
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sore Winners

One of Kevin Baker's commenters?

They, like me, are relieved that the state I grew up in (and where my mom still lives) was saved from those teachers and civil servants who make 30K a year who were poised to ruin hard working Wisconsinites lives. Thank goodness that the victims of this monumental attack (the Koch Brothers and other billionaires) are now free to live their lives!


GuardDuck said...

"I won"

Barry O

You got any more cheese for your whine?

Mark Ward said...

I take comfort in the fact, GD, that when things fall apart there, you will still blame the Democrats.

juris imprudent said...

Funny M but every failure in California is blamed on the Republicans who I don't believe hold a single state-wide office and barely more than a third of either side of the legislature.

Larry said...

That's so sad to see a blogging giant like Little Markie reduced to the dregs of Dan Ratherness and printing up something he's just written, folding it up a couple of time, and photographing as newsworthy evidence of ... something. We're just not sure what. How very sad. He never had much promise, but he once could be amusing.