
Monday, November 03, 2008

Predictions and Prognostications

What is going to happen tomorrow? I'm sure all of you are waiting with bated breath as to who I think is going to win.

Baring any Republican election tomfoolery, I think Barack Obama is going to win the US Presidential Election tomorrow. I predict he will win 311 electoral votes to McCain's 191. He will win all the states Kerry won in 2004 and take Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada-all states that Bush won in 2004. McCain will eke out Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, Indiana, Montana, North Dakota but not by much. Many of those states will have Democratic victories in the Senate and the House as a result of the turnout for him.

In the Senate, I predict the Dems will have 59 and the Repubs will have 41. The 59 includes Liebermann. So, which state put the Dems to 59? Minnesota or Georgia. I have to admit I am torn. I would love to see Saxby Chambliss, last seen accusing Max Clelland (wheel chair bound Vietnam vet) of being best buds with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, kicked out on his fat fucking ass. But I do live in Minnesota and have had just about enough of Norm "swing with the wind" Coleman. Both races are too tight for me to call but I do predict that one of them will go Dem.

The House will get to 250 for the Dems. I predict that El Tinklenberg is going to beat Michelle Bachmann (thank God!) in the Sixth. The race in the Third is just too damn close for me to call for my guy, Aswhin Madia. If you want him to win, get out and vote. The turnout for Obama may help him over the top.

Remember, people died for your right to vote. Regardless of who you vote for, to not vote at all because you are a lazy douche bag is completely unacceptable.

Go Vote!


Dan said...

"Remember, people died for your right to vote. Regardless of who you vote for, to not vote at all because you are a lazy douche bag is completely unacceptable."

I can't agree more or have said it better.

I like to think it's, at the very least, my license to bitch. If I don't participate, I can't complain about the results.

I agree also about Norm "the Windsock" Coleman. Around my house we've taken to calling him Chief Inspector Renault, after Claude Raines character in "Casablanca."

He blows with the wind.

Anonymous said...

Try 338!!!!
The biggest voter turnout in 90 years, since women won the right to vote!!!
Join me in volunteering to change your community!

"For that is the true genius of America – that America can change. Our union can be perfected.
And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow. "
President-elect Barack Obama, 11/4/08