
Thursday, July 05, 2012

What's More Popular Than Congress?

The approval rating of Congress stands is around 10%. Here is a list of 10 things more popular than Congress. 

1.President Obama (46%)
2. The Internal Revenue Service (40%)
3.  The airline industry (29%)
4. Lawyers (29%)
5. Richard Nixon at his lowest (24%)
6. The banking industry (23%)
7. The oil and gas industry (20%) 
8. BP during the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (16%) 
9. Paris Hilton (15%) 
10. America becoming a Communist nation (11%)

The last one really cracks me up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ten anonymous dollars says that 80% of the incumbents are re-elected.

10% approval
80+% re-elected

It's almost enough to make you think that voting is rigged.