
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Why They Love Trump

Nikto recently left a comment that is deserving of its own post.

Trump's popularity among conservatives is much simpler to explain than that. They derive enjoyment from hurting other people. Trump loves to hurt other people. Therefore they love Trump. They don't give a damn about abortion, or religion, or morality, or anything else really. They just like seeing people hurt. That's why they like guns, hunting, waterboarding, war, NASCAR, boxing, you name it. Reality TV shows like the one Trump was on are all about humiliating people, hurting them to their core. That's how Trump wormed his way into these people's hearts. Are these people tired of their own hurt so they want to see others hurt? Or are they all just psychopaths like Trump? 

I don't know. But eventually they'll come to understand that Trump has been playing them all this time, and they'll be the ones that are hurting. Trump's policies are going to screw over his base royally. The question is whether they'll be able to escape the Sunk Cost Fallacy and blow off Trump and the Republican Party, which has been screwing them for more than five decades now.

Amen, brother.

Trump Voters Don't Really Support Him. They Just Love To Watch Him Make Liberals Pissed Off.

I was recently asked to answer the following question on Quora.

How many Conservatives are sick and tired of Trump's childish tweets?

I get asked to answer a lot of questions on Quora these days and it's tough to get to them all. I think I'm up to 81 now that I have not answered. I will likely pass on this one because I'm not conservative. Thankfully, however, several of the answers and comments have confirmed what I have asserted many times since the election.

Trump supporters don't really have anything they stand for. They are just against liberals and loving watching them get pissed off. Here are some of the answers and comments from this question..

Not this one. I am loving the way Trump can play the left like an entire orchestra of violins.I'm just waiting for the day when he tweets something that seems like absolute gibberish (like “gerfuffle bdank torg meankforth!” or something like that) and claims he was speaking in tongues. Now THAT is going to make for some interesting television.

Trump is living in their heads rent-free. Glad I loaded up on popcorn, Chris, cuz this is some show!

Some people would say that making liberal heads explode does make the country a better place.

I want to commend these folks on being honest. I’ve suspected that Trump supporters don’t so much support him as they are against liberals and love watching them squirm. Thanks for confirming it.

What does that say when one doesn’t actually support something but is merely against something else? “We hate smug liberal elites” isn’t much of a platform.

As a liberal, I think Donald Trump doesn’t really need liberals to react to anything he does anymore. He seems to be doing a fine job of being his own worst enemy, especially when he tweets. As someone who has raised adolescents and works with them every day as a teacher, the best thing you can do when someone is negatively seeking attention is to ignore them.

So, Mr. President, keep it up! It’s going to make Richard Mueller’s job a lot easier:)

Friday, June 23, 2017

Jobs Trump Says He Saved Going to Mexico

As a candidate Donald Trump claimed he would completely stop the flow of jobs to Mexico. In December he claimed he forced Carrier to keep jobs at a plant in Indiana.

But it was all a lie. Six hundred people at the plant in Indianapolis are getting laid off between now and Christmas, even after the state gave them $7 million in tax gimmicks. It was all a scam: the money Carrier is getting will be used to finance greater automation at the plant, not hire workers.

Trump is breaking all his promises: the health care plan Republicans are working will cost more and cover less. The people who voted for Trump will be screwed worst of all.

After criticizing George W. Bush for military adventures in the Middle East, Trump is ramping up the US military forces in Afghanistan, shooting down Syrian warplanes, sucking up to Saudi Arabia and badmouthing allies like Qatar as terrorists while simultaneously selling them billions of dollars of military hardware.

Trump promised a Muslim travel ban, but the courts have shut it down, mostly because Trump sabotaged his own executive order by flapping his big fat yap and Twittering with his fat, stubby fingers in the middle of the night.

Trump complained that Obama golfed too much, and in just five months he's been golfing more than Obama ever did.

Speaking of golf, Trump is so fat and out of shape that he drove a golf cart on a green at the course where the women's U.S. Open will be held next month. I guess that'll put those women in their place.

His staff is divided into at least two warring camps (pro-Bannon and pro-Kushner), all of whom are leaking furiously to the press to make the other guys look bad.

Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer has banned the press from recording the daily briefing because Trump keeps contradicting everything Spicer says, and the administration tired of looking like a pack of confused and lying idiots.

After claiming he has accomplished more than any president in history in his first 100 days in office, Trump has in fact accomplished nothing in five months except make himself look like a petty, foolish puppet of Vladimir Putin.

Three different lawsuits have been filed against Trump for violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution for receiving money from foreign governments from the businesses he refuses to divest from.

And, of course, Trump is now under investigation for obstruction of justice after firing FBI Director James Comey for refusing to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn's Russian connections.

And what does Trump do? He goes to Iowa to hold a campaign rally when the next election is three god-damned years away!

To quote Trump verbatim: how stupid are the people of Iowa?

Every Year

The Sound of Silence

For all their talk about supporting people of color owning guns, gun rights activists have certainly shut right up about Jerimino Yanez being acquitted in the shooting of CCW holder Philando Castile, haven't they? Nothing but crickets from the NRA about that incident but they still are foaming at the mouth about mentally unstable (white) males not being able to carry guns at Chipotle.

Here are some interesting reactions...

The NRA Shuns a Second Amendment Martyr

The NRA's Silence on Philando Castile's Death Is Shameful

NRA Honors Philando Castile with Unending Moment of Silence

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

To Win Democrats Have to Run Candidates Who Live in the District

Lots of Democrats are up in arms about Ossoff's loss in Georgia. People gave lots of reasons why he lost: it was a heavily Republican district, he wasn't really representative of the people who live there, he made a silly Star Wars video in college, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

But the biggest reason he lost was that he didn't even live in the district. Yeah, it's legal in Georgia to represent a district where you don't live, but Ossoff couldn't even vote for himself.

Ossoff was a carpetbagger. Southerners hate carpetbaggers. Given that, it's amazing that he did as well as he did.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

14 Crucial Facts About Gun Violence

The Trace has up some great information up about gun violence. My favorite fact?

06. The NRA is dominant at the state level.

They are dominant because NRA members vote. So, let's get more people to vote than they have. Only a third of our country owns guns and an even smaller percentage of them are gun rights activists. I would imagine there are more folks that support common sense gun safety regulation than don't. But this majority doesn't vote as intensely and we need to figure out why.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Coal: the Moby-Dick of Energy Production

John Oliver had an excellent (and humorous) segment on coal in his show last night:

He clearly understands the problems that coal miners face, and a hell of a lot of the problems come from the men who run the coal industry.

Management and the Republicans have turned the miners against liberals and the environment. But the real enemy is and always has been the people who run coal mines. Miners were essentially slaves until unions were able to stand up to management and demand better wages, working conditions and safety procedures. Unions are the only reason coal jobs pay well in the first place.

But as Oliver mentions, employment in the coal industry has been declining for decades, mostly due to mechanization, changes in mining techniques and competition from cheaper sources of energy. That decline has been accelerated in recent years by the decrease in natural gas prices. Natural gas is now cheaper, and more importantly, much cleaner and safer than coal in every phase of extraction and energy production.

These days coal is more expensive than renewables for energy production, and it suffers from many of the same problems: you can't turn a coal-fired power planet off and on at will because you're dealing with tons of coal in a giant furnace that boils water. Since coal plants need access to a lot of water, they must be sited by rivers. And they have to be on rail lines to receive thousands of tons of coal a day.

By contrast, natural-gas turbine generators are basically instant-on and instant-off: just twist a valve. They can be built just about anywhere there's a gas pipeline, and can be as large or small as needed and still be efficient.

