
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fair and Balanced?

You gotta love Fox News. They just can't admit that a Republican could be capable of doing anything wrong. So, in an effort to blame the Democrats....again.....they listed Mark Foley, the disgraced congressmen who exchanged dirty emails and instant messages with a minor, as a DEMOCRAT. They say it was just an error but it happened at least twice last Tuesday.

Fair and balanced my ass.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of fair and balanced...

Republicans who do it must resign along with the leadership of the party while Democrats who do it get censured, re-elected to five more terms and have press conferences where they say it is "nobodies business".

Don't get me wrong, Foley should be run out of town.

Mark Ward said...

Yeah, but why is it that when Republicans fuck up immediate examples of past Democratic behavior is brought up and then we are all off topic...and the Democrats are back to being scumbags again. You can accuse the Dems of many things but they can't hold a candle to the rotten shit the neocons of 2006 have been up to. This not an opinion, it is a fact. Because if the Dems had done all of things that Bush Co has done for the last six years, I'd be a Republican.

The point of this post thought was that Fox News lied. They did it on purpose to pull the wool over people eyes and make them think that Foley was a Democrat. To me, this network should no longer be a credible source of news in anyone's eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm not off topic. I said Foley should go. You won't catch me defending him one bit.

Gay sex with a minor seems to be OK in them blue states like Massachusetts since they reelected that guy 5 times. Also, noone went after Tip O'Neill either.

Both acts are idiotic and deserve punishment. I just noticed a difference in the level of punishment.

I just felt like sending out my own little hypocrisy taunt this afternoon because the weather is so nice out.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I agree with you...Fox News messed that one up.