
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sports Betting. Really?

Sports betting is apparently making big inroads in the United States, with several states legalizing it and more eager to get in on the scam. The question is, why? 

A prime example of why sports betting is utterly without merit can be found, oddly, in India and Russia, of all places. The New York Times has an entertaining article about a scam run on foolish Russian gamblers:

There were floodlights, high-definition cameras and umpires with walkie-talkies pinned to their shoulders. The cricket players wore colorful uniforms. The broadcast had the voices of recognized commentators, and the logo of the globally recognized television channel: the BBC.

But this was no Indian Premier League, the lucrative cricket tournament that generates hundreds of millions of dollars every year. It was an elaborate fraud, turning a large farm in a small village in the western Indian state of Gujarat into an arena of sporting excitement.

After years of Russian hackers scamming and ripping off computer users across the world, this is, in one way, a refreshing change of pace. The scammers got scammed!

But why are Russians betting on cricket matches in India? I mean, I'm sure these Russians don't care about cricket or even know the rules of cricket (who does?). The players on the field were total amateurs: unemployed construction workers and village teenagers. 

I don't know anything about cricket, other than the pitchers are called bowlers, who throw a ball at a wicket and a batsman, who hits the ball then runs back and forth while the opposing team fields the ball.

But it's really hard to believe that the gamblers watching this fake cricket match couldn't tell that the players were amateurs. Such players would make tons of mistakes bowling and hitting, their hitting would be weak, they would run slowly, they would fail to field easy balls. It would be like watching a bad little league game. How could these gamblers not tell they were being scammed?

The only logical conclusion: gamblers are idiots. Or perhaps more aptly: suffering from a mental illness.

My only personal exposure to sports gambling was when I was eight or ten years old and my dad took me to the pool hall (they sold used comics) and he and his friends put money on the game. And that's not even real gambling. It's sort of like a self-run tournament. 

I've played in numerous volleyball tournaments in which there were prizes, but don't consider that gambling. The worst that happens in these events is when teams sandbag (for example, A level players play at BB level) for the regional tournament so they win the prize.

The one time I went to Vegas was to see a beach volleyball tournament. I never set foot in a casino (too much cigarette smoke back then), much less placed any bets.

But, again, why bet on something that you have absolutely no understanding of or control over? This compulsion to gamble is a mental illness, and has landed countless "church ladies" in jail for embezzling money from their jobs or churches to finance their casino sprees.

I can understand poker, in which your own skill makes a difference in the outcome. There's even some skill involved in craps. But why play the lottery? Or slot machines?? Or gamble in casinos on something like blackjack? What a total waste of time and money! If you actually use skill to play blackjack, you get thrown out for counting cards.

All those bets are sucker bets. The house always wins.

The entire ethos of gambling is corrupt. Cheating is endemic in all forms of gambling, especially in dice and card games among "friends." Loaded dice, marked cards, and hidden cameras these days, are the scourge of gamblers.

And then there's internet poker. Wow. Two obvious scams: 1) you're not playing against real opponents, just against the computer, which gives you good enough cards to keep you on the hook, but in the end is just siphoning money out of your credit card. 2) On a "legitimate" poker site the other three people at your "table" are sitting in the same room, looking at each other's cards, and splitting the take among themselves, playing you for a sucker.

On the internet nobody knows you're a dog, but they should just assume you're a cheater.

I can understand betting on your favorite team, though if you think putting money on the home team will somehow help them win you are delusional. Hopes and prayers have more of an effect.

Gambling on a sport inevitably corrupts the sport. The prime example is the infamous Black Sox Scandal of 1919, when the Chicago White Sox threw the World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. This resulted in rules banning players who bet on their own games, like Pete Rose, who bet against the team he was managing. This got him banned for life and kicked out of the Hall of Fame.

Now people across the country are legally betting on MLB, NFL, NHL and NBA games, and even college and high-school sports. 

This will inevitably result in cynicism and corruption across all sports. No one will ever be sure they legitimately won a game -- there will always be that suspicion that the opponent threw it to cash in on a bet.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Do You Feel Safer?


A Crack In The Wall

With the announcement of a bipartisan bill to address gun violence, a crack in the wall of intransigence built on the blood of our nation's children has appeared. 

It's certainly not even close to what needs to be done but it's a start. After the next round of dead school kids, there will be more laws made. Then more bodies. Then more laws. And eventually, we will join the rest of the developed world in sanity. 