Most of the natural gas we use to day is extracted from the ground (in unfortunately destructive and polluting ways) and is not renewable. But it's still just methane, and methane can be generated by any number of natural and artificial processes (bacterial decay, for example). That means natural gas can eventually become a renewable resource, and natural gas turbines will always be viable. Coal plants are toxic dinosaurs.

But at this point it has become clear that burning non-renewable resources such as coal and oil to produce electricity is extremely short-sighted. Those resources are needed to make stuff, like plastics, nylon, steel, carbon fiber, carbon filters, various kinds of silicon products, including solar cells.

A couple of weeks ago Trump trumpeted that fact that a new coal mine was opening up in Pennsylvania. This mine produces high-grade metallurgical (coking) coal or anthracite coal, not thermal (steam) coal or bituminous coal. Metallurgical coal is used to make steel and other products. Anthracite is purer, harder and has a higher carbon content than bituminous coal. It's also much rarer.

This is the biggest reason we should be turning away from burning coal and oil for energy. There is only a finite amount of these natural resources, which we can use to make stuff. Manufacturing creates more jobs throughout the economy and sells for a higher price than a kilowatt of electricity.

One day people will shake their heads incredulously at the idea that we just burned coal for heat in the same way that we are appalled at the idea that people slaughtered whales by the thousands to burn the oil from their blubber for illumination.

Just like Ahab's pursuit of the great white whale, using coal for energy production will lead to a bitter disaster.

The Democrats Action Plan

The special election for Tom Price's old seat in Georgia is set for tomorrow and the race is in a dead heat. Jon Ossoff holds a small lead in the poll averages but it's well within the margin of error. The advantage is still held by Republicans because historically they turn out to vote in special elections and Democrats don't. Hell, Democrats don't turn out in any election except presidential ones. So, how do we get them to turn out?

Here's a step by step action plan that will help the Democrats take back both federal and state houses as well as the presidency.

Step 1

Identify all obstacles to voting (including apathy) and work to remove them so more people vote. This would include getting more people registered and jumping through whatever hoops Republicans have put out there to prevent folks from voting.

Step 2

Identify the counties that flipped from Obama to Trump. Oh wait. Here they are. As a side note, take a look at the counties that flipped from Romney to Clinton. Why did this happen?

Step 3.

Find local people in these counties that are willing to work to galvanize voters and turn them out every single election year. The goal should be to get two times the number of voters that the GOP has. National Democratic operatives should stay away from these counties and let the local people do the work since they know the area.

Step 4

Within the ranks of these local people, pull the best and the brightest to run for office themselves. This should include everything from dog catcher all the way to House Representative. Again, there should be no carpet bagging and national folks should stay away. Donations, of course, are fine but that national groups should be acting merely in a support capacity. Delegate, delegate, delegate!

Step 5

Candidates and campaign workers should spend a great deal of time visiting with local voters asking them questions and listening to their concerns. As a teacher, my most effective lessons are the ones where the students have the most input in what and how they are taught. Counties are a small enough pool that there should be consensus on many issues. Identify those voters that flipped from Obama to Trump and pay extra attention to them. Use this information to develop a strong, populist platform that appeals to many different voters.

Step 6

Tell the truth. For example, let the people know in rural Wisconsin that their jobs aren't coming back and they need to retrain for the 21st century. They might get mad but the response could be that you are telling it like it is. At least they will respect that.

If they can carry these steps out in even an average fashion, they will win many elections.

The Ossoff-Mandel special election bothers me because so many national groups are involved. That's why I think the Democrats are at a disadvantage here. If they win, I'll be surprised.

Yet maybe, this is true.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

It's The People, Not Trump

This article in today's Strib illustrates something I have been saying all along. Trump really isn't the problem. It's the people who blindly follow him. So, starting today, I'm going to call them out, hence the new tag, Trump People. I think they need to start owning their vote and be called out for the insane shit they believe so here goes...

For Carla Dahm, right, yeah, he's a got a that why he tweets like teenage girl any time he's caught in a lie or someone criticizes him?

For Don Marben, you like his brash, take no prisoner's attitude? He calls a spade a spade? Great. You are a moron and a fool for supporting him. He has completely conned you.

For Brenda Sanderson, you sound like a Scientologist.

For LuAnn Hultgren, a tight rein on our country, you say? More control, you say? You'd fit quite well in Germany in the 1930s.

For John Lever, bomb North Korea? Rattle the saber with China? I hope your retirement and gun club salary can pay for the increased cost of...well...just about everything you buy these days.

For Elsie Abrahamson and Beret Ouren, do realize that he was pro choice up until just a few years ago when he found it politically convenient? And Roe V Wade isn't going anywhere.

For Rich Abraham, Obama hurt your feelings? Aw, shucks, precious snowflake, maybe you should take heart that he increased the defense budget every single year of his presidency.

For David Traenor, you are the exact reason why the Russians were able to do what they did in the 2016 election. Thanks, asshole.

For Kenneth Mosser, a Dumbocrat? What are you...five years old?

Honestly, these people and their blind devotion terrify me.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Bitch To Your Elected Representatives, Vote Every Year, Run For Office

Yesterday, Officer Jeronimo Yanez was found not guilty on all counts Friday in the death of Philando Castile last year. The aftermath owas livestreamed by Castile's girlfriend on Facebook but that still wasn't enough to convict Yanez. Many folks were arrested last night as protesters took to I-94 upset over the verdict. This one hit me particularly hard as Castile worked in a school and knew all the kids by name. By all accounts, he was a great guy who absolutely did not deserve to be shot seven times for expired fucking tabs.

Yet, I look at the protests and can't help but feel frustrated. Yanez was found not guilty because the law offers multiple layers of protections for the police. Don't  like it? Start bitching to your elected representatives, vote EVERY year, or run for office yourself. Anyone who was out on 94 last night should be organizing in offices and figuring out how to get more people to vote to change this law. These same people should be running for office so they can then vote to change the law. Protests don't do shit unless you are protesting the office of your elected representative. If you want the law to change, you have to dedicate more time and consideration than a few hours of protesting.

Deal with reality otherwise reality will keep dealing with you.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Amazon Is Now Officially the Evil Empire started as an online book retailer 23 years ago. They were great: I started buying stuff from them in 1995. They branched out to CDs and DVDs pretty quickly, and then started selling absolutely everything. 

They became a front-end to thousands of other smaller retailers, helping them get into the online marketplace. They developed the Kindle and started selling e-books in a big way, practically creating the market from scratch.

They started selling online video, mostly reruns of TV episodes and some movies, about the same time Netflix began to offer their streaming service. Like Netflix, they've started producing a their own content, offering series like The Man in the High Castle and The Tick.

Jeff Bezos, the founder, has used his billions to acquire the Washington Post and even started his own rocket launch company, Blue Horizon (his rockets look like flying dildos). And just the other day Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market.

Sadly, Amazon has used its market clout to become a monopoly. It started innocently enough with the Amazon Prime service, which locks you into Amazon's ecosystem by offering free shipping and special deals.

Now small online retailers are being screwed by Amazon. To have online street cred you have to be listed on Amazon, and Amazon always lists their version of your product before your website. That means Amazon is always taking a thick percentage from your sales, a sort of online mafia protection racket.

People think that Amazon offers the best price. They don't. Using the terabytes of data they collect on you and everyone else, their algorithms offer you the highest price they think you'll pay, and hide lower prices from you.

For some time Amazon has been looking into expanding into the brick and mortar world from the online world to better compete with Walmart and Target, having already crushed OfficeMax, K-Mart, Sears and other retailers. They have been building warehouses around the country to decrease shipping time and costs. The acquisition of Whole Foods is another big step in that direction.

