
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Trump on Coke

I turned to my son during the debate and wondered the same thing. Of course, speculation about this stuff is ludicrous and has no basis in reality. But isn't that what this election is about? Trump is doing well because he tells lies and people believe it. Everyone believes the stereotype about coke users (sniffing alot, meglomania, bluster, and then crashing) whether it's true or not so Dean doubling down on this makes sense given the current political, environment.

I find it hilarious that everyone in the media is outraged by this. They complain that the Democrats aren't adjusting well to a non traditional campaign and then bitch like crazy when they do it.


blk said...

A lot of people have noticed that Trump was very twitchy during the debate. His ghostwriter says he can't concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes. In speeches he can't talk for more than two sentences before launching off on some irrelevant tangent, or getting in a dig at Rosie O'Donnell.

I think he's suffering from some sort of senile dementia, perhaps Alzheimer's, which his father Fred had. At a minimum he's fried his brain from getting too little sleep. If you look at him in interviews from 20 and 30 years ago he was sort of hyperactive, but he was relatively coherent. These days he's all over the place, and has a terrible time concentrating on reading a teleprompter -- when he reads canned speeches he's like a fifth grader reading a book report he copied off the internet.

I think he's becoming incapable of forming new memories, which is a common problem with Alzheimer's patients. That's why he doesn't bother with debate prep: he can't learn anything new, so nothing will soak in. He might as well wing it.

I'm seeing this with my own father: he can remember things in his wheelhouse, but he can't remember something as trivial as how to copy and paste in an email editor, no matter how many times I tell him how to do it.

Cornbread said...

Speculation about health issues! Based on video evidence and the author not having access to the actual health records of the person being discussed! Love it!

Mark Ward said...

Hence the reason why I said "Of course, speculation about this stuff is ludicrous and has no basis in reality."

I believe you missed the larger point I was making. Why is it bad when the Democrats try to play the game but not bad when the Republicans do it? The Dems have been criticized for being slow to respond to the current political climate. Now, they do so and that's bad?

Cornbread said...

I was talking about blk's post.