
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Any of those people below him regular readers of mine?


Anonymous said...

How appropriate. Cartoons to illustrate a cartoon ideology.

Haplo9 said...

I think we should take money from anyone who has more than Mark thinks they should have, and use that money to create jobs. It doesn't matter what, digging and filling in holes will do. At least they will be employed. That would really move the economy forward, right Mark?

Larry said...

Eat the rich! That will provide jobs for all.

Juris Imprudent said...

Apparently we have to eat rich hindus, jews and atheists, because fundie christians make a disgusting stew.

Anonymous said...

Apparently if someone is "wealthy" (meaning they have more money than you do), it is their duty to give you a job. It shouldn't have anything to do with whether or not you are actually willing to do something he wants done and is willing to pay for. It's not self-interest, it's duty! Expecting people to actually offer you something you want in return for your money is... it's un-American!

And yes, I'm one of those people below. The difference is, I'm not praying to him or protesting him. I'm pulling the weeds out of his garden, tying up his blackberry bushes and fixing his plumbing. And unlike you, I don't resent him sitting in the air conditioning while he pays me to do these things. I love the fact that he's that spoiled, if he wasn't he'd tie up the blackberries himself rather than paying me.

What part of that don't you understand?

Anonymous said...

Somehow I suspect Marky can't understand why the person with the "Will Work For Food" sign, with the angry look on her(?) face as if she's about to attack you, would have trouble getting hired.