My advice to gun owners and gun rights activists (in particular, the ones that read this blog:)), best to give in now, fully, if you want even a chance of keeping some of your guns. Large groups of people who are angry, afraid, and feel mistreated aren't a good thing. That's most of the country, btw, and they blame YOU.

As well they should because it's all YOUR fault. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Poor Clarence Thomas...

Now Clarence Thomas is whining that people don't respect institutions anymore.

It's not that the public doesn't respect institutions. It's that the public doesn't trust the hacks on the Supreme Court who have prostituted the institution to conservative authoritarians who want to turn the United States into a copy of Russia.

Let's look at the decisions that the court that Thomas is a member of has made.

In 2000 he voted to stop Florida from recounting ballots, handing George W. Bush the election. The election was extremely close, and Florida's ballots consisted of computer cards that voters had to punch tiny holes through to cast their votes.

He voted to overturn the Voting Rights act, allowing states to pass laws that have disenfranchised millions of voters.

He voted to overturn campaign finance reform, allowing oligarchs like the Koch brothers, Peter Thiel and foreign nationals to buy American elections.

He voted to allow companies to exclude birth control from insurance coverage, which has likely resulted in thousands of unintended pregnancies because women can't afford contraceptives, and their boyfriends still want sex.

He voted to overturn local gun control laws, allowing whack jobs like the guy who shot up a supermarket yesterday, killing 10 people (mostly Black), to continue their racist gun rampages across the country.

That guy, as it turns out, is a devotee of "replacement theory," the idea that whites are going to be replaced by Muslims and Blacks. This theory has been pushed by Stephen Miller, who has been called "Trump's brain."

On a more personal note, Thomas's wife Ginny sent dozens of email messages to Trump's chief of staff, repeating baseless (and ridiculous) lies about the election being stolen for Biden by Republican election officials in states like Georgia and Arizona. States in which Trump lost, but other Republicans mysteriously won.

How are we supposed to believe that Thomas can be trusted to rule fairly on anything involving elections when he lives with a crazy woman? She's quite possibly involved with the January 6th coup attempt. And how the hell does she have the cell phone number of the president's chief of staff?

Now the Supreme Court is going to decide the fate of Roe v. Wade, invading the privacy of millions women across the country, forcing them to bear children they can't afford and don't want. These women will be forced further into poverty. (These same women will not be able to feed the babies the Republicans are forcing them to bear because of the baby formula shortage.)

And Thomas is whining about demonstrators invading his privacy by protesting outside his house.

Finally, seven out of nine members of the court are Catholic. It's preposterous to claim that has nothing to do with their apparent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Republicans have now stolen two or three Supreme Court seats, depending on how you count. When Antonin Scalia died in 2016 Republicans refused to hold hearings, claiming that they couldn't appoint a judge in an election year. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2020, less than two moths before the election, Republicans rushed their nominee through the process in six weeks.

Then there's the case of Anthony Kennedy. He resigned under pressure from Trump. Kennedy's son Justin was involved in Deutsche Bank's lending of millions of dollars to Trump's failing businesses when no one else would. It's not exactly clear what went on to get Kennedy to resign, but the whole affair stinks to high heaven.

This is why people have no faith in the Supreme Court. It's become a tool of anti-democratic elements in the conservative movement. These decisions are clearly made for conservative political reasons, not what makes legal sense or what is best for the country.

Thomas is just another political hack trying to turn the clock back to the dark ages.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Elon Is Trying to Manipulate Stock Prices. Again.

Elon Musk has screwed with the SEC before, when he tried to manipulate Tesla stock prices in 2018

He's doing it again. He's putting his Twitter acquisition "on hold" while he investigates Twitter's claim that less than 5% of Twitter subscribers are fake accounts or spam bots.

Seriously? He just wants to drive the stock price down before he has to fork over the cash.

I would say that close to 50% of Twitter accounts are fake or spam bots. I have two Twitter accounts, created to reserve the name so someone else can't use them, and never use either of them. Why would I? Twitter is a vast wasteland of trolls and liars. It's a place where truth and honor go to die.

I mean, there are hundreds of companies that make their living by creating fake followers for celebrities who want to artificially inflate their subscriber numbers.

And Musk doesn't need to "investigate" anything. Everyone knows this is the case. It's an open secret. The Twitter "hold" is just another Elon scam, like his interest in Bitcoin.

Twitter could be a place where people communicate freely and openly, but it's just a wasteland where harassment is the order of the day.

