
Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Obvious Cowardice of Gun Humpers

Every gun humper with a whole bunch of firearms and a dream of being Jack Bauer will tell you that he can save the day should the need arise in a school shooting. President Trump himself has been touting arming schools since the the Florida shooting. Yet I have to wonder if these gun rights folks would actually jump in and save the day or would they just run?

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had an SRO (Security Resource Officer) so there was a good guy with a gun on site. Today, he resigned because he never went into the building. SRO's are police officers that are supposed to take bad guys out. He didn't. This was someone who was trained to do this shit and he failed. Do the gun humpers actually expect me to believe that they are going to rush in and save the day where the cops failed?

I don't believe it for a minute. The first thing they would do is likely shit their pants because the only thing they have the courage to do is troll gun grabbers on the internet from the parent's basement. They've never been trained nor do they have the training to take out a live shooter. Playing Call of Duty doesn't count, by the way.

So, yeah...I think they would just run. They wouldn't save anyone but themselves.


Unknown said...

I don't think this tidbit is a big win for the gun control side of the argument for several reasons.

So much for “only the police should have guns” argument. Now I see why the Sheriff has been so eager to blame the NRA instead of his departments screwup.

The FBI failed to follow its own procedure when warned of the Florida school killer and now we learn that the armed sheriff’s deputy assigned to the school failed to execute his duty. No wonder Americans don’t trust their institutions — they may just want the ability to protect themselves when the institutions show themselves incompetent to do the job. Government failed repeatedly and catastrophically at 2 different levels - FBI and local police. And the solution is more government?

Trump’s luck is pretty amazing. All the loud voices participate in a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA culminating with that “Town Hall” and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything. Sheriff Scott Israel was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before. He must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Armed police are now guarding the home of that deputy. Oh the irony.

Mark Ward said...

Rob, what exactly would you have done in that situation? Would you have charged in with your gun and saved the day? Would any gun rights person? I submit that they would have run all the way back to the parent's basement and not saved a soul.

Gun safety advocates lament police malfeasance constantly, particularly when they shoot unarmed black men. Where are you on that, btw:)?

Unknown said...

You seem to be breaking your own comment rules - trying to turn the discussion to what I would have done. No wonder nobody comments here anymore.

I'm not a gun guy, don't even own one. Whereas you "submit" a hypothetical prediction, I'll point out that the known fact that 2 levels of law enforcement dropped the ball, and those are the people who people should rely on to protect them?

Mark Ward said...

There is no rule here against asking someone what they would do or what they believe. Comments about general groups of people are also OK. Personal attacks and ad hom are not.