
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

An Open Letter

The following is an open letter to all voting Democrats in Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Guam, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virgina, Oregon, Kentucky, Montana, South Dakota, Puerto Rico, and the 300 or so remaining Superdelegates who are about to vote in primaries an caucuses.

It has become obvious to me that Hillary Clinton wants to be president so deeply that she is willing to become a monster in order to do it. It's odd to note that I wrote this sentence two days before an Obama aide, Samantha Power, resigned for saying the same thing. It's true, though, she is a monster and she has reminded us what defines her. In your upcoming primary or caucus, please keep the following in mind.

For the last week, Hillary Clinton has played the fear card (the 3am phone call ad), lied about who winked to Canada regarding NAFTA, and, on at least two occasions, placed herself and John McCain as being more qualified to be president. Similar to the end of nearly every Scooby Doo episode, Hillary has been unmasked and revealed to be.......KARL ROVE!!

There is no mathematical way she can win the election, even if she wins all 11 of the remaining contests by a large majority. She is also behind in the popular vote. The only way she can win is by bribing the superdelegates and, if that happens, she will have become the second person to steal a third election in the last eight years. If you are a superdelegate and you are reading this, imagine what the party will become if this happens. You are going to alienate ALL of the Obama voters. The Democrats will be terribly weak going into the general election and she WILL lose to John McCain.In poll after poll, Barack Obama is the stronger candidate against McCain. Imagine all of the crap that is going to come out against her in the general election.

Even if she somehow manages to win, both the nomination and the White House, get ready for four years of a mountain of bullshit, scandals, daily rectals, and maniacal tirades from both sides that will make the last eight years look like a church fucking social. Folks, we have done the Clinton thing and, while it was fine in the 90s, it is woefully shop worn. They had their time in the White House and it is time to move on.

In essence, that is what this election is really all about. That is why people like Hillary Clinton and her supporters are throwing the kitchen sink at Barack Obama. She can see the writing on the wall. This is her only shot and if she loses and he wins...and wins the general election against McCain...people like her and others in DC that benefit the most from the current schema, will lose forever. If Barack Obama becomes president, their party will be over.

I have watched with great interest the bemusement of conservatives commenting on the Democrats infighting. As usual, they don't get it. This primary is not about petty liberal squabbling. This election is about the past versus the future. We can see this divide clearly in each of their supporters. Hillary supporters will follow Obama. Obama supporters will not follow Hillary because to them she represents everything that is wrong with this country in the same way George Bush represents everything that is wrong with this country. She is about the past, the status quo, and the fucked up way things have always been done in Washington. Senator Obama is about the future. He is about turning the page.

People are excited about politics again. They are inspired and motivated to make this country a better place and it is because of Barack Obama, not Hillary Clinton. Give her the nomination and you lose all of that.You have a chance to stop an insanely retarded tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Don't fuck it up.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. She reminds of me of Sally Field in the movie Sybil. Wow, I am really dating myself!

Anonymous said...

A snippet from The Village Voice… another liberal sees the light of day.,374064,374064,1.html/full

(It particularly warmed my heart w/ his reference to the writings of Thomas Sowell.)

Anonymous said...

Dave, link doesn't work. I would like to read it.

Anonymous said...

Their whole website appears to be down...apparently one of their own going centrist threw them over the edge and they've closed up shop.

Here's the main link as garnered from Drudge; if and when they're back up...,374064,374064,1.html

Anonymous said...

Dang, just dave, that is a great read.

Mark Ward said...

It is a good article. Here's my problem, though, Dave. I find myself in, what I call, Heston-O'Donnell syndrome. I have this rare disease and it is defined thusly: I love Charlton Heston. How can you not? "It's a madhouse!" "Soylent Green are people!!!" "Damn dirty apes!!" are classics. His politics, however, are absurd and terribly short sighted.

Rosie O'Donnell, on the other hand, is a loud mouthed fat cunt. I quite literally can't stand her voice, which drives me to want to slay puppies. Yet, she is completely right in her criticisms of Bush Co.

When it comes points each of these people bring up, I find myself so personally biased, in favor of Heston and against O'Donnell, that my clarity is lost. I can no longer be objective. Now I must change the name of the syndrome to Heston-O'Donnell-Mamet syndrome because I adore Mamet so much personally that I would believe anything he says.

So, more than likely, I disagree with what he says but in the final analysis I must recuse myself from further comment because David Mamet is, in my opinion, the finest playwright of the last 30 years.

And he is from Chicago!!