
Monday, January 17, 2022

For Dr. King's day...

I highly recommend checking out Myron Medcalf's piece up on the Strib's page. Here is a taste...

The man who died on that balcony in Memphis was a human being beset by doubts and concerns about the future of the civil rights movement. The man who died on that balcony was changing and beginning to embrace a universal Poor People's Campaign — he recruited poor whites, too — that cited capitalism and the hoarding of resources as a threat to all. The man who died on that balcony, if you believe the accounts of those close to him, had wrestled with depression and seemed to know he would die soon. As King pursued equality, America nearly broke him.

Friday, January 07, 2022

Two Months in America

For the last couple of months I've been collecting links to stories about guns. I don't go out of my way to find them, these are just stories that happened to find their way into my RSS feed.

From yesterday

Burglar shoots, kills St. Paul resident's dog, steals AR-15 rifle, bars of silver: Guns are supposed to protect him from this sort of thing. Why wasn't this rifle locked up in a safe? Idiotic gun owners are arming thieves. Now a cop might die trying to arrest the burglar because some idiot armed him with a military grade weapon.

Ohio Officer Shoots Through Fence, Killing a Man Who Was Firing a Gun: Is everyone who owns a gun an idiot? Shooting bullets into the air is idiotic -- they come down and hit things. Guns are deadly weapons, not toys. And isn't discharging a weapon in city limits illegal in most jurisdictions? And the cop was just as idiotic, shooting someone without a clear view. The moron firing the gun could have had his kids with him.

An 18-year-old is charged in Mall of America shooting: The shooter claims the other guy threatened him, so he shot the guy and the bullet went through him, bounced off a railing and hit an innocent bystander in the leg. This is the thing that gun nuts just don't get: you're gonna miss your target half the time, or there's gonna be a through-and-through, and some innocent schmuck is gonna get hit.

Two days ago

St. Paul man said 'I just beat him to the draw' and shot tenant from adjoining duplex unit, murder charges say: A guy went to a neighbor's door to threaten him with a gun, and then got shot. Do these guys think this is the Wild West? Nobody wins in a shoot-out. When people say they need a gun "for protection" what they really mean is that they want to intimidate and threaten people with it.

A week ago

California Man on Deadly Mission to White House Is Arrested, Officials Say: The guy was caught in Iowa with an AR15 and body armor on his way to shoot Joe Biden. You gotta ask: do guns make people crazy, or do crazy people buy guns?

Eight days ago 

Twin Cities woman pleads guilty to 'straw purchase' of nearly 100 guns for black-market buyers: This is why there are so many guns on the street, and why cops are so trigger happy whenever they stop a car. Seriously, there should be a limit on the number of guns people buy. Anyone buying 62 guns in a month is clearly selling them on the black market.

Two weeks ago

Stray Police Bullet Kills Girl as Officers Fire at Suspect in Los Angeles Store: Cops shot a man beating a woman to death and accidentally hit a girl behind a wall. Moral of the story: bullets hit the wrong target ALL THE TIME. This is one of the few gun-death stories that can legitimately called a tragedy. Most other gun deaths are sadly predictable and due to outright stupidity.

Jury finds Potter guilty of manslaughter in Daunte Wright killing: the above story shows why the jury verdict was correct. Potter was being totally reckless: she could have shot her partner or the passenger in the car, or some other innocent bystander, because BULLETS HIT THE WRONG TARGET ALL THE TIME.

A month ago

Canadian rapper sentenced to 6 years in prison for gun-running in Minnesota: the guy had bought 67 guns in Florida and was caught going 100 miles on hour while doing drugs. Again, why was he able to buy 67 guns without the FBI taking notice? Florida, Georgia, Alabama and other southern states are arming criminals in New York, Canada, Mexico and across the world.

A 13-year-old boy made and trafficked ‘ghost guns,’ authorities say, and then killed his sister with one: The kid was selling an illegal gun to some thugs who ripped him off, so he whipped out another one and fired at them, killing his sister instead. So, A) Why can kids buy gun kits over the internet? Purchase of gun parts should be treated the same as any gun purchases, with the requisite background checks and never over the internet or by mail order. And B), BULLETS HIT THE WRONG TARGET ALL THE TIME.

Brooklyn Park police say 13-year-old fatally shot boy, 5, while making a video to post on social media: where the hell are the parents? And let's also blame social media for this one: people do so many stupid things to show off on social media. Chalk this death up to Facebook, or Tik Tok, or Instagram, or whatever useless internet time sink this little kid died for.