I would like to be a fan of Musk because he's doing things that I think are important: space travel and electric cars. Yet he has managed to do them in the worst possible way. 

He charges gullible Tesla customers thousands of dollars to access the car's autonomous driving system, which doesn't work and has killed a number of customers who were stupid enough to believe Musk's fable.

His cars can't recognize emergency vehicles parked on the freeway, or the median, or big trucks crossing the road in front of them. He had his engineers put out a software update that lets drivers play games on the console in the car.

During the height of the pandemic keeping the line open was more important to him than the lives of his employees.

He hasn't as many mistakes with SpaceX because if he kills someone in space, that's the end of the company. But he's destroying Boca Chica, the town in Texas near his launch site. Every time there's a launch people have to leave their homes, for fear of a rocket landing on them. Leave it to Texas to let a narcissistic billionaire build his launch pad in a small town's backyard.

He's selling the fantasy that we need to colonize Mars because Earth is a lost cause. The thing is, even if we nuked the Earth, it'll still be more inhabitable than Mars will ever be.

Musk doesn't care about anyone else. He just does whatever he wants and runs down anyone in his way.

The rich are different. They're psychopaths.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Hurting Conservative Feelings

Conservatives like to opine about the left and their feelings. But take a look at this press release from Governor Ron DeSantis. 

This legislation is the first of its kind in the nation to take on both corporate wokeness and Critical Race Theory in schools in one act. 

“No one should be instructed to feel as if they are not equal or shamed because of their race,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “In Florida, we will not let the far-left woke agenda take over our schools and workplaces. There is no place for indoctrination or discrimination in Florida.” 

“By signing this legislation, which is the first in the nation to end corporate wokeness and Critical Race Theory in our schools, we are prioritizing education not indoctrination,” said Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez. “We will always fight to protect our children and parents from this Marxist-inspired curriculum.”

Who is shaming anyone because of their race? Is that what conservatives think when we teach the historical fact of slavery? That we are trying to shame white people?

I am fairly certain that most folks will read this and blow it off, rolling their eyes at how silly it is. But millions of Americans feel this way. And it's leading them to batshit crazy stuff like attempted coups.

Sane people need to speak out often and vociferously about how insane this is. Beliefs like this are literally destroying our country.  

Monday, April 11, 2022

Remember When...

Remember when I said that the real reason Donald Trump imposed tariffs was to extort campaign contributions?

Trump plans to use the tariffs to extort campaign contributions from companies:

A top trade adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday a process will be in place for businesses to get exemptions from the White House plan to place steep tariffs on steel and aluminum, offering the first indication a tariff hike could be less broad than first thought.
Peter Navarro, director of the White House National Trade Council, said countries will not be excluded from the tariffs because that would become a slippery slope, but there will be a mechanism for corporate exemptions in some cases.

I was right! A foreigner (Canadians still count as foreigners as far as the FEC is concerned) has copped a non-plea for illegally contributing to a Trump super PAC to get Trump to tighten steel import restrictions, to the advantage of Canada.

A Canadian steel industry billionaire illegally helped steer $1.75 million in donations to a pro-Trump super PAC and has agreed to pay one of the largest fines ever levied by the Federal Election Commission to settle the case, the commission said on Friday.
When it comes right down to it, Trump accomplished nothing on his own, except for the tariffs.
Supreme Court justices? Mitch McConnell. 
Tax cuts? Mitch McConnell. 
Getting the United States out of the forever war in Afghanistan? After having our negotiators bend over the conference table for the Taliban, hanging our allies in the Afghan government out to dry, those allies had all bolted when Biden actually had to implement Trump's fabulous deal, leaving the US with a disaster at the Kabul airport.

Our relationship with dictatorial powers like Russia, North Korea and China? Trump gave classified intelligence to the Russian ambassador in the Oval Office. All Trump could do during his entire term was suck up to his idols Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. All his tough talk on China amounted to nothing. Even after Putin has massacred thousands of innocent Ukrainians, Trump and his Fox news cronies continue to fellate the Russian dicator.
The only thing Trump actually did was impose tariffs, and it just messed up American exports and raised prices Americans paid for TVs and computers.
Trump was the poster boy for corruption and incompetence. Why on earth does anyone still listen to this idiot? Why isn't he rotting in jail for January 6th?

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Electric Vehicles by the Numbers

Since the war in Ukraine started there's been a lot of grumbling about the price of gas going up. It's about $4.11 dollars a gallon in most of the country and $5.84 in California.

