
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sex Machines

Sunday, January 22nd, marked a pivotal day in our country's history. 33 years ago on that day the landmark court case, Roe V Wade, was handed down from the Supreme Courty which essentially said that states do not have the right to outlaw abortions. The next day, tens of thousands of protesters marched on Washington, expressing their outrage over a law that they feel is morally wrong.

They seemed like they might need some help finding a fix for their problem and I have decided that I am their man! I scanned all of the newspapers, watched the TV coverage, and looked all over the Internet for a solution for the Pro Life movement. It took me a long time and countless hours of sweating but I finally found out what they need to win their war on abortion.


That's right, folks. Ol Doc Campbell has come up with a simple solution to the abortion issue and that is that everyone who is against unwanted pregnancy should begin educating the nation, starting at a very early age, how to use FUCKING CONTRACEPTIVES!!!!!!!!! Not only should we educate our nation on birth control but we should also make it easily accessible for everyone and economically attainable for those less fortunate.

Oh wait, everyone on the left is trying to do that and everyone on the right is constantly trying to prevent them from doing so. Why?

Because conservatives feel that abstinence is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (cue uproarious laughter)

Hey neo-cons, abstinence is a medieval fantasy. Start doing something constructive if you are so against abortion. Instead of marching on Washington, how about starting a condom program at your local high school? It seems pretty obvious to me that this would really help reduce abortions and yet you are adamantly against this. Why do you continually thwart every move the left makes to ACTUALLY prevent unwanted pregnancies?

Well, I don't really have the answer to these questions and many others in this area so I went to an expert. Guess what? She is as confounded as I am!

"You would think it would be a 'no-brainer',"says Kathleen Murphy, Director of Public Policy for the Midwest Health Center for Women, "but people who are pro-life are of the mind that if they bury their head in the sand, the problem will go away."

Ms. Murphy informed me that groups like the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life have no "official" stand on birth control.

Excuse Me?

Note to conservative uptight fuckstick: PEOPLE LIKE TO FUCK. They will continue to do it. It's in our nature and one could argue that, since God created us to be horny, it is His will as well. I know it's tough because you consider yourselves to KNOW what God wants from His people on Earth but you really don't have a frikkin' clue.

And you know what else? You are NOT allowed to be the judge of other peoples sex lives, especially mine because I really don't want to have sex exclusively in the missionary position for the rest of my life.....maybe the doggy style position (being an ass man and all)....but definitely not missionary!

Ms. Murphy thinks the solution lies in three areas: education, accessibility, and economic assistance. "We just had our budget cut by $200,000 due to the Pawlenty Administration's re-classifying us as a lower priority clinic. This is more than likely due to the fact that we are the only not-for-profit clinic that provides abortions in Hennepin County."

"If we don't have the funds, we can't help people, not only with abortions but with basic health issues," she went on to say, "it's just that simple."

She went on to tell me that last year 14,000 abortions were performed in the state of Minnesota. In her opinion, that number could be reduced by at least 50 percent if more education about birth control was provided to women in this state.

People who are pro life have got it all wrong. If they really want to reduce unwanted pregnancy in this country, they should be handing out condoms in schools and going into poor communities armed with contraceptives rather than trying to prevent these things from happening.

They should be talking about sex in an open, friendly way and not pretending like it doesn't exist or shaming people into being afraid of it. Look at this picture on the left and imagine yourself as a teenager trying to figure out how you feel about sex. These are adults who are supposed to be role models and make young people feel comfortable about sex? Good lord.....

Sadly, probably no one on the right will be up for this. I spent a few minutes on the MCCL's web site and for a Pro-Life joint they sure have a lot of writings on death and misery. Of course, is it really all that surprising that they use the same type of language that other conservaties do, based around fear and complete fucking ignorance? And where is the section on birth control?

Most folks on the right are going to put their blinders on and only listen to the one source that they trust: The Bible. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about abortion, shall we? In Exodus, the law is pretty clear that if you smite your father or mother, the penalty is death. But in Exodus 22, we have the following:

"If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine."

This is the only mention, in the entire Bible, of what rights an unborn fetus has and it is pretty clear to me that it is monetary compensation. I am not saying I agree with this. It actually sounds pretty horrible. But I am saying that there is no passage in the Bible whatsoever that says that abortion is a sin.

People that are militant Pro-Life have invented a fantasy that is largely based on an outdated psychotic belief system. Nellie Gray, the president of March for Life, the group that organized the rally last week, said reversing Roe was this year's theme. Speaking to the crowd in fiery tones, Ms. Gray predicted that the United States would hold the equivalent of Nuremburg trials for "feminist abortionists," calling support for a woman's right to choose "crimes against humanity." "Roe v. Wade has brutalized our country," she said. "The feminist abortionists, look at the evil they are doing. From that will come an accountability."

So, what does this mean? As if our courts weren't taxed enough, now tens of thousands of women are going to put on trial? What a fucking nutter! But the best quote was our beloved president who, since he took office, was conveniently out of town on Jan 22nd.

"You believe as I do that every human life has value (except when I send them to die in a needless war for corporate profit or when I judge them, as God would want me to, to be evil and destroyed) ," Mr. Bush said, "that the strong have a duty to protect the weak (unless they are poor because poor people suck), and that the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone (except the fucking faggots who are sinners) , not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient. These principles call us to defend the sick(except for the 40 million people in this country who don't have health insurance because I want my golf buddies in the health care and pharmaceutical industry to get richer) and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, and all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children."

"By changing laws," he added, "we can change our culture." (unless you are a liberal activist judge in which case you can't legislate from the bench. Only conservative judges can legislate from the bench.)

