
Friday, December 19, 2014

Sony And The Caving

I still can't believe that Sony caved to...who?....cyber terrorists? Seriously, what kind of a message does this send? It's not just Sony, of course. It's also theater chains around the country who have decided to pull the film from viewing because they are worried about terrorist attacks. Where, exactly? Iowa?

I'm actually pretty disappointed in our nation today. I guess anyone on the internet who makes a threat about something is going to make us all shit our pants.


GuardDuck said...

For once I agree with you absolutely.

juris imprudent said...

I'll tell ya who Sony (and the theater chains) caved to - the lawyers that would've sued them into oblivion if so much as a mouse farted during one of the screenings.

Larry said...

Yup. Lawyers and a broken tort system were the biggest factor by far in their decisions. If something had happened at a theatre, it wouldn't matter if the theatres and Sony had won every single case -- they'd still be out millions of dollars in legal costs, not to mention being dragged through the muck in the media for months or years for having the poor judgement to show the film in the face of such threats. And that's the best case scenario.

"Soulless corporations putting profits ahead of human lives," would no doubt be the sneering refrain by the bloggers here.