
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trump Needs A Cheat Sheet To Be Human

Remember back in those days of Obama, Barack when the right used to foam at the mouth about his teleprompter? Check out Trump's cheat sheet that he had yesterday when he was talking with the families of victims of gun violence.

Really? He needs fucking crib notes to be a human being and say, "I hear you." He can't fucking remember to be a human being?

Completely. Unfit. For. President.

1 comment:

Nikto said...

God-damned hi-res digital photography!

What's more interesting is that this is not Donald Trump's handwriting -- it's someone else's.

Check a sample of Trump's actual handwriting here in his missive to Kareem Abdul Jabbar.

Donald Trump is so lacking in human feeling that he has to have someone else come up with his talking points in an informal meeting with survivors of a mass shooting. And then he has to bring a crib sheet because he can't remember them.