"The Pro-Life Movement thinks that organizations like Planned Parenthood are leaders of the so called 'abortion industry'," says Ms. Murphy, "but it is just not true. They are doing the most in our state and nationwide to prevent abortions through family planning and birth control education. Abortions only constitute 2 percent of the services they offer."

So, pro-lifers, are you ready to remove your heads from the sand and face reality? Or are you going to continue to allow more abortions to occur by continuing to block funding for places like the Midwest Health Center for Women?

Because the truth is that there ARE solutions out there. Pull your heads out of the sand, please, and join the rest us in the 21st Century.


johnwaxey said...

This is a tough issue. It is easy to see both sides of the arguement and having just gone through a surprise pregnancy with my wife, I feel I can relate to the topic. I think there are some fundamental disagreements on both sides of the issue and that these are NEVER going to be resolved.

I get the impression that the Pro-Life movement sees abortion as a form of birth control. I don't see that as being the case...if so there would be hundreds of thousands of abortions each year. Having faced the decision to abort or continue a pregnancy recently, I know that for ANY person, this is a tough decision. Economics play into it, age of the parent plays into it, taking into consideration the care and attention the child would get plays into it. This is not an easy decision to make and to treat people as though they are evil for considering it is a miscarriage of Christianity.

I think it is also astounding that those that are Pro-Life would assume that everyone else should think and feel as they do. Of course this comes around to what I said in an earlier post on homosexuality which is basically that people should mind their own business. Those that pass judgement using biblical texts should also understand that judgement comes from their God in heaven, not from themselves here on earth. It is funny how Old Testament texts are used so frequently when revenge and exacting justice are at the heart of the matter, and how soon Jesus' message is forgotten. If they are upset that their tax dollars are going to fund abortion clinics, I can understand that, but what about their tax dollars that are going to support a war where lots of people are dying on a regular basis or any number of other causes that they don't agree with? The great thing about this country is that if you don't like what is going on you can say something and try to affect change. If that doesn't work for you, you are free to vote with your feet. I am sure there are enclaves out in the world where a person can live in a society that is free from abortion and sanctifies life. Hindu communities come to mind.

On the other side of the coin, I think that Pro-Choice people don't understand that contraception is the same thing as abortion to some of the groups within the Pro-Life movement. To prevent a sperm from fertalizing an egg is still the denial of a potential life. So, for many, abstinence is the ONLY way to not cross what they perceive as holy law. Markadelphia's suggestion is of course the right course for most Americans because it protects people from STD's AND pregnancy, but good luck getting that through some people's head.

Comes back around to people minding their own business.

Anonymous said...

Are the pro-lifers aware that if Roe vs. Wade got reversed there probably would still be places to get abortions? (They would just be illegal) Keeping abortion legal will also keep it SAFE.
Yes education about contraceptives will greatly reduce abortions, but let's face it there are always going to be some women that feel they have no choice but to have an abortion. (rape victims, and teenagers come to mind)
So what would conservatives think is worse? A) having a teenage daughter accidentally get pregnant, go behind her parents back, get a legal abortion in a safe clinic, done by accredited professionals...
B) having a teenage daughter accidentally get pregnant, go behind her parents back, get an illegal abortion at who knows what kind of clinic, with who knows what kind of "professionals"...
The choice seems obvious to me.

Anonymous said...

A reversal of Roe v. Wade (which will never happen btw) would not made abortion illegal. It would simply return the issue to each individual state.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind telling you I feel a bit I was promised a simple solution to the abortion issue and all I got was a mental picture of Markadelphia doggy-style. (it burns! it burns!)

Being someone who is, on principle, opposed to abortions (a "you made your bed, now you have to lay in it" and "shit happens" sort of stance) this issue is difficult for me. Two reasons. First, I have no moral objection to an abortion. Second, I am completely at odds with the "pro-lifers" who, unfortunately, have come to be the face of abortion opposition.

Aside from professional athletes player unions, I believe there isn't a single lobby in this country toward whom I am less sympathetic than the "pro-life" lobby. Anonymous (god I hate that) raises what to me is the fundamental issue in this argument. Like it or not, be opposed to it or not, abortion is a medical reality in this world. Teach abstinence all you want. Teach safe sex all you want. There's no escaping unwanted pregnancies. (So much for the solution to the abortion issue.) So the issue doesn't really have anything to do with "Life begins at conception" as much as:
1) In a population of 300 million, somebody somewhere is going to want it done.
2) In a population of 300 million, somebody somewhere is going to do it.
3) In the context of a population of 300 million, your religious beliefs are immaterial.

I think it's admirable that people feel strongly enough about their religious convictions to take a stand and say "I think this". I think it's despicable that millions (billions?) of dollars are spent lobbying to fight Roe v. Wade on religious principle when, in practice, it will accomplish nothing.

John and others on this board have admirably questioned the need to spend billions of $$ in Iraq. I'm worried more about the tremendous expenditure of time and $$ on a fruitless lobby such as this. (Granted, we're not talking government $$ here, but it's wasted money nonetheless.)According to the New York Times, a gallup poll shows the following percentages of support for (Abortion always legal / Abortion Sometimes legal) over the years:

1975: 21 / 54
1980: 25 / 53
1990: 26 / 56
2000: 26 / 56
2005: 23 / 55

Well done, pro-lifers. If fighting a battle that you cannot ever win helps you sleep at night, or makes you feel as if you can get into heaven, then far be it from me to stop you or condemn what you do. I would humbly suggest that there are other, quite winnable battles that would benefit from your time and effort. Come to the table and let's fight those battles.

(As an aside, I guess I missed the speech where GWB was talking about his golfing buddies, how poor people suck, and faggots. With some of the colorful language he used, you'd think there would have been more of an uproar. Oh, mean you added the italicized language? Huh. Wouldn't have guessed that...)

Venci said...

I agree with anything I read on your blog. I will post only this one comment, because it applies to all your posts.