Discharge of Felon’s Gun Prompts Panic at Atlanta Airport: Are people who own guns just stupid? Over 450 idiotic gun owners have tried to bring their guns onto planes this year at Atlanta Hartsfield alone. And why wasn't this felon on the no-fly list? As well as every other idiot who has assaulted airline personnel because they didn't want to wear a mask during the most virulent and deadly pandemic in a century?

These stories don't even begin to scratch the surface. There have been hundreds of stories about people being carjacked or mugged at gunpoint, all of which has been made possible by gun nuts gutting the gun laws that the NRA itself lobbied for a century ago.

What they show is that people -- including cops -- show horrible judgment in times of stress, underestimate the firepower and randomness of gunfire, and drastically overestimate their own competence with firearms. They think of guns as toys and something that they have total control over, even though countless people are shot accidentally while handling guns in totally mundane circumstances.

Guns are not safe. They are not "defensive." They are deadly weapons whose sole purpose is to kill, and are more likely to hurt their owners or their owners' families than anyone else. You make one mistake and someone you care about dies.

The vast majority of people are simply not emotionally or technically competent to be trusted with firearms.

Thursday, January 06, 2022

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today, conservatives attacked our nation’s Capitol. This was the first attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812. And it has been fantasized about by the right since around 1994 when our second civil war began. They've been foaming at the mouth to attack the "elites" in the "deep state" and they finally did. 

The attack was an act of insurrection meant to stop the electoral process. It was based on a lie about a stolen election that is still believed by two-thirds of Republicans today. But that’s not the worst part. 

The real danger now is the massive underreaction by most of the general public. We’ve seen this before in Italy, Germany snd the Soviet Union in the early 20th century. It led directly to fascism. 

The eye-rolling and yawning by the right regarding what happened one year ago is the best example of hypocrisy I have ever seen. To remember the lather they worked themselves up into regarding Benghazi and compare it to how they view the January 6th insurrection. They claim to love this country? Really?  They claim to be against authoritarianism? Really? Because they seem to be just fine with it if their side is directly bringing about the end of our republic. 

That’s the path we are on now, folks unless we act to aggressively stop Trump and his supporters before they rewrite the laws of our republic. They are traitors and need to be held accountable for what they did a year ago and what they are still doing.

What do I mean by stop? Well, first let's identify the top enemies of our republic. These are the people that were directly involved in this attack.

Donald Trump. Louie Gohmert. Josh Hawley. Paul Gosar. Majorie Taylor Greene. Jim Jordan. Lauren Boebert. 

Trump and these six others need to be barred/removed from public office and led directly to prison for sedition. They advocated and engaged in an act to overthrow the government of the United States. 

The only thing these folks understand is force. It's time for the rest of us to show them that we are done with their insanity. It's time to lock them up. 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Yes or No Questions

From a recent post by Jon Pavlovitz...

I’d love to talk with Mr. Schmeck and the rest of the #LGB crowd and find out what exactly Joe Biden has done to them to inspire such expletive-laden rage. 

How has he specifically harmed them? 

What precisely are the injuries they have sustained at his hands to merit this unprecedented public disgust? 

Has he denied or downplayed the existence of a pandemic and willfully killed hundreds of thousands of people? 

Has he ever incited his followers to engage in an act of domestic terrorism to overthrow the government and overturn an election? 

Has be berated reporters, coddled dictators, opposed medical experts, insulted women, or repeatedly misled the American people in nonsensical, rambling press conferences?

I put these yes or no questions to conservative apologists who read my blog daily. Responding with any variation of “NO YOU” supports the core assertions of this article.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Coming Criminal Referral for Donald J. Trump

Up until this point in time, Trump and his supporters have enjoyed a lot of mollycoddling from Congress and the DOJ. They have thumped their chests and stuck out their chin in adolescent defiance of our country's democratic institutions. And in a very "beer hall putsch" kind of style. 

That time is likely coming to an end for them.

It's been quite pleasant to see the insurrectionists and traitors going to jail for their involvement in the January 6th attempted coup. Some are in jail for years for their criminality. Others will soon follow.

One of them is going to be Donald J. Trump.

I'm thinking 8 years for him. 