If your car is like mine, it gets 30 miles a gallon and has a 15 gallon tank. Filling it up will give you a range of 450 miles, for a cost of $61.65. That's 7.3 miles per dollar.

The average cost of electricity in the United States is 13.72 cents per kilowatt hour. It varies a lot across the country, up to 37 cents in Hawaii down to 9 cents in Nebraska.

One version of the Tesla Model 3 has a 82 kwH battery and has a 350 mile range. The average cost to charge the battery is $11.28. That's 31 miles per dollar. Other electric cars have smaller batteries and ranges, but generally go 3-4 miles per kwH.

That means the Tesla is 4.25 times cheaper to drive (considering only fuel costs) than my current car. Electric vehicles (EVs) generally have lower maintenance costs because there are fewer parts, which is why car dealerships aren't really wild about them. EVs are currently pricier than internal combustion engines (ICEs), but that will change as production numbers increase.

We have 39 solar panels on our roof. On a good day we get 85 kwH of power, enough to fully charge the Tesla. For the month of March we averaged 44.8 kwH per day. For all of 2021 we generated 16.46 megawatt hours (including a nine-day period in August when the panels were off because our roof was being reshingled -- a hail storm trashed the shingles but the solar panels were totally unscathed). That's an average of 45.1 kwH per day for the year, including the dark months of December and January.

If you have an EV your solar panels aren't saving you the cost of electricity they generate, they're saving you 4.25 times that because that's how much more the gas would cost.

The average American drives 13,500 miles a year, or 37 miles a day. If you plug your EV in every night (often when electricity rates are cheaper), you'll be at full capacity every morning, and you'll never run out of charge.You'll never have to go to a filling station. You'll never have to wait in line for gas. Or change your oil. Or put antifreeze in your radiator.

Some people are concerned about the range of EVs. They're worried that they won't be able to find a charging station and they'll be stuck somewhere on a long trip. But seriously, how often do you drive more than 270 or 310 miles in a single day?

They've got it backwards. Power outlets are ubiquitous. Gas stations are not. Pretty much anywhere you go, you can plug your EV into a 120 V power outlet and charge it. It won't charge fast, but it'll get you enough charge so that you can drive to a fast charger. And as EV usage picks up, the number of fast charging stations will increase.

A ruggedly independent rancher in Wyoming will be able to stick solar panels on his barn roof or put up a wind turbine and charge his Ford Lightning pickup for next to nothing, without having to drive 50 miles to the nearest gas station.

EV naysayers will say that lithium mining is bad, that the war in Ukraine is driving up the cost of nickel, etc. There is a ton of battery research going on, and there are already technologies in the works that will render these arguments moot (they just use iron and no fancy metals).

Driving EVs will allow Americans to stick it to the Russian petroligarchs, the Saudi sheiks, and the Iranian imams. Using less oil will mean less fracking, and fewer earthquakes caused by fracking wastewater disposal, like those plaguing Oklahoma, Colorado, Arkansas, Ohio and Texas.

It will, incidentally, make the air cleaner and improve Americans' health. But, you know, you can't have everything...

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Ginny and Clarence


Friday, March 18, 2022

My Dream For Every Gun (owned by ordinary civilians) in the United States

 And I would start with Kevin Baker and his blog commenters' guns...:)

Friday, March 11, 2022

A War That Doesn't Exist

The “elite collectivists vs. freedom-loving individualists” lie pushed by conservatives must be erased from our culture. It’s the core impediment to our society moving forward and malevolently perpetuates itself like a cancer eating away at reason and rationality. 

Honestly, it reminds me of when I would ask my children back when they were teenagers to take out the trash and they would have a fit and call me a dictator.

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Behave Like Civilized Adults

If a divided US is to come together again, the first step (the ONLY first step) must be for conservatives to start behaving like civilized adults. 

This includes: 

1. A cessation of the demonization of liberals. 
2. An end to lying about liberals. 
3. The crazed, mouth foaming anger towards liberals has to go. 
4. The penchant for bothsidesing, gaslighting, and whataboutism is never heard again. 
5. Adolescent competition due to insecurity and fragile egos is no longer present. 

If this step can be taken with all these actions, we can come together again as a nation.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Elon Musk Is a Genius... and an Idiot

Elon Musk, the guy who started Tesla and SpaceX, is a genius. He built the world's most reliable and cheapest system of getting cargo and people into space. He built a company that produces electric cars that have fantastic range and acceleration, and look cool too. He's on the leading of edge of battery technology.

