
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yay For Them

You really have to hand it to the Republicans sometimes. There are moments when they can really be quite clever.

Take, for example, yesterday's contempt of Congress vote for Eric Holder which spurred an executive privilege order from President Obama regarding the "remaining documents" that the GOP led committee is claiming must be produced. Either way, they win on this one.

Now they can run around, stomp their feet, and  foam at the mouth about how the president and the AG are hiding something. If they end up releasing the documents....documents which certainly contain sensitive law enforcement information...they can point and laugh and say that the Obama administration truly doesn't know what it is doing and are bumbling fools. Yay! It's a pretty ingenious plan but will it work? 

Perhaps not. To begin with, no one (save for gun bloggers) really cares about this issue. And someone who really doesn't care is Mitt Romney who considers this a distraction from his central message on the economy (yes, we are the ones who dumped rats, bugs and other assorted pests in your house to fuck it all up but now here we are four years later as exterminators who promise to clean it up). The Romney campaign knows that this is the best way to beat the president and, with the monumentally low approval rating of Congress, this whole thing could backfire.

By "thing," I mean a whole lot of juvenile payback. The GOP is still smarting from all of the ethics investigations during the Bush Administration. Of course, back then, there was a lot more evidence as they really were breaking the law. So, when Darrell Issa took over the Oversight Committee, he promised "seven hearings a week times forty." This without any investigation having even commenced. Clearly, we know what the motivation is here.

As always, the Cult of Both Sides has already popped out and the people that are paying attention see the Democrats as being just as guilty as the Republicans even though that is completely false. Some of you might like Holder to release all the documents and pin the fallout on Issa and his goons on the OC.

But then would mean that more operations would be jeopardized and some people would likely die. I guess I'm pretty thankful that the adults are in charge and that won't happen.


juris imprudent said...

To begin with, no one (save for gun bloggers) really cares about this issue.

A Border Patrol agent is dead, partially due to this - I think his family cares. You seem to have no problem with Holder and Obama pissing on his grave. I don't imagine that is the sacrifice that Brian Terry ever thought he'd be making.

But what can I expect from someone who would excuse any abusive action from his beloved. I beat he's real nice to you when he ain't drinkin'.

sw said...

you forgot to mention racism markadelphia. sounds like your team sure does have something to hide. if the president didnt know anything about it how can he claim executive privilege?

GuardDuck said...

no one (save for gun bloggers) really cares about this issue

That's because they are ignorant of the details (and yes, I am lumping you in there too).

Mark Ward said...

A Border Patrol agent is dead, partially due to this - I think his family cares.

False. The bullet that killed Agent Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to any of the guns at the scene.

Facts, juris. Deal with them.

That's because they are ignorant of the details (and yes, I am lumping you in there too).

Oh? And you are an expert on these details? You must have someone in the DOJ pumping you with information.

Likely your information comes directly from (gasp!) a right wing blog. For someone who claims to want to deal in facts, you really don't, do you, GD?

GuardDuck said...

Oh.... I see Mark. A right wing blog is automatically without facts? Ahhh. That's some kick ass logic there boy. How about facts are facts?

Want an education on GunWalker? Should I waste my time by even pointing you in the direction where there is more information than I think your biased intellectual curiosity would ever try to absorb?

Try this:

There are ten parts - and hundreds of links. Educate yourself.

False. The bullet that killed Agent Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to any of the guns at the scene.

Irrelevant and your falsehood is false.

The bullet that killed Agent Terry was fired from a medium caliber semi-automatic rifle that the FBI could not rule out as coming from the guns found at the scene.

Irrelevant because Agent Terry was killed in a firefight where the other side was equipped with walked guns. IT DON'T FUCKING MATTER which particular gun fired the magic bullet. The bad guys had walked guns and used them in a firefight where a border patrol agent was murdered. Your dissimulation is sad.

Mark Ward said...

It doesn't matter which gun fired the magic bullet....hmmm....interesting. So, are you saying that even if no guns were walked that the bad guys still would have had guns? I'd say you are on to something there, GD. You're right...I did learn something!

GuardDuck said...

So now you are being deliberately stupid.

Hey I got it! If the bullets were actually purchased from the Chinese then it doesn't matter what gun was used to kill Agent Terry - it's the Chinese bullets that were at fault.

if no guns were walked that the bad guys still would have had guns

Uh....duh. But that is completely missing the point as usual for you.

juris imprudent said...

Facts, juris. Deal with them.

I said "partially" not definitively. Of course the bullet was too damaged - BP wears body armor. Body armor that would likely stop most handgun rounds, but not those from a rifle. I can just imagine you being so sanguine about a civil servant killed by gunfire with guns that could not be definitively tied to some right-winger. Not. You'd be so upset you wouldn't be able to decide whether to shit or piss yourself. Like your reaction to the Giffords shooting.

And I haven't even brought up what the Mexican govt thinks of all this.

Why don't you suck Al Sharpton's race-hustling dick for a little change of pace, you pathetic partisan pissant.

Mark Ward said...

I can just imagine you being so sanguine about a civil servant killed by gunfire with guns that could not be definitively tied to some right-winger.

Odd, because that's just how the right was regarding the THOUSANDS of deaths attributed to Bush's incompetence in Iraq. No biggie, right? I realize that you were not a supporter of the war in Iraq, juris, but many on the right were and so their mouth foaming about Agent Terry rings pretty hollow.

I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is why the right hates Eric Holder so much. I mean, they hated him the moment he took office and have been out to get him ever since. So, why? Obviously, it's not because he's black...

GD, I looked through your link and it's pretty hard for me to look at it as fact based. They, like the Daily Kos or TPM, have an agenda and they won't let information that inhibits that agenda from getting in the way. For example, nowhere in that link did I see the 7600 documents that have been released by Holder and the DOJ in regards to this case. Care to explain why that is?

"On the Obama Death Star, The Project Gunwalker scandal continues as the Empire Strikes Back in the form of evil eminence Darth Breuer."...seriously? Do you have any sort of source that is not biased that can look at the facts of this case? I would hope you would agree that "a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament" is not such a source.

GuardDuck said...

Oh, I see you didn't read far enough to determine that there was a virtual clearinghouse of outside links or that Codrea is one of the original bloggers who broke the story. So he is essentially the Woodward or Bernstein of the whole shebang.

GuardDuck said...

On the Obama Death Star......

Outside link. Not even written by the source I pointed you to. You have failed at the internets, please try again.

Sheesh Mark, you aren't even trying.

juris imprudent said...

I realize that you were not a supporter of the war in Iraq, juris

And yet you bring it up in a conversation between you and me. I wonder why?

I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is why the right hates Eric Holder so much.

It might just have something to do with the man's approach to being AG - IMO he'd have been perfect for Nixon.

vi curious hacker said...

Not even Jon Stewart is willing to swallow that, Mark. Bill Maher might, but like you, Bill will swallow anything.