Amazon even has a plan to tighten their grip on people who will be shopping in their brick and mortar stores. As reported in the Washington Post, ironically enough:
Amazon was awarded a patent May 30 that could help it choke off a common issue faced by many physical stores: Customers’ use of smartphones to compare prices even as they walk around a shop. The phenomenon, often known as mobile “window shopping,” has contributed to a worrisome decline for traditional retailers.
[Amazon's in-store wi-fi network may] block access to the competitor’s site, preventing customers from viewing comparable products from rivals. It might redirect the customer to Amazon’s own site or to other, Amazon-approved sites. It might notify an Amazon salesperson to approach the customer. 
Yes, now that Amazon is in the real world, they want to stop other companies from doing to Amazon what Amazon did to them.

Well, you say, why should Amazon let customers use their network to access competitors' web sites? Why can't customers just use their cell phone network? For one thing, cell reception is frequently terrible in big steel buildings, which is why stores provide wi-fi. Active cell phone jamming is [currently] illegal, but Amazon could easily turn their stores into giant Faraday cages with a little bit of chicken wire embedded in the concrete to passively block cell reception.

Or Amazon could cut deals with cell phone providers to block or slow customers' access to certain web sites on cell towers near Amazon stores. That would be perfectly allowable now that the Trump administration has dumped net neutrality.

Amazon is also providing Internet service through Frontier Communications. Are they going to use their patent to block access to their competitors through that service as well?

I like the Washington Post. I like Blue Origin. I want to like Amazon. What I don't like is that Bezos is creating a monopoly and using that power to destroy other companies, taking money out of local communities and sending it all to Seattle.

Walmart started this trend, destroying local businesses and replacing them with giant superstores that eliminated millions of small retail jobs, especially in rural America (Walmart has completely wiped out local retail in rural Minnesota). Now Amazon is going to do Walmart one better, replacing employees with warehouse robots, self-driving long-haul trucks, delivery drones and completely automatic checkout.

You'll know the end is nigh when Jeff Bezos announces that he's going to use his New Glenn rockets to launch his Amazon Death Star.

Is It Time Now?

Every time there's a horrific mass shooting, the NRA says it's not time to talk about gun violence. However, in the aftermath of the shooting on the baseball field in Virginia, it is time to discuss the the ridiculousness of the idea that "guns are protection."

People playing baseball can't carry guns. You can't swing a bat or run bases or field the ball with an AK-47 slung over your shoulder. And even if you could, it wouldn't help.

See, the bad guys don't play fair. They shoot you in the back, at a distance, from cover, when you're least expecting it. A shooter who knows what he's doing can fire off 40-60 rounds in less than 30 seconds, easily hitting five, ten, even 20 victims if the targets are closely grouped. By the time anyone realizes what's happening a dozen people are shot.

Ironically, the morning of the shooting the House was scheduled to hear a bill on making it easier to buy silencers. As always, they came up with a phony reason for the bill: hearing protection.

But what it really does is protect assassins, allowing them to kill more people by making it harder for their victims to tell where the shots are coming from. Silencers don't completely suppress the report of a rifle (and they can degrade accuracy), but they make it harder to hear the shots, and a lot harder to identify the shooter's location.

People at Wednesday's incident knew there was a shooting because they could hear the shooting

With a silencer the shooter would have even more time to take pot shots at people on the field: victims would start falling, one by one, with no obvious reason why. He might have shot 10 people instead of just five.

But back to the silliness of the idea of guns providing "protection." Having a gun will not stop you from getting shot. Two cops were on duty protecting Congressman Scalise: they (or the Alexandria police, who responded within minutes) eventually got the shooter, but they were also wounded. Having a gun makes you a high-priority target.

What does provide protection is body armor. Reports aren't clear on this, but the shooter doesn't appear to have been wearing any. However, the Aurora theater shooter was, according to CNN: "Holmes spent 903.67 on body armor: a bulletproof torso and neck protector, bulletproof arm protection and two different bulletproof groin protectors." It's nuts that that nut was able to buy body armor.

If the Virginia shooter had been fully decked out the way the NRA and Republicans apparently wanted him to be, with an assault rifle, high capacity magazines, body armor and a silencer, he could have fired hundreds of rounds for an hour or more before they finally put the animal down.

Conservatives always want to put a political, partisan or racist spin on every incident, to "prove" they're right. But the problem is not right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, Christian vs. Muslim.

It's really a conflict between those who use chaos and violence against those who advocate for law and peace.

Those who think that assault rifles, silencers and body armor belong in the hands of any random, unbalanced, incompetent civilian are on the side of chaos and violence.

It's true that guns aren't the only way to kill people: terrorists have used bombs, trucks, cars, machetes, and knives to kill. But soldiers don't drive semis and carry machetes into battle: they use guns because they inflict maximum carnage.

Angry, child-beating civilians like the Virginia shooter should not be carrying weapons of war on the streets of America.

Yeah, we can't save everyone. But if we could cut our murder and suicide rates by two, or five or ten, by keeping guns out of the hands of people who have demonstrated they are prone to violence or depression, wouldn't that be worth it to save 15,000 or 25,000 lives?

We put child pornographers who've never even touched a kid on sex offender registries for their entire lives, restricting their constitutional rights to freedom of association and movement forever, banning them from getting any number of jobs and drastically affecting their everyday lives.

Yet we allow wife-beaters and bar-brawlers who have actually hurt real people to own guns when the evidence is clear that such people are much more likely to commit gun violence. Not having a gun would not affect these people's everyday lives. Yes, they could still hunt: there are these things called bows.

Steve Scalise, the Lousiana congressman who was shot in the pelvis on Wednesday, is one of those Republicans who blew a bowel every time someone suggested we do something about the epidemic of gun violence in this country.

Well, this time the shooter blew Scalise's bowel for him. And Scalise may need to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of his life.

Virginia Gun Laws Explained

Since the shooting in Alexandria on Wednesday, we've heard the usual nonsense from  the Gun Cult regarding strict regulations and how if only those members were allowed to carry a gun, things might not have been so bad. They seem to forget that the Capital police (armed) were on the scene and did their job.

Further, gun laws in Virginia are pretty lax. No permit is required to purchase a long gun or hand gun. There is no registration. Virginia is a "shall issue" state for concealed carry. Permits are not issued to non-residents and training is permitted online or in person. Open carry is allowed although Alexandria has an exception for this on assault weapons. These restrictions do not apply for concealed carry permit holders. They have no background checks for private sales and no magazine restrictions.

So, what the fuck is the Gun Cult talking about? Anyone at the baseball game could have been armed to the teeth but they weren't. Why?

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Trump Now Under Investigation

President Trump has said for weeks that he is not under investigation. He claimed vindication after Comey's testimony last week. But now it appears that Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor in this case, is investigating Trump himself for possible obstruction of justice. As has been the case with past presidents, it's not the crime itself that they get dinged for. It's the cover up.

What could possibly be so bad about Russia that Trump would go to such lengths as to put himself in legal jeopardy?

Anger, Hate, and Fear Come Home To Roost

GOP Congressmen felt the wraith of a psychotic yesterday in the form of one James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois. In ten gut wrenching minutes, Hodgkinson shot up a baseball field where many House reps were practicing for a charity game. At this point, the only fatality is Hodgkinson himself although House Majority Whip, Steve Saclise is still in critical condition after being hit in the hip.

As I suspected, the blame for this is being laid at the feet of the "hateful rhetoric" of the left. That's like the pyromaniac accusing someone suffering from pyrophobia of starting a fire. Worse, the relaxed attitude towards gun violence and total instransigence on enhancing firearm regulation lead to events like this every day. I'm reminding of the following verse from the Bible.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap ( King James Version of the Bible, Epistle to the Galatians, 6:7).