Elon Musk is also an idiot. When some kids got stuck in a cave underwater and he proposed a hare-brained scheme to rescue them, he had a tantrum and a Twitter meltdown that landed him in court.

Musk doesn't think he should pay any taxes, despite the fact that both his businesses would never have existed without massive, MASSIVE government subsidies. Tesla would never have gotten off the ground without the $7,500 federal tax credit per vehicle sold. SpaceX would never have gained any traction without critical funding from NASA.

Tesla is full of idiots. His factories are full of dickheads who constantly spout racist insults. The people who write the software that runs the cars commit serial idiocies: they thought it was just fine to let drivers play games while driving down the highway and to run stop signs. There have been a dozen more Tesla recalls in the last year alone.

Perhaps the most idiotic idea that Musk is pushing is that he can build a city on Mars sometime in the near future. Ars Technica has a good video by Dr. Paul Sutter about the problems with going to Mars. Because that publication is aimed at tech nerds like me, it doesn't come right out and say that it is a flat-out pipe dream. But if you actually watch the whole thing, it becomes blazingly obvious that it will take centuries, and more likely millennia, for humanity to colonize Mars.

There are huge problems with colonizing Mars. 

A round trip to Mars with Musk's Starship will entail a year in weightlessness, and a year on Mars, which has only a third of Earth's gravity. Microgravity causes a multitude of physical problems: bone density loss, decreased vision, cardiovascular problems, decreased blood plasma volume, fluid shifts to the brain, muscle atrophy, etc. It's not clear that the low gravity on Mars would have the same effects, but bed rest studies indicate that the human body inexorably deteriorates without the full force of Earth's gravity.

Air pressure on Mars is less than 1% of Earth's, and it's all carbon dioxide. Oxygen would have to be made in situ. The Sabatier reaction can be used to convert CO2 into methane and water, but it requires a source of hydrogen and lots of energy. There is also oxygen locked in the soil, which is silicon dioxide (sand) and ferric oxide (rust). Every breath of air you take will have to be manufactured from scratch.

Sunlight is half the intensity as it is at Earth, which means the efficiency of photosynthesis and solar cell power generation is halved.

There is no liquid water. There's water ice at the poles and buried underground, which means it'll have to be mined. There are no canals on Mars for us to swim in.

The Martian soil is a fine dust. There are regularly global dust storms, which will play hell with power generation from solar panels.

Oh, and that Martian soil is toxic. It contains calcium perchlorate, which kills both humans and plants. And, of course, that fine dust will get into everything and cause diseases like silicosis and black lung.

The average temperature on Mar is -81 degrees Fahrenheit, and it can get as low as -220 in the winter. The atmosphere literally freezes out at the poles -- the polar ice caps are made of dry ice.

Then there's the radiation. Mars has no significant atmosphere and no magnetic field. Earth has both, and it's what protects life from cosmic rays and solar radiation. On Mars, as in space, you can close your eyes and watch cosmic rays go right through your brain. Radiation of this intensity will cause birth defects, cancer and destruction of DNA. 

That means that Martian settlers will have to live underground, shielded from radiation, and limit excursions on the surface to avoid radiation exposure and to avoid tracking all that toxic soil into the habitat. How many people who listen to Elon's siren song realize that they and their Martian children would live out their lives in dark caves for centuries, if not millennia?

Finally, Mars is a long way from Earth, and it will be necessary to ship millions of tons of food, oxygen, hydrogen, water, fuel, equipment and people. That means, literally, millions of launches from Earth's surface. That will cost hundreds of trillions of dollars. Who's paying for that?

Now, in the long term, can we terraform Mars? The Martian soil has oxygen locked in it, as well as the ice below the surface. But even if all that was released, it would only increase the air pressure two or three times, still less than 1% of Earth's air pressure, a small fraction of what's required for humans and plants to survive.

Mars used to have a lot of water -- we can see ancient riverbeds on the surface. But because it has no magnetic field, the solar wind blew it all away. And the same thing will happen again if we try to terraform it.

Novelists like Greg Benford have proposed terraforming Mars by landing icy comets on it. It's easy -- just go to the Oort cloud, wrangle up a few hundred or thousand comets and crash them into the surface of Mars. Now, I doubt anyone would want to be living on Mars during this period. I mean, debris from the impacts would be raining down constantly. 

Now, comets in the Oort cloud have orbital periods in the range of 200+ years. Which means it would take on the order of 100 to 200 years for each comet to reach Mars after it was nudged out of its orbit. Clearly, the process of terraforming would take centuries, and Mars would be uninhabitable for the entire process.

