
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hope Abandons the White House

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, reads the inscription over the gates of Dante's hell.

Now Hope (Hicks) has abandoned the White House, which has become Hell on Earth:
Her resignation came a day after she testified for eight hours before the House Intelligence Committee, telling the panel that in her job, she had occasionally been required to tell white lies but had never lied about anything connected to the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
At least one person in the Trump administration appears to have a conscience, but that person is leaving.

Turnover in the White House and the Trump administration has been phenomenally high, and it appears that it will be accelerating.

Jared Kushner and several other White House aides have just been denied top-secret clearances, which means they can't do their current jobs. Which means they serve no useful purpose and should be fired.

Ben Carson is under fire for spending tens of thousands of dollars on dining room furniture for his office. For some reason, Carson's wife -- who has no official position at the Department of Housing and Urban development -- demanded that staff violate federal law to spend $31,000 on a table. Incredibly, this was Carson's reaction:
Mr. Carson “didn’t know the table had been purchased,” but does not believe the cost was too steep and does not intend to return it, said Raffi Williams, a HUD spokesman.
$31,000 is more than most people spend on their cars, and is more than the starting teacher salary in Montana, South Dakota and Missouri!

Other Trump administration officials are under investigation for flying first class or using private jets at taxpayers' expense.

Trump has resumed badgering his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, on Twitter, presumably an attempt to get Sessions to resign so that Trump can appoint a new attorney general who will fire Robert Mueller and stop the Russia investigation.

During Hicks' testimony before Intelligence Committee she refused to answer any questions about what happened during the transition and Trump's first year in office, specifically, what happened when Trump crafted multiple mendacious statements about the Trump Tower meeting Don Jr., Kushner and Paul Manafort held with Russians offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.

When Robert Mueller comes calling, Hicks will no longer be able to demur. But at least she will have escaped from Hell.

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