
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Is She Still Around?

Sarah Palin seems to be everywhere. I realize she is the flavor of the month but the election is over and her side lost. Yet, she acts as if it is Dec 2011 and the Iowa caucuses are one month off. She has been giving interview after interview on all the major news networks. President Elect Obama hasn't even taken office yet!!!

Andy, over at, has a good take on this.

In an interview with Fox's Greta Van Susteren, Sarah Palin has said she is open to running for President in 2012 if God shows her the way. This remark demonstrates her inexperience. The protocol for running for President dictates that you do not express any interest in the job before the midterms. The correct answer (which she didn't give) was: "Greta, now that the election is over I am going back to Alaska and will be entirely focused on being the best possible governor that I can be for the great and wonderful people of Alaska. My term expires in 2010, and with God's help, I will make a decision about my future in 2010." The problem with announcing now is that her opponents (and she has plenty of them) will have ample time to carefully plot their strategy for making her look bad before the primaries even start.

Palin's exact quote, regarding God, was this.

I'm like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door. And if there is an open door in '12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I'll plow through that door.

I'm like, OK...wondering why seemingly, like, intelligent people on the right, like, still think she is, like qualified and junk.


Anonymous said...

She still thinks she's the prom queen, and suffers from the delusion that everyone loves her. The size of her ego is matched only by the immensity of her ambitions. Unfortunately, both are dwarfed by her ignorance.

We've already had one ignorant cheerleader for president. Pretty much everyone all around would agree he ranks among the worst two or three, if not the worst.

The American people have a short memory, but the leaders of the Republican party don't. It seems highly unlikely they'd go along with another turkey like Bush.

Anonymous said...

Or that she is Hannah Montanna and on "tour." Astute as always, blk:)

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin was in the red light district the other night. ReAnna and I saw her.

Mark Ward said...

Well, how was her ass?

You know I have to know.

jane said...