It was only a matter of time before some angry, nut job on the left easily acquired firearms and went after the folks who made it easier to do so. This guy would have never had the guns he did had Republicans taken steps over the years to restrict access to firearms. Under current law, however, he legally purchased the assault rifle used yesterday in the shooting. Rand Paul, who was present at the shooting, said were it not for the Capital police (trained, armed professionals), it would have been worse. I'm wondering if they will learn anything from this horrific event.

Sadly, I doubt it. What will likely happen is a call for Congressmen to arm themselves at all times. Or more about how liberals are all incendiary revolutionists bent on taking down the state. I've been saying for years that this kind of event is what will change the minds of those folks who don't recognize the reality of gun violence.

The reality of their epistemic closure tells me otherwise.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Praising Dear Leader

Quite possibly the most disturbing thing I have seen yet from the Trump Administration. Other than SecDef Mattis, what a bunch of mindless sycophants. Is Trump so insecure that he needs that much praise? And how about all the out and out lying? He hasn't done anything!

I'll be throwing up now the rest of the day.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Trump Doesn't Even Want the Travel Ban

The key part of the executive order suspended travel from six predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days to give the administration time to conduct a review. If that review can be completed, the justices may decide that the case is or will soon be moot. 

Like the Fourth Circuit, Judge Watson blocked major parts of the revised order on the ground that they violated the Constitution’s ban on a government establishment of religion. Judge Watson wrote that the statements of Mr. Trump and his advisers made clear that his executive order amounted to an attempt to disfavor Muslims.

“A reasonable, objective observer — enlightened by the specific historical context, contemporaneous public statements and specific sequence of events leading to its issuance — would conclude that the executive order was issued with a purpose to disfavor a particular religion,” Judge Watson wrote.
Trump's second travel ban was supposed to be temporary, but was sabotaged by Trump's own anti-Muslim statements, causing the ban to be hung up in court for as long as it was supposed to last.

The thing is, Trump's guys had to know this would happen, because the first Muslim ban was smacked down fast and hard, and the rewrite was not substantially different.

Either these people are total idiots (a definite possibility), or they just don't care that the ban will never take effect. My guess is that they never really wanted it.

Trump and his cronies are just putting on a show for the rubes, pretending to be all anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant. Meanwhile Trump is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, which has been supporting anti-American terrorists for decades, and cutting deals with Middle Eastern countries, opening a golf course in Dubai with his name on it just a month after his inauguration. And then Trump insulted Qatar, the Middle Eastern country with the largest American military base. (Remember, 9/11 happened because Osama bin Laden was insulted by the presence of American military bases in Saudi Arabia.)

The only apparent purpose of the travel ban is to create a pretext for Trump's continued attacks on the courts. He's rallying support among the Republican base to further undermine the standing of the entire judicial system.

To what end? Is Trump hoping to foment assassination attempts against federal judges in the same way he has sparked attacks on Indian engineers in a Kansas bar and girls on a Portland light rail train? Is Trump purposely sowing chaos and murder? Or is he so oblivious that he has no conception of the damage he is doing to this country?

Trump loves to say that the world is laughing at us -- he's said this literally hundreds of times.

But the truth is, they're laughing at Trump. They think he's a coarse, bumbling buffoon. The British don't even want Trump in their country.

Every day it becomes clearer that Trump isn't the president, he's a comic book villain -- the clown prince of the United States. In the comics Superman's Lex Luthor was elected president, but in this reality show world we got stuck with Batman's Joker.

No, the rest of the world isn't laughing at the United States -- they're shaking their heads in sorrow and disbelief that the people of the United States were conned by an incompetent racist, sexist provocateur who doesn't even want the job of running the country.

Putin's Seal

I used to really like Jesse Ventura. He started off as an OK governor, for the most part. But he ended up like all those other loud and rebellious libertarians out there...not knowing what the fuck he was doing. They can bitch and bitch but they don't know how to actually solve any problems.

So, it's not surprising to me that he now works for RT. After all, his ideology fits perfectly with the audience they have captured-angry, old white people who hate both parties and are all too willing to be co-opted by Russian intelligence.

What happened to these folks? Is there hatred for liberals so great that they let it blind them from what is happening?

Trump's Pick For FBI Works For Law Firm that Represents Russian Oil Interests

USA Today has a piece up regarding Trump's pick to run the FBI, Christopher Wray. Check out this part.

The most troubling issue that Wray may face is the fact that his law firm — King & Spalding — represents Rosneft and Gazprom, two of Russia’s largest state-controlled oil companies. 

Rosneft was prominently mentioned in the now infamous 35-page dossier prepared by former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele. The dossier claims that the CEO of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, offered candidate Donald Trump, through Trump’s campaign advisor Carter Page, a 19% stake in the company in exchange for lifting U.S. sanctions on Russia. The dossier claims that the offer was made in July while Page was in Moscow.

Troubling indeed. Here are my questions:

Why did Trump pick him?

Did he work for Rosneft and Gazprom while his firm represented both of these entities? If so, how?

Wray has a lot to answer if he is going to become Trumps pick for the FBI.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Follow the Lawyers...

You ever see one of those movies where the cops catch one of the little fish in a criminal conspiracy and stuff him in an interrogation room? He's the foot soldier who killed an FBI agent on orders from the big bad because he wouldn't stop the investigation. 

The cops are badgering the guy to make a deal, and are starting to make some headway when all of a sudden the lieutenant walks in and stops the interrogation, saying, "Your lawyer is here."

And the foot soldiers says, "But I don't have a lawyer." And the lieutenant says, "Well, you do now."

We find out that the lawyer was hired by the big bad who ordered the hit. This lawyer isn't really representing the foot soldier. He's representing the big bad, making sure that everyone in the conspiracy stays on the same page, that the story is consistent and that no one turns on anyone else.

The same scenario is happening in the Trump-Russia investigation. The lawyer's name is Marc Kasowitz, and he represents Donald Trump and his Russian co-conspirators:
Marc E. Kasowitz’s clients include Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who is close to President Vladimir Putin and has done business with Trump’s former campaign manager. Kasowitz also represents Sberbank, Russia’s largest state-owned bank, U.S. court records show.
Other juicy details:
In 2008, Forbes magazine listed Deripaska as the ninth-richest man in the world. In 2006, the United States revoked his visa to enter the country, citing possible ties to organized crime. He has denied those links, claiming the allegations are part of an effort to smear him.

Kasowitz represents Sberbank in a 2016 lawsuit that is still in its preliminary stages. An owner of a Russian granite-mining business accuses the bank of conspiring with competitors to dismantle his company and seize its assets. The bank has not responded in court filings.

Sberbank was one of the sponsors of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow produced by Trump, who owned the competition. The deputy head of the bank at the time was Sergey Gorkov, who met with [Jared] Kushner in December. Gorkov, a graduate of the academy of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the domestic successor of the former Soviet KGB intelligence bureau, was named to head VEB in February 2016.
It's not clear who the big bad is in this movie. Is it Deripaska, the mob boss? Is it Gorkov, the banker? Is it Putin, the puppet master behind it all?

In all these scenarios Trump is the bumbling foot soldier who was caught red-handed murdering the FBI agent on the trail of the conspiracy.

In the movies, when it becomes clear that the lawyer is just setting up the foot soldier to take the fall, the fall guy gets his own lawyer and rats on the big bad in exchange for a lesser sentence. It rarely works out well for the foot soldier, who usually winds up with a shiv in the back while awaiting trial.

