
Friday, March 05, 2010

The Decided Lack of a Litany

I haven't felt much like posting these last few days. School has been busy but that's not really the reason. I go through phases like this where I'm just tired of all of the lying that goes on with the Cult. In the past week, there has been so much complete dishonesty (hirabi trials, health care, climate change) that I'm too stunned to write anything. Actually, it makes me terribly sad that people believe them.

Tomorrow, I'll put up my take on the Oscars. Hopefully, a little break from the bullshit will do me some good.


rld said...

It's always somebody elses fault.

Anonymous said...

I have developed a new clean web 2.0 wordpress theme.

Has 2 colours silver and blue, has custom header(colour or image).
I am curently working on it, so if you have suggestions let me know.

You can view live demo and download from here
If you found bug reports or you have suggestions pm me.
Wish you a happing using.

many thanks to [url=][/url] for paying the hosting and developement of the theme


Ed "What the" Heckman said...

Yeah, that cognitive dissonance is a killer.

last in line said...

Maybe you could tell us the great parts of the "jobs" bill that just got passed. If that legislation was uber awesome, there should be no need to be sad. Hopey Changey.