
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Good Words

From a recent comment thread on Quora regarding certain characteristics of conservative commenters...

Don't waste your time on THIS Charles. He is nothing but a mess of diversions, misdirections, equivocations, and outright denial. All of these points have been made before, but make absolutely no difference upon his ability to consider the impact of usage, intentions, or anything else that doesn't fit his narrative. I expect to see a "I know you are, but what am I?" Or "I'm rubber, you're glue..." response to this from him.

Sounds most familiar:)


Larry said...

Perhaps, but it wouldn't be surprising if you're just lying again, and it's actually something someone said about you. In fact, that has been said about you -- more than than a few times. No wonder it sounds familiar to you.

GuardDuck said...

And our own little Marxy has already got himself a reputation over at Quora.....

Funny how that happens.