
Sunday, January 29, 2017

When Right Wing Bloggers/Commenters Run Things...

....they fuck them up because they don't know what they are doing. What an absolute cluster fuck the last 24 hours has been with President Trump's latest imperial decree. Nikto has chimed in already but I'd like to point out some facts.

1. Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, no one has been killed in the United States in a terrorist attack by anyone who emigrated from or whose parents emigrated from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, the seven countries targeted in the order’s 120-day visa ban, according to Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina.

What does "no one" mean? It means ZERO FUCKING PEOPLE. So, why is this considered a threat?

Because of the paranoid fever dreams of alternative facts land (aka Right Wing Blogs and Right Wing Blog Commenters).

2. 123 people have been killed in the United States by Muslim terrorists since the 2001 attacks — out of a total of more than 230,000 killings, by gang members, drug dealers, angry spouses, white supremacists, psychopaths, drunks and people of every description. So the order addresses, at most, one-1,870th of the problem of lethal violence in America. If the toll of Sept. 11 is included, jihadists still account for just over 1 percent of killings.

And where are those jihadists from?

Saudi Arabia. Egypt. And, of course, our own country.

Yet there are Trump Inc. business interests  in these countries so they get a pass. Wow...

3. The Muslim ban violates the US Constitution, specifically the due process clause of the 5th amendment. Did they get a fair hearing? Nope.

It's also in violation of US federal law itself. The 1965 law, the Immigration and Naturalization Act, clarifies that people should not experience preferences or discrimination on account of their "race, sex, nationality, place of birth or place of residence."

Man oh man, did our new president step in it big time. What a fucking buffoon.

I realize the facts listed above will fall on the deaf ears of those who know only hate, anger, and fear but they need to be aired anyway. We live in a country of immigrants and to haphazardly ban people from coming in based on nonsense is not what we stand for.

Not now.

Not ever.

1 comment:

Nikto said...

This wasn't about actually doing anything. This was about venting frustration and carrying out a bogus campaign promise. In other words, a reality show gimmick that he knew would cause a huge fight, and tons of chaos.

If we're fighting about Muslims entering the country, we're not watching Trump pocket money from deals he's cutting with CEOs (like Monsanto/Bayer). It's like a magician who waves a bright red handkerchief while he's slipping a dove out of his sleeve. Trump is trying to con us with chaotic gimmickry.

Though this was an utterly incompetent execution of that promise, it will have the effect of discrediting the "establishment" in the eyes of Trump supporters.

They will think that Trump is fighting the good fight and he is being hampered by Muslim-loving wimps who care about civil rights, due process and all that crap that Muslims want to deny people in the first place. They don't seem to understand that if we adopt the same evil tactics as our enemies, we become as evil as those enemies. We are not good because we are us, we are good because we uphold the principles of freedom and justice.

But clearly, Trump and his supporters don't give a damn about being good. They only care about power and vengeance.

The worst thing is Trump is yet again normalizing evil fascist behavior, ruling by decree, incrementally drawing us closer to a fiat dictatorship without regard to the rule of law.

(If you think Obama ruled by decree with executive orders, just take a peek at what they actually did: most are just procedural matters like the order of succession within various departments, sanctioning, banning or blocking property of officials from countries like North Korea and Iran, pay rate adjustments, amendments to previous executive orders, establishing commissions to do things like investigate financial fraud, adjudicate labor disputes or reduce texting while driving, hiring veterans, and furthering workers' rights with things like improving minimum wage and overtime rules in the government. Obama used executive orders because the Republican do-nothing Congress refused to do its job.)