger next time. Maybe bring about Gilead?

"I come by and check here from time to time just to see what insanity you're spouting. You never disappoint!"

Name an unbiased platform where we can debate without either of our fanbases. I'll show up.
Then we'll see who has a reality recognition problem.

Kevin said...

Andrew McAuliffe: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

McAuliffe was a former governor. He was a known quantity. He was soundly rejected.

So Maher's anti-woke rants are overblown, but his coup rants are spot-on. Check.


"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master--that's all."

Which then leads into: "The world revolves around the individual and not what's best for society." Who decides what's "best for society"? See: "Which is to be master."

"We saw what you are all about on January 6th." And we saw what you are all about in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and D.C. between May and June of 2020, among other places.

You have a fanbase?

Mark Ward said...

It speaks volumes that you equate the fight for equity with an actual insurrection and attempted coup. Also, tu quoque fallacy and one of three adolescent positions you always hold (NO YOU).

In addition, I live in Minneapolis so I’m a primary source on what happened. What do your want to know?