And this would be why Liz Cheney keeps repeating the letter of this law in conjunction with Trump. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Free Speech


Monday, November 15, 2021

Saturday, October 09, 2021

A Slow Moving Coup

Bill Maher is hoping that his latest editorial scares the shit out of more people. I'm just hoping that it wakes the Democrats up and they start arresting the people that are trying to take over our country. 

We are already in a civil war. We know who the bad guys are. We saw them on January 6th. We see them here. They are attempting to turn our country into an authoritarian regime by accusing the rest of us of doing the same thing. 

This was done quite successfully in Germany in the 1930s. People like Kevin Baker have fully embraced Goebbels-like tactics out of pure fear and hatred. They continually LIE about the left and, quite frankly, anyone who doesn't agree with them. 

They are very dangerous and must be stopped within the law that we are barely holding on to...

Monday, September 06, 2021

Pro Life

Pro life would be 20 Sandy Hook students starting high school this week.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Dedicated To Kevin Baker

 Take a look at this image.

These are American heroes. They are the policemen who put their lives on the line when Trump supporters engaged in a terrorist attack on our nation's capitol. This act of insurrection was based on the lie that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.

A big proponent of this lie is my old nemesis, Kevin Baker, who is still acting in sedition to the nation he claims to love. His recent post, "Despair and Utter Hopelessness," is a shining example of just how far CULT Kevin has gone. 

Kevin lives in a world where Twitter posts are the same things as facts. His anger towards any information that contradicts his scientology like beliefs has so overwhelmed any logic that he had left that it's disgusting. 

He and his followers have embraced the role of traitor completely. Listening to the testimony yesterday, I can only imagine Kevin either cheering on the crowds as they called the police traitors and beat them. Or denying it all, saying it's liberal media propaganda, not a big deal, and oh, weren't the BLM protest so much worse? 

We know exactly who you are, Kevin Baker. You are the modern day version of a Nazi. You accuse your perceived enemies of doing the very things you do and demonize them for it. (copyright: Josef Goebbels). You want an authoritarian state where there is only one ideology in power: YOURS. And that's not even the sad part.

The true tragedy in your long post of lies is that the very decay that's eroding our country is caused entirely by folks like you. You adolescently blame everyone else for COVID-19, gun violence, civic unrest, climate issues, and economic disaster. Yet it's YOUR FUCKING IDEOLOGY that's causing all of it. You supported an incompetent buffoon and Russian asset over the most capable person to be president because of adolescent feelings about liberals. 

Half the people dead from COVID-19 would alive right now if Hillary was president. Their blood is on your hands. You refuse any new gun laws that could actually help bring down gun violence. You scoff at any discussion of race or culture. You think climate change is a liberal plot. And even after economic stimulation of aggregate demand staved off another depression, you still stomped your feet at government interference in the economy.

And why?

Because you never grew out of your issues with authority. Every view you have comes from the lens of a 12 year old boy. 

The rest of the country, and there are far more of us than of you people, are sick and tired of your nonsense holding us back. We are going to force you to submit to reality and the harm you are doing to our country. You may think you know what "force" means but you likely don't. 

Every day we see more and more young people getting into "good trouble"..."necessary trouble." Some of them are my former students. Some are ex-Republicans who left the party when you and the crazies took it over. The overwhelming majority are liberals and moderates who are doing the necessary work to make sure you and your ilk are going to be quickly relegated to the ash heap of irrelevance. 

The photo above is one of heroes, Kevin. Heroes. There was a time when you might have seen them the same way. Now you aren't fit to lick their boots. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Nazis Keep Marching On

I used to have a tag on here called "Secret Authoritarians." They aren't really being that secret about it anymore, are they? The January 6th domestic terrorist attack and insurrection has now been more clearly documented. Check it out.

Just imagine the hay that would be made if these were liberals. Instead, it's a lot of denial and propaganda about what is quite plainly conservatives being EXACTLY what I said they were all along. 

They are Nazis in every sense of the word. 

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Friday, June 25, 2021

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Me Vs. We

The biggest impediment in our society right now is this. 

People in our society don't care about others. More importantly, they have an adolescent loathing to systemic structures like government which create spaces for group-level support. 

We will continue to decay as a country until this horse shit attitude changes. 

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Leave Naomi Osaka Alone

The sports world is upset over Naomi Osaka pulling out of the French Open. How dare she not attend press conferences! Fining her thousands of dollars wasn't enough -- they had to embarrass her and force her out of the tournament, and then threaten to drive her out of tennis completely.