The Russians meddled in the US election to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president, to sow chaos in American politics and to weaken this country. They have succeeded in all their goals.

Now Trump is under investigation, waiting to see if there's going to be an impeachment trial. He's scared out of his tiny mind, wondering who's holding the shiv and when they'll strike.

Republicans in congress, take note: do you want to be added to the list of the Trump's co-conspirators, or help get justice for the FBI agent?

Friday, June 09, 2017


Comey A Go Go

My first reaction to James Comey's testimony yesterday was not the remarks themselves but the reaction to them from various media.

CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post and most of the regular news media looked at the entirety of his testimony and gave fairly honest reporting. The right wing media (and President Trump) all cried vindication which I found to be quite at odds with reality. They also accused Comey of lying so I don't understand how Trump was vindicated if Comey was lying. How can it be both? The right wing media also went on about Hillary's emails and leakers which entirely avoids the core issue: Trump and his people colluding with the Russians.

There were no major revelations yesterday. Comey said what everyone thought he would say. The investigation with a special prosecutor (Robert Mueller) will continue and that's a good thing. Trump is not going to be able to avoid what's coming next. Honestly, I'm less worried about him these days because he's so fucking stupid. Clearly, he is his own worst enemy.

What concerns me is his legion of followers who now have all become willing receptacles of Russian propaganda. Here's a clue, assholes. Just because a link on your social media feed looks all hot and stuff with it's political porno words like "mainstream media" and "smug liberal elite" doesn't mean you should pay attention to it. They are trying to fucking brainwash you, morons. Ignore it!

Oh, and if you are offended by me calling you an asshole or a moron, you can take your precious snowflake attitude and juxtapose it with your dear leader. He won an election by doing the exact same thing.

Telling it like it is!

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Entitled Consevatives

Conservatives think that liberals have the corner market on entitlement. They whine and foam at the mouth about how liberals, especially the ones on college campuses, are massively entitled, need their safe spaces and want to protest everything.

Yet, this recent piece in the Times shows that climate deniers on the right are the absolute worst when it comes to entitlement. Check this out.

When the teacher, James Sutter, ascribed the recent warming of the Earth to heat-trapping gases released by burning fossil fuels like the coal her father had once mined, she asserted that it could be a result of other, natural causes.
When he described the flooding, droughts and fierce storms that scientists predict within the century if such carbon emissions are not sharply reduced, she challenged him to prove it. “Scientists are wrong all the time,” she said with a shrug, echoing those celebrating President Trump’s announcement last week that the United States would wit“It’s not about opinions,” he told her. “It’s about the evidence.”
“It’s like you can’t disagree with a scientist or you’re ‘denying science,”’ she sniffed to her friends.
Gwen, 17, could not put her finger on why she found Mr. Sutter, whose biology class she had enjoyed, suddenly so insufferable. Mr. Sutter, sensing that his facts and figures were not helping, was at a loss. And the day she grew so agitated by a documentary he was showing that she bolted out of the school left them both shaken.hdraw from the Paris climate accord.
When Mr. Sutter lamented that information about climate change had been removed from the White House website after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, she rolled her eyes.
“It’s his website,” she said.

What an entitled baby! I'm hearing information I don't like.....wah!!!!! Seriously, how is this any different from the folks that whine on campus about hearing words they don't like or that offend them. Like most climate deniers, they are in eternal, adolescent rebellion mode. Oh well...

At least some of the folks in the class recognize reality and changed their minds.

Trump Is Losing . . . Our Allies

The United States, after being the only superpower in the world for almost 30 years, is quickly losing influence around the world. All because Donald Trump is a stupid dickhead trying to impress stupid dickheads in the United States.

Trump attended a NATO meeting last month and refused to endorse the core tenet of the organization: the pledge that if one member state is attacked, all member states will come to its defense.

Trump has insulted Germany, our ally for over 70 years, over and over again. As a result, Chancellor Angel Merkel recently said that it's time for Europe to takes its fate into its own hands -- a clear rejection of Trump and the United States.

Trump has insulted the French, our ally since, well, before we were even a country, by pulling out of the Paris climate treaty and claiming that he was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris. Yes, we know they both start with P, but alliteration won't help Trump: the citizens of Pittsburgh voted for Hillary Clinton by a landslide of 75%.

Trump's rejection of the climate accord has the effect of handing over our dominance in world affairs to the Chinese.

Trump has insulted the South Koreans by rushing to install a missile defense system before the newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, was in office. Moon has now suspended the installation of the missile system, and is talking about doing an environmental review to delay it even further.

Trump thinks he's protecting South Korea (and the American troops stationed there) from North Korean missile attacks, but all Trump is doing is driving South Korea into the arms of China.

Trump has insulted England, again and again. Most recently it was in the person of Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, whom Trump insulted in his typical mendacious fashion after seven Londoners were murdered by terrorists.

The UK is having an election tomorrow, and Theresa May, the conservative pro-Brexit prime minister, was a shoo-in just a month ago. But now the polls are neck-and-neck, in part because May is perceived as a Trump puppet who will never criticize the boorish American.

The United States used to be the most reliable and stable country in the world. Now we're run by a childish nutjob who makes Kim Jong-un look like an elder statesman.

Don't believe me? Just watch Trump's Twitter feed, where he undermines himself and his own administration's agenda every time he lays his fat fingers on his phone.

And that statement must be true because it used alliteration three times instead of just two!

Monday, June 05, 2017

Save Your Anger for Someone Other Than Bill Maher

Everyone is piling on Bill Maher for saying that word on live TV last week. But it shouldn't be all that surprising. He used to be on a show called "Politically Incorrect," which was canceled when Maher argued that the 9/11 hijackers weren't cowards because they were in the planes when they crashed.

Saying that word was stupid and insensitive and inexcusable, and he shouldn't have said it. He's admitted this himself in an apology, though people are blasting him because of an op-ed he wrote saying that such apologies are meaningless precisely because the offense is inexcusable.

That word has been used by whites for centuries in the most offensive way possible: to deny the very humanity of people who were abducted from their homelands and forced into slavery, treated like animals and worse.

Yet that word has gained currency in countless hip-hop songs. It is sometimes used almost as a term of endearment in some exchanges among African Americans.

Which makes some whites really angry. "Why do they get to use that word among themselves, and why can't I?" they moan.

It's a difference of quality: when African Americans use it, it can be self-deprecating, and almost humorous in certain contexts -- but not all contexts. When whites use it against blacks, it is always an insult, even if it's intended as a jest.

Hearing a white person say that word pours salt in an open wound that has festered for more than four centuries.

Which brings us back to Bill Maher. He was attempting to use that word as a self-deprecating joke. He was intending to insult himself, not black people: he's a wimpy New Yorker who hates the outdoors and always stays inside.

A lot of white people in the audience thought it was funny too. But descendants of slaves didn't get a chuckle out of it, though they probably grimaced in a sorrowful sort of smile that people do when they see someone who should know better do something very stupid.

However, there's different in quality between what Maher did and Klansman are doing when they use that word. When whites use it against African Americans it they're committing verbal homicide. Maher's use was merely verbal manslaughter. The victim is just as dead, but the penalty for the infraction is different.

People should instead direct their outrage at the Orangutan from New York who ran an election campaign that emboldened racists around the country, instead of at the comedian who has been fighting the good fight against that clown in the White House for more than a decade.

Bill Whittle Wordy Squirts Some Tired Old Shit

Bill Whittle is a hero to many in the right wing blogger sphere and now that he's officially a commentator for NRA TV, he can officially order his big boy pants. Yet Media Matters points out that he's resurrecting some very old and familiar lines about race.