And how do we nudge a comet that masses trillions of tons? Elon's little Starship won't even begin to cut it. Halley's Comet masses 220 trillion tons. Clearly, we would need to mount fusion engines on the comet, and use the water ice of the comet itself to fuel the engines. That technology will not be here for a very long time. And... who would pay for it?

Do I think people should go to Mars? Of course. But let's be realistic. We will not have any significant presence on Mars any time soon; probably not in Elon Musk's lifetime. We may be able to get a scientific mission there, or an Elon stunt landing. But a permanent presence is not in the cards for centuries. And if Musk did get some suckers to go there in the near future, they'll all be dead from cancer, COPD or black lung within 10 years. 

If his Tesla employees are an example of the quality of the people that will go, they'll kill themselves in a hundred different idiotic ways on Mars, because there is zero room for error in that environment. Martian colonists cannot be disruptive, chaotic innovators -- they have to toe every line there is, otherwise they're all dead.

So it's utterly preposterous when Musk talks about about building a city on Mars, as if it would happen in his lifetime. This isn't a visionary talking, this is an idiot and a con man.

We should go to Mars. But it ain't a replacement for Earth. As I've said before, there is no Planet B. There's only Earth.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Arrest Them For Insurrection

The 14th Amendment, Section 3 SEC. 3.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.” 

Mitch McConnell called January 6, 2021 a “failed insurrection.


That means that Trump, Greene, Hawley, Gosar, Boebert, Gohmert and Gaetz should be removed from Congress according to the Constitution.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Key Factor In The 2022 Election That Barely Anyone Is Talking About

Let's take a look at some photos, shall we?

Exhibit A

This image shows that vaccination rates among counties that went for Trump are quite low with deaths quite high.

Exhibit B

This image shows that most unvaccinated people are Republicans.

Exhibit C


This image shows that Republicans are willfully ignorant about COVID-19.

Exhibit D

This image shows that more conservatives are dying from COVID-19 than liberals.

We are approaching 900,000 deaths from COVID-19. Far more than half of them are Republican voters. It could be as high as two-thirds. If a county went for Trump in 2020 and barely squeaked it out, Republicans will likely lose that county and seats in the house because too many people died. It's just simple math.

Conventional wisdom says that the GOP will win big in 2022. They still might. But if they lost voters to COVID-19 in key districts, they may not win big. In fact, it's possible that nothing much will change in the House. And with the Senate having more than two times the number of Republican senators seeking re-election, it's going to be hard for them to take the upper chamber back. 

All because of adolescent spite towards the "liberal elites." Talk about the land of self-defeat!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Confirmation Of January 6th Violent Insurrection Plot

 From a recent piece in the Times...

“Most everybody thinks we ought to have went with guns, and I kind of agree with that myself,” said Oren Orr, 32, a landscaper from Robbinsville, N.C., who had rented a car with his wife to get to the Capitol last year. “I think we ought to have went armed, and took it back. That is what I believe.”

Well, first of all, people were armed with guns there. But I do appreciate Mr. Orr confirming what sane people have been saying all along. 

We know what you are up to, folks. We will stop you by any means necessary. 

I also ROTFALMFAO when I read this part… 

“Many Jan. 6 attendees have shifted their focus to what they see as a new, urgent threat: Covid-19 vaccine mandates and what they call efforts by Democratic politicians to control their bodies. They cite Mr. Biden’s vaccine mandates as justification for their efforts to block his presidency.”

Hmm...abortion OK now? 

Monday, January 24, 2022



Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Root Cause Of The Decay Of The United States

Conservative ideology is the general cause of the decay we are experiencing in this country. It’s rooted in emotion, adolescent spite, fragile egos, and childish competition. 

It is completely illogical and often employs the tactic of gaslighting. It’s as if you see your neighbor fixing their wooden house with a blow torch and gasoline. You kindly inform them of how this solution will result in disaster. They roll their eyes, become petulant, accuse you of being closed-minded because you won’t consider “their side,” and foam at the mouth about how people like you are the reason why our country is falling apart and descending into fascism. 

We must employ a strategy that defeats this mindset. That’s why the Democratic Party must fire all their communication and PR gurus and hire developmental psychologists who specialize in treating toxic adolescent behavior. All messages should be a blunt force that eradicates the utter nonsense of conservative ideology and brings us to a place based in logic, facts, and functional solutions that have proven track records and accept reality.