I don't watch much sports -- basically just volleyball. But I always cringe when it comes to the interviews. The same questions are asked and the same cliches are repeated every time. It's usually just embarrassing to everyone.

And what's the point? The only thing that matters is what happens on the court. Why do we need to hear excuses or humble-bragging in the aftermath of a tennis match?

The play-by-play and color announcers generally do a fine job of informing us when the players screw up, and why they screwed up, how many times they screwed up in the past, and the statistics of their screwups. Why put the players on the spot in front of a world-wide audience, especially after they lose a match?

I mean, who really cares what athletes have to say? They're not there to talk to us, they're there to play the game. They're not generally all that insightful, especially the "naturals" who are just good at their sport and don't really know why they are.

Plus, one of the best ways to improve your performance is to learn from your mistakes, and then immediately forget them and focus on the next thing. If you need to talk to someone, talk to the coach -- they're the one who's responsible for the analysis and training anyway.

I can see why tournament organizers and the press want a photo-op with the winner. But why torment the loser with questions after a hard-fought match? Nothing is gained by humiliating these athletes.

I grant that the tennis organizations are within their rights to ask the people they pay millions to play games the rest of us play just for fun to show up for a post-match celebration that the press is invited to.

But just the winners.

If the loser wants to make an appearance, fine. But if they don't, it makes no sense to bother them with stupid questions that embarrass the reporters and audience as much as the players.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Remember Benghazi?

Think back with me to those days of yore when conservatives blew 89 bowels about the Benghazi attack. Remember all those investigations that found nothing? They were so angry about an attack on a makeshift consulate/CIA base that they were beside themselves. So you would think they would want an investigation into what happened on January 6th, right?


Take your hypocrisy and shove it up your ass. We are coming for you. And we won't rest until you are in prison. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Is Test Prep for Standardized Testing Cheating?

There's a great example of disingenuity in today's Washington Post, penned by arch-conservative George F. Will:

Thomas Jefferson High School (TJ), a selective STEM magnet school with a national reputation for excellence, has what the school board in suburban Fairfax County, Va., considers a problem: Too many Asian American students excel on the admission test. The current TJ student body is 73 percent Asian American, 17.7 percent White, 3.3 percent Hispanic or Latino, 1 percent Black and 6 percent other. So, the board has decided to eliminate the test. Admissions will be based on a “holistic” assessment of applicants, meaning whatever admissions officials want it to mean.
Will, long a champion of white privilege, wants to roll back any form of "diversity" in admissions. In the guise of protesting anti-Asian discrimination he blasts people who question the validity of standardized testing. And he can't resist large numbers of "scare quotes" to make his point:
The TJ parents’ complaint notes that in 2018, a retired county middle school teacher ominously told Virginia’s General Assembly that Asian American parents are “ravenous” for opportunities for their children. In 2020, a member of the state legislature spoke of, but did not specify, “unethical ways” Asian American parents “push their kids into [TJ].” Presumably, they push their children to do well on standardized tests. At a 2020 town hall meeting, Fairfax County’s schools superintendent stigmatized TJ’s student body majority by complaining that Asian American parents spend “thousands upon thousands” on test preparation. Virginia’s secretary of education later denounced such studying as comparable to “performance enhancement drugs” in sports: cheating. 

The fact is, George, spending thousands of dollars to push your kids to do well on standardized tests is the very essence of cheating.

Here's how it works: parents hire tutors who have taken the test in previous years. Each year these tutors quiz test takers to regurgitate the questions that appeared on the test. They prepare "study guides" (note the scare quotes!) that have the questions and the answers. Students memorize the answers, not necessarily understanding the questions.

Now, creating a good standardized test is an expensive proposition. I used to work at a company that did computerized standardized testing worldwide. Writing a good test isn't just a matter of jotting down random questions. It involves creating a large bank of items (questions), then having a large number of people answer those items, including people who know the subject well. The results are then analyzed and statistics are generated. Bad items (ones that don't predict true ability) are tossed.
Items are added and removed each year, but banks of standardized items generally remain stable over time because they're expensive to create.
This is why many people consider study guides and tutors to be unethical. They literally give the kids the answers to the test. Yeah, they don't know exactly which questions will be on each year's test, and they can't be sure they've got the official answer, but they make the kids memorize everything.

The problem is, memorizing answers to canned questions is not the same as acquiring critical problem solving abilities. But it does give the advantage to children of parents who can afford to throw money at it.

