
Friday, August 30, 2013

Which Car is Outselling The Rest?

That would be the Tesla.

In the first half of 2013, Tesla captured 0.6 percent of the total light-duty vehicle market in the state—more than Buick, Fiat, Land Rover, Lincoln, or Mitsubishi. And looking only at June, the latest month for which figures are available, Tesla also topped Cadillac, Chrysler, and Porsche. That’s especially impressive when you consider that those brands are selling multiple different cars, whereas the Model S is the only Tesla vehicle in production.

I was told there was no market for this sort of vehicle. Huh.


GuardDuck said...


Your use of the word 'market' shows you have no idea what a market is.

Mark Ward said...

Quick! We have to stop him from....something...:

GuardDuck said...

Quick! We have to stop him (Mark) from....something (dishonestly claiming a skewed market actually is reacting with normal market forces)...:

There, fixed it for you.

Mark Ward said...

Man, you guys are really not going to do well in the next decade. Change is a tough thing, GD. It doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

Further, it's not the end of the world if you don't win every argument.

GuardDuck said...

You just keep on making up your own reality Mark.

Mark Ward said...

Heading off at the pass....

GuardDuck said...

In honor of your new and not so new 'tag' lines, I thought I'd come up with one for every time you exhibit your normal close minded, tribal, lack of thought.

Marks Ordinary Response, Overt Nonsensical Ignorant Cognitation.

Mark Ward said...

And still...heading off at the's like muscle memory..

Anonymous said...

gd, I am SO stealing that. ROFTL!

Mark Ward said...

I think both of you should continue with adolescent taunting and "n'yah n'yahs." Maybe I was a bit hasty in saying the next decade...:)

GuardDuck said...

Oh? So unthinking, unexplained 'heading off at the pass' and unproven and made up 'PHG' are real mature actions?

If you were real reflective you'd learn something from that.