During a 2016 appearance on libertarian-turned-“alt-right”-commentator Stefan Molyneux’s webshow, Whittle revealed his acceptance of theories commonly called “academic” or “scientific” racism that tie together IQ scores, race, and crime. He also positively cited a white nationalist to claim people in inner cities “don't have access to cognition.” 

 In the February 12 broadcast, which was released with the title “Why Liberals Are Wrong About Inequality,” Molyneux premised his discussion with Whittle with claims that in terms of average IQ scores, Ashkenazi Jews “clock in at about 115” and “after the Jews come the East Asians, right, the Koreans, the Chinese, the Japanese, and so on. They clock in at 105, 106, but very good on visual-spacial skills and very, very fast reaction times, which is another way that they measure intelligence. Caucasians come in at about 100 and then below that are Hispanics, clocking in at around 90, and then American blacks, clocking in at around 85 -- partly because they have 20 percent European mixture in their gene pool -- and then sub-Saharan Africans, clocking in at around 70, which is obviously very tragic, but this is the reality of what's happened. And slightly below that are the aboriginals in Australia, clocking in around 67 or whatever.”

Wow. Hey, right wing blogger and commenter dudes, hitch your wagon to this star. He's a winner!

Friday, June 02, 2017

Putin Admits Russians Hacked US Election

It looks like the investigation into Russian hacking of the US election is starting to uncover solid evidence. Vladimir Putin has basically admitted the hacking:
Shifting from his previous blanket denials, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia suggested on Thursday that “patriotically minded” private Russian hackers could have been involved in cyberattacks last year that meddled in the United States presidential election.
Putin ultimately said similar things about patriotic Russians fighting in Crimea, after denying that there were any Russian troops there. But Russian troops were constantly fighting in Crimea, indiscriminately killing civilians -- including those from the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Great Britain:
A Dutch-led investigation has concluded that the powerful surface-to-air missile system used to shoot down a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine two years ago, killing all 298 on board, was trucked in from Russia at the request of Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night.
And how does Trump respond to Putin's admission of hacking? The Donald is going to let the Russians reopen their den of spies:
The Trump administration is moving toward handing back to Russia two diplomatic compounds, near New York City and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, that its officials were ejected from in late December as punishment for Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

President Barack Obama said Dec. 29 that the compounds were being “used by Russian personnel for intelligence-related purposes” and gave Russia 24 hours to vacate them. Separately, Obama expelled from the United States what he said were 35 Russian “intelligence operatives.”
This is particularly disturbing in light of this news:
In the throes of the 2016 campaign, the FBI found itself with an escalating problem: Russian diplomats, whose travel was supposed to be tracked by the State Department, were going missing. The diplomats, widely assumed to be intelligence operatives, would eventually turn up in odd places, often in middle-of-nowhere USA.

One was found on a beach, nowhere near where he was supposed to be. In one particularly bizarre case, relayed by a U.S. intelligence official, another turned up wandering around in the middle of the desert. Interestingly, both seemed to be lingering where underground fiber-optic cables tend to run.
Yes, it appears that the Russians are not satisfied with sabotaging our elections via the Internet, they appear to be planning to sabotage our Internet hardware infrastructure as well.

Trump keeps claiming that he's not colluding with the Russians. But every time Vladimir Putin says "bend over" Trump asks "how far?"

Whining Wonder Woman Wankers

After a couple of theaters announced they were going to have women-only screenings the new Wonder Woman film, a flock of insecure little bitches had to whine about it

One childish wanker apparently wrote a letter to the mayor of Austin threatening to boycott the city if they didn't host a men-only event:
"I hope every man will boycott Austin and do what he can to diminish Austin and to cause damage to the city's image. The theater that pandered to the sexism typical of women will, I hope, regret it's decision. The notion of a woman hero is a fine example of women's eagerness to accept the appearance of achievement without actual achievement. Women learn from an early age to value make-up, that it's OK to pretend that you are greater than you actually are. Women pretend they do not know that only men serve in combat because they are content to have an easier ride. Women gladly accept gold medals at the Olympics for coming in 10th and competing only against the second class of athletes. Name something invented by a woman! Achievements by the second rate gender pale in comparison to virtually everything great in human history was accomplished by men, not women. If Austin does not host a men only counter event, I will never visit Austin and will welcome it's deterioration. And I will not forget that Austin is best known for Charles Whitman. Does Austin stand for gender equality or for kissing up to women? Don't bother to respond. I already know the answer. I do not hate women. I hate their rampant hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the 'women's movement.' Women do not want gender equality; they want more for women. Don't bother to respond because I am sure your cowardice will generate nothing worth reading.

"Richard A. Ameduri"
The mayor gamely responded by alerting the writer to the fact that his email had been hacked. And then he proceeded to list several things that women did invent, including a system for torpedo control that actress Hedy Lamarr patented in 1941, which just happened to become the basis of spread-spectrum communications systems like wi-fi and cell-phone service.  But that's not important.

The mayor didn't mention Marie Curie, but she won the Nobel Prize in physics for her work on radiation in 1903 and then went on to win another Nobel in chemistry in 1911, after the death of her husband, becoming the first person of any gender to win Nobels in two different disciplines. And those "10th place" women Olympic martial artists would wipe the floor with Mr. Ameduri.

Speaking of the martial arts, Gal Gadot, the star of Wonder Woman, was a combat trainer in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), where she served for two years. Why? Because Israel requires women to serve two years in the military -- though, yes, Israeli women get an easy ride: the men have to serve for three years. Except for ultra-Orthodox conservative Haredi men, who don't have to serve in the military, or even work at all. But their wives do.

In any case, a private theater chain is hosting this special one-shot screening. All the other showings of the film will be to mixed gender audiences. The mayor can't demand the theater schedule a men-only screening any more than the mayor of Houston can demand that the Astros hire a female pitcher.

On average men make 25% more than women doing the same job. Men constitute 95% of all Fortune 500 CEOs. Men like Donald Trump think they can just do whatever the hell they want with women's bodies. 47% of the workforce is women, yet women still do the vast majority of housework, cooking and child care. Men are not the oppressed victims of estrogen-stoked rapine and plunder.

But back to the movie. The guys whining about it are oblivious: the film is about an island full of Amazons. That means that it only has women on it. The whole conceit of the movie is that there's a place where there are only women, with no petty little wankers constantly spewing misogynistic hatred about how mean women are to them.

Screening this film to a female audience is a tip of the hat to its basic conceit.

If these guys want to go see a movie with just men, they can go to any theater showing gay porn.

Oh, wait. That would mean...

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Joining Syria and Nicaragua

President Trump officially announced today that the United States would be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords. This agreement was signed on to by every other country in the world except Syria and Nicaragua. What great company to be in! Actually, considering who we have as president and how he is trying real hard to turn this country into a banana republic, I guess we fit right in.

Trump is a total fucking moron. Whether you "believe" in climate change or not, by pulling out of this agreement, we are essentially handing the keys to the renewable energy market over to the Chinese. We are saying to the world that we don't want to get into the business of renewable energy because our leader and his followers want to win a blog argument about global warming (hint: they already lost.)

We had 8 years of a great president moving us forward in the world. Now, we have a reality show buffoon whose only conviction is vanity moving us backwards. Worse, his followers are likely cheering this right now in one giant mouth foam at how they are sticking it to those smug liberal elites who think they know so much. Again, why is our country having to pay for their personal problems in life?

If we truly want US values in the world, we can't allow countries like China to lead on anything. This withdrawal means they get to run the table on us in countries that will be hit the hardest on climate change. China, not us, will be allowed to instill their values on these countries.

