
Monday, December 01, 2014

Good Words

From a question on Quora regarding why Republicans hate the president so much...

My list is based directly on the comments I've heard the most from dozens and dozens of republicans over the last eight years; Not just the garbage that Faux News and their pinheads broadcast, or what I read online, but stuff that I hear fall directly out of the mouths of republicans, face-to-face :

1) He's black, with an "Un-American"-sounding name. ("Black" usually isn't the word they use, either, and they HATE being reminded that they're bigots.)

2) He's not just black - He's a smart, successful - "Uppity" - black man who doesn't beg their permission before he does stuff. They resent this.

3) He's beaten them. Twice. Modern republicans value winning an election more than they value the toil and sweat and sacrifice that comes after winning an election, and Obama "took that away from them" too, that big MEANIE.

4) Republicans feel entitled to rule America, forever, and all of this "Obama" stuff goes against what they expect and demand. They resent this.

5) Obama's cleaned up most of the carnage they caused for eight years. They don't feel a shred of shame or guilt for the damage they did to the country and the world, and they resent being identified with the carnage in the first place.

6) Obama's victories and accomplishments remind republicans that they still have to live in the real world, where they don't always get their way. They resent this.

7) He doesn't conform to the stereotype of a black male being dangerous, violent, dumb, sexually irresponsible and prone to substance abuse and criminal activity.  His simple existence reminds so many republicans that, again and again, they're just plain wrong, wrong, wrong.

8) He steadfastly refuses to be a bloodthirsty muslim who mass murders white christians. He only kills muslims. And just never mind that he's mass-murdered more muslims than Bush ever DREAMED of. He's still somehow managed to hide the "undeniable fact" that he's ONE OF THEM, even though he GOT THEIR LEADER.

9) He gives "their" money away to people they don't like, and just never goddamn mind that they're almost all, to a one, better off than they were when Bush left office. He just CAN'T be given credit for any of that, he just CAN'T.

10) He's from Chicago. Whatever THAT means.

Dave echoes my answer on this question but does hit some different notes that fold in quite nicely:)


Anonymous said...

oh, man, this is classic and about as stupid a post as it gets.
1) No significant number of people care if he is black....nobody cares.
2) He isn't smart, he is clever. And back to the racist strawman you love and hope is isn't.
3) People don't hate him for winning. they just think the people who voted for him are stupid and gullible...and they are.
4) Entitled? No - Better ideas (marginally), yes.
5) Full on BS. He hasn't done much of anything and made it a lot worse than it should be.
6) along with 5) is he has very little but carnage to show for his 'success'. This is laughable.
7) again with the racist canard...again false and stupid
8) Hmm, lots of gibberish and touting the only foreign policy success he can even hope to claim...killing bin laden. Whoa, he is a giant among men!/sarc
9) Nobody except the fat cats are better off than under Bush by any objective measure. These are all documented (higher welfare, lower income, etc.) yet here you have another ignorant dumbocrat pushing that falsehood.
10) a joke, but he (and you) probably believe it.

No wonder you like Quora so much, there you can find dumb and dumber people to clap each other on the back. Sad.

Larry said...

I see you're continuing to have problems "Managing Fantasies", Markadaffy. Might want to up those meds a bit.