
Saturday, January 24, 2009

From rld in comments earlier this week

you are going to be in the same boat as Jon Stewart and Olberman, as in what are they going to talk about now?

Well.... That's going to leave a mark:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

been watching jon stewart in london this week where i can watch him, daily! :) he's been super-great, funny that mark put the show up from a few nights ago that i loved, very truth-talking, about every1, starting with the new prez. loved gitmo-doll last nite. . looked like grover from sesame street (with beard.) assumptions = speculation & speculation = pure opinion , doesn't change the facts 1 iota. spin just spins its own publicity. facts are actions, words, the hard evidence is what really matters or means anything. tired of innuendo, rumours, half truths re-framed. i think most people are too. joanne.