What a fucking disaster.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The US has a Trade Deficit Because We're Rich -- At Least Some of Us

Donald Trump has a serious Twitter problem. No, I'm not talking about "covfefe". (Trump seriously needs to get more sleep.)

I'm talking about him using Twitter to sabotage our relationship with our NATO allies.
“We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military,” an angry Mr. Trump said on Twitter on Tuesday morning. “Very bad for U.S. This will change.”
Has Vladimir Putin stolen Trump's Twitter password, or is Trump just following the orders Sergei Kislyak gave him when the Russian ambassador visited the White House?

No, it's not that: Trump is just being dense again. As has been pointed out in numerous places, German companies build a lot of their cars in the United States:
German companies employ roughly 700,000 people in the United States. Carmakers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz have huge American assembly plants, which export vehicles to China and Latin America. BMW’s factory in Spartanburg, S.C., is the largest single exporter, by dollar value, in the American automotive industry. 
Yeah, the trade deficit can be a problem. But the real reason that we have a trade deficit with most (though not all) of the rest of the world is that the United States is the richest and most successful country in the world.

Being the richest country in the world means we have the most disposable wealth. In 2015 the average American salary was higher than every other country in the world except Luxembourg, which also has a trade deficit.

Luxembourg's banking sector is a huge part of its economy, just as finance is in the United States and Switzerland, which has the third highest average salary. Banks don't build a lot of cars.

Since we're so rich, other countries step up to sell us things. We don't have to buy those things, but a lot of rich Americans like to buy expensive things from foreign countries. Things like Italian marble:
Trump himself, after riding down an escalator through the tower’s six-story atrium, announced his candidacy from the sky-lit basement level, perched on a temporary platform rigged over the basin of a sixty-foot waterfall that—along with twenty-four hundred tons of rose-colored Italian Breccia Pernice marble—is the atrium’s signature feature.
Donald Trump bought 2400 tons of rock from Italy. Wasn't American rock good enough for Trump?

Trump bitches about German manufacturers who have invested billions of dollars in the United States to build factories in states like South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama. Japanese car manufacturers have plants in Ohio, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Indiana. Korean companies have factories in Georgia and Alabama.

Not only does Donald Trump import Italian marble, Trump and his offspring import foreign workers using the H-2A program. Two months ago this happened:
Trump Vineyard Estates, owned by Eric Trump, is seeking permission to hire 29 foreign workers through the federal H-2A visa program to cultivate grapes at its Virginia winery, the Associated Press reported Tuesday. The immigration program lets agricultural employees temporarily hire foreign workers to do the jobs Americans don't want or can't do.
This is an ongoing thing:
This isn't the first time a Trump business has looked to hire outside the U.S. Trump's older daughter and close adviser, Ivanka Trump, has also shown a preference for foreign workers. Her jewelry line applied for five guest worker visas to hire foreigners from 2008 and 2013 at salaries from $41,370 to $45,000, a Huffington Post investigation found last year.

And while Trump promised on the campaign trail to create new jobs for American workers and vowed to come down hard on trade deals that benefit foreign labor markets, companies owned by the New York business mogul requested 1,100 foreign worker visas between 2000 and the time he entered the presidential race in 2015, according to a Reuters analysis of Department of Labor data. Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, sought the most foreign workers, with applications for 787 workers such as maids, cooks and servers since 2006 under a H-2B visa program that tends to benefit Mexicans.

"You cannot get help during the season. The season goes from like October to March. It's almost impossible to get help," Trump explained at one point during his campaign. "And part of the reason you can't get American people is they want full time jobs."
Maybe Trump could find Americans who would work part time if he would pay them enough money, instead of hiring Mexicans and Romanians.

The United States used to be the biggest exporter in the world. Our workers got great salaries. But then the rest of the world started to catch up to us. American CEOs started building factories in countries with lower wages.

People like Donald Trump shipped manufacturing off to China:
[V]isitors to the Trump Store in the lobby of the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City, or to the displays of Trump clothing at Macy's in New York's Herald Square, would be hard-pressed to find much labeled "Made in the U.S.A."

At the same time Trump was speaking in New Hampshire, his Trump Store was contributing to the growth of Chinese manufacturing, arguably at the expense of American workers, selling $80 Trump-branded cotton sweaters and $70 Trump-branded warm-up tops, all made in China. Also available with the made in China tag: golf hats stamped with the Trump crest and stuffed animals.
Trump claims he had to do this because China was manipulating their currency. Nonsense. Trump can't find an American supplier for an $80 cotton sweater? That's 10 cents worth of raw materials and a dollar worth of labor, even in America -- sweaters are made on automated looms these days. The only reason that $20 sweater cost $80 was because it said Trump on it.

Like all the other corporate shills, Trump just wants more profit for himself. He could have put more money in the pockets of working Americans, but he wanted more. So he sold America out.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump Literally Unfit to Be President

At the G7 conference in Italy Donald Trump proved he was physically unfit to be president:
President Trump chose to ride in a golf cart while his foreign counterparts took a walk through Taormina, Sicily, on Saturday during the Group of Seven summit.

The Times of London reported the six other world leaders — from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan — walked 700 yards to take a group photo at a piazza in a hilltop town. The U.S. leader decided to wait until he could get a golf cart.
Trump is so fat and lazy that he cannot walk 700 yards up a hill. He is the most infirm president since Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had polio. What's Donald "Two Scoops" Trump's excuse? Gluttony?

Barack Obama played basketball while president. George W. Bush used to run but switched to mountain biking when his knees gave out. Donald Trump plays golf, but has to use a golf cart between holes.

Being 70 years old is no excuse. I know 60-, 70- and 80-year-old women who rode bicycles 332 miles in six days from St. Paul, MN, to the Canadian border, going 60 and 70 miles some days, through cold and driving rain. Trump would be dead like a beached whale on the side of the road after one day.

Trump used to play sports in high school but gave up physical activity because he holds this idiotic idea that exercise uses up the body's "finite" energy. He might have more stamina if he actually got enough sleep every night, instead of deluding himself that he only needs four hours. And what's he doing when he should be sleeping? Watching TV. And tapping out Twitter rants that make him look like a moron.

Research has shown over and over that physical activity -- even modest exercise such as walking -- increases mental acuity and improves memory. It's no wonder that the weakest and laziest president in decades is also the dumbest and least coherent. Trump makes W. look like a genius.

Republicans are celebrating the victory of a man who bodyslammed a reporter for asking a health care question. This happened right in front of Fox News reporters. Yet Greg Gianforte, the congressman-elect from Montana, was elected anyway, even though he was charged with assault.

Republicans used to pretend to be the party of moral values: truth, faithfulness, chastity, honor. But in a heartbeat they threw all that away and elected a lying, cheating, womanizing sexual predator and admitted fraud. Yes, fraud: settling the Trump University lawsuit for $25 million was an explicit admission of fraud, no matter how much Trump whines it ain't so.

This is how low Republicans have sunk. Their president ripped off thousands of people who were trying to make a better life for themselves. Their politicians beat up reporters. They sucker-punch protesters at rallies. Their politicians brag about how rough and tough they are, how violent they'll be, how much they'll kill and torture their enemies. How they can grab women's vaginas.

Republicans are constantly railing against political correctness and demand they have the right to call it like it is. Okay, then: this is how it is.

Donald Trump is a weak, old, pansy-assed, fat slug who can't even walk a third of a mile up a hill because he's afraid he'll stroke out or keel over from a heart attack. How in hell is he going to survive four years of the most stressful job on the planet?

Trump likes to brag about grabbing pussy, but he is a pussy.

