
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Good Words

Quite a few to choose from Jonathan Kay's recent piece

There is a fine line between responsible gun-rights advocacy and America’s GOP-enabled Yosemite Sam gun-cult carnival — and I feel comfortable drawing that line around the diaper section of my local big-box store.

...for these Canadians, guns are tools, not objects of psycho-sexual religious veneration. There is no Canadian equivalent of Charlton Heston, who declared at the NRA’s 2000 annual meeting that “Sacred stuff resides in that wooden stock and blue steel, something that gives the most common man the most uncommon of freedoms … When ordinary hands can possess such an extraordinary instrument, that symbolizes the full measure of human dignity and liberty.” 

To a Canadian shooter, a gun is something used to kill gophers. To his American equivalent of the Heston school, it’s a sort of giant wand for killing Voldemort.

No shit.


GuardDuck said...

If there weren't so many people like you fetishizing the 'mysteriously super duper murder machine' to begin with it'd be just another tool to most.

Think about that - your fetish and focus on banning guns is the exact cause to make people want guns. plan. Every time you mention guns in any negative manner, I'm going to buy more ammo.

Double plus good - more stuff and it makes you cry. Win-win.

Larry said...

Yeah, I think that's a good plan, GD. Though I think all the firearms owned by my and my wife's extended families are defective. They've never once killed anybody. They haven't even once whispered seductive songs of murder into my ear. They just sit there like the tools they are. A fact we've endlessly tried to pound into Markadelphia's head, but it's evidently too well-padded by bowel tissue. And Markadelphia just sits there and yaps his fool head off like the tool he is.