When I worked for that testing company we delivered the written certification tests for pilots on computers, getting rid of the paper-and-pencil tests, which took forever to grade. Pilot trainees at flight schools wanted instant results so they could get into the cockpit that day and do their practical exams. 
Over time we computerized airline mechanic testing as well. One of the airlines wanted to move its service operations to China (this was in the Nineties, back when companies started selling out American workers big time). So the FAA had us set up a testing center in China to accommodate the airline.

The FAA's written mechanics test consisted of, as I recall, 25 or 50 multiple-choice questions. The paper version of the test had several uniquely-numbered standard "forms," each drawing the prescribed number of random items from the larger item bank.

I was at work one day when the sales guy called me from China. "The tests are wrong," he said.
 "What? I don't think so. They're just like the paper ones. They're very simple, straightforward tests. Nothing fancy."

He paused. "But they're in the wrong order."

"Huh? There is no 'order.' We randomized the item delivery order at the FAA's request."

"Well, we have a problem. These guys don't speak English."

"But..." And then it hit me. The Chinese mechanics had memorized the order of the items and the answers for every numbered form of the test. But when we computerized the test the order was determined randomly on delivery, making it impossible for the Chinese-speaking mechanics to cheat.
When it came to the written test, the question with pilots and mechanics was always, Does this really matter? The test is just a formality, everyone said. The practical exam will sort at the bad ones. 

But in this case, it really would matter. All the manuals for these planes were written in English. All the markings on the engines and wings were in English. If the mechanics can't read English, they can't read the manuals. And they can't properly service the planes.

Now, I'm not saying that all Chinese people cheat on tests. Clearly, Americans cheat too (I mean, how else did Donald Trump get through high school and college?). 

But there are definitely cultural attitudes about cheating: in some places, like the Soviet Union, cheating was a way of life. In college in the late Seventies I had friends from Russia and Ukraine, smart guys, who would openly cheat on every test even though they did not need to, just because they could. I didn't know any Americans who cheated because they wouldn't even talk about it, must less admit to it.

The testing company I worked for regularly ran statistics on pass rates for students at all our testing centers to look for cheating. Many of the centers were at schools that provided training for the subject material (we did a lot of certification for computer network technicians and the like).

Some centers, in China and India in particular, had much higher pass rates than others. So we sent in "secret shoppers" and discovered that some of these testing centers offered an extra service: they would stand behind you and tell you the answers to the questions.

Protecting the integrity of the item banks is one of the biggest problems in testing. Some of these testing centers took photos of the questions as they appeared on the screen so they could develop "study guides." 
That was almost 30 years ago -- it's worse now with a cell phone in every pocket and even glasses that have built-in cameras. There's a long history of schemes to steal questions for tests like the SAT (like this and this and this).

I'm sure that Will and many Asian families do not consider spending thousands of dollars on tutors and study guides on standardized test prep to be cheating. But it is because of the ubiquity of item theft.

But there is a larger point here. We require that doctors and nurses and lawyers pass rigorous written examinations before they practice medicine and law. Pilots have to pass tests before they can fly. Real estate agents have to be certified.

That makes sense. People should be qualified before they can do work that can affect people's lives.

But should that rationale apply to kids getting into a high school? How are they ever going to learn this stuff if they're never even given a chance? I mean, these kids aren't doing brain surgery there. They're going there to learn basic science and math.

The admissions process for a school like Thomas Jefferson should determine whether kids can benefit from going to that school -- can they absorb the material and earn a passing grade?
By their very nature standardized multiple choice exams do not test a student's ability to learn and solve real problems -- they test the ability to regurgitate memorized data. Learning and memorization are not the same thing.
Schools like this historically only want the "best" students. Why? Why shouldn't every student have an equal shot at going to a good school?

I suspect that the real purpose of standardized tests is to puff up the egos of school administrators and keep their pass rates high with a minimum of effort. And, sadly, to keep out poor kids, who have historically been ethnic minorities. 
But that's being turned on it's head with the success of many Asian Americans. Will does have a point that white parents are being hypocritical complaining about Asian Americans using the same scam white folks came up with to keep themselves on top.
To a large degree the ability to learn something depends more on motivation and persistence than previous accomplishments. 
Why should a student motivated by a fear of disappointing their wealthy parents get into a good school while a student motivated by inherent curiosity and an actual love of science and technology is rejected because their poor parents can't afford to buy study guides and pay tutors?

Sunday, May 09, 2021