Honoring the Fallen

Today, our nation honors those who have fallen in our country's history. It's especially important to be there for our veterans, many of whom have lost fellow sisters and brothers over the years. Make some time today to support them.

And remember...

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Refugees Welcome Back!

Flying very low under the radar, news came this week that the US State Department, overseen by Donald Trump, is now doubling the amount of refugees allowed in the country. It looks like we will be back up to the Obama-era levels of 1500 refugees allowed in a week.

I'm wondering how this sits with Trump's supporters...

Pez Fed

The New Russian Dupe, Clueless Person

I've now had more than a few emails regarding Kevin Baker's latest "uberpost" (see also: cut and paste job passed off as evidence of high intellect) entitled "The New Soviet Genderless Person." I still check in on Kevin from time to time to make sure he's still just blowing hot air and not actively fomenting domestic terrorism. It was nice to see that he still has me featured prominently on the sidebar of his web site. Years later, the obsession still continues from him and his followers.

It's actually serendipitous that some of my readers wanted me to comment on this latest piece. I was thinking about Kevin and other gun bloggers in general as I have realized something recently that was profoundly ironic. Consider that this is a group of people who WON'T REGISTER and WON'T TURN OVER THEIR GUNS. EVER!!!!  They bemoan government intrusion in their lovemaking to their guns and are terribly afraid of those smug, liberal elites getting a hold of too much information on them. And yet...


Seriously, if I was working for the federal government, ATF division, why would I even need surveillance? I'd merely check out Kevin's blog to find out what kind of weapons he owned, where he lived, who he associated with and when he would be at the range. In fact, why do we even need registration when these guys are easily traceable and tracked? What a bunch of fucking morons...

It's this same stupidity that also leads to the massively ignorant mentality seen in this latest post on how evil liberals are going to turn us all into commies. All of the people that emailed me wondered...does Kevin not see the irony of this belief considering the deep connections between Trump and the current Russian regime? The answer is no, no he does not.

Like many on the right, Kevin believes that the entire Russian-Trump story is liberal propaganda. Never mind the fact that ALL of our intelligence agencies has confirmed Russian meddling in the last election. Never mind the fact that his meddling took the form of propaganda disseminated via the news sources that Kevin reads on a daily basis. Never mind the fact that President Trump fired James Comey and then MET WITH THE RUSSIANS IN THE OVAL OFFICE, BARRED US MEDIA FROM ENTERING, AND THEN LEAKED CLASSIFIED INFORMATION TO THEM.

And it's the liberals that are leading us down a Soviet path...

Wow...just wow...

I've come to the conclusion that folks like Kevin hate the fact that liberals are smarter and more accomplished than them so much that they are blinded to reality. Vladamir Putin and Russian intelligence knows this very, very well. Kevin tells them.

Rush Limbaugh was vilified for stating, after Obama won the Presidency the first time, "I hope he fails." Right now we're watching the Ruling Class and its enablers in the media do absolutely everything they can to pull off a coup d'état because the man who won the White House this go-around isn't one of them. He's not one of the New Genderless Persons who mean to Do Good, who Care About You, who just want to help.

Isn't one of them? Are you FUCKING kidding me? First of all, Donald Trump is a card carrying member of the Hollywood Elite. He had a show on NBC called "The Celebrity Apprentice." Like Rush Limbaugh, he is a rock solid member of the media who uses it to manipulate people like Kevin. In fact, I'd put quite a bit of money on the idea that he's merely playing a role.

Consider that he was a Democrat up until 2011 when he jumped on the birther bandwagon. I think he saw rubes like Kevin out there and recognized a grand opportunity.  He's tapped into the anger, hate and fear that was already out there and is now playing the role of their dear leader. Like fascist leaders of the past, Trump has made it OK for people like Greg Gianforte to beat up reporters. Supporters of Gianforte think that the reporter had it coming to him. Why? He asked a question that Gianforte didn't like. This is what an authoritarian regime looks like. Trump and his followers have made this possible.

So, when Kevin talks about enablers, brainwashing, and propaganda that ends in authoritarian control he should look no further than the mirror. He is the one who is willingly being played like a fiddle by people who want to take away the very freedom he claims to cherish. He is being led down the garden path by folks who are taking advantage of his completely irrational hatred of liberals in order to cement their power. Another great irony here is that it's these very liberals...people like me...who are going to save Kevin and other Trumpsters from what they are unwittingly creating. Let me be one of the first to say this.

You're welcome.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Trump's Worst Enemy: His Own Big Fat Mouth

Today Donald Trump suffered another humiliating loss on his Muslim ban:
A federal appeals court refused Thursday to reinstate President Trump’s revised travel ban, saying it “drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination.”

The decision, from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va., was a fresh setback for the administration’s efforts to limit travel from several predominantly Muslim countries.
Why? Because calling it a "Muslim ban" was de facto religious discrimination, something Trump blared over and over on the campaign trail:
Writing for the majority, Chief Judge Roger L. Gregory said Mr. Trump’s statements on the campaign trail concerning Muslims showed that the revised order was the product of religious hostility. Such discrimination, he wrote, violates the First Amendment’s ban on government establishment of religion.

“Then-candidate Trump’s campaign statements reveal that on numerous occasions, he expressed anti-Muslim sentiment, as well as his intent, if elected, to ban Muslims from the United States,” Judge Gregory wrote. He cited, as an example, a 2015 statement calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Trump's voters claimed to love him because he spoke the truth. But the truth is, they loved him because he said racist, bigoted things that they say all the time. Smarter politicians avoid this kind of speech because it causes so many problems down the line.

If Trump has just decried Islamist extremism and vowed to keep America safe, like most politicians do, he could have slipped his Muslim ban past the courts. But he's an idiot, and doesn't understand how the law works.

His Muslim ban might ultimately win in the Supreme Court. But that's only because Republicans stole a Supreme Court appointment from Barack Obama by refusing to consider Merrick Garland's nomination after Antonin Scalia died a year before the election.

Almost every problem Trump is facing today is due to his big fat mouth.

He just couldn't shut up about the FBI's investigation into Russia's meddling in the election: he told James Comey to drop it and the FBI director refused.

The president demanded multiple times that Comey pledge his personal allegiance to Trump, something Comey could not do without violating his oath of office to defend the United States of American from enemies foreign and domestic. Despite what Trump might think, the president is not the same as the country.

Trump couldn't shut up about James Comey's firing, bragging to Lester Holt  on national TV that he fired Comey because Comey wouldn't drop the Russia investigation.

Trump couldn't shut up about the fabulous intelligence the NSA and the CIA gives him: he had to brag about it to the Russian ambassador and burn an intelligence source of a close ally.

Trump still couldn't shut up about his own leak, confirming later that the intelligence source was in fact Israel by blabbing that he never said it was Israel, when he was visiting Israel. The Israeli defense minister subsequently confirmed that Trump had blown their source.

While talking to the murderous Philippine dictator Trump again leaked sensitive information by bragging that there are two nuclear subs off the coast of North Korea, according to a Philippine transcript of the call.

Trump just cannot shut up. He cannot be trusted with sensitive information. He is clearly not fit to be president. All you need to do it butter him up, give him an opening to brag about himself and he'll divulge pretty much anything.

It really makes you wonder about all those leaks coming out of the White House. Are there really that many dissatisfied aides sabotaging Trump, or is he the actual source of all these leaks? After all, the leaker-in-chief used to pose as "John Miller" or "John Barron" and release juicy gossip about himself. He never seemed to care how bad he looked in public, just as long as people were talking about him.

Historically, Trump has taken to heart P.T. Barnum's adage that "There is no such thing as bad publicity."

But Trump is supposed to running a country. Not a circus.