
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Ronulan Invasion

Great article in the Strib today about how Ron Paul has managed to get some delegates to got to the National Convention. The media is making an awful lot of ballyhoo out of the fight on the Democratic side of the race but methinks the Republican Convention, here in my home state, is going to be mighty interesting.

There a lot of pissed off people in the Republican Party. McCain has basically been propped up because the country club Republicans (aka money guys) know he is the best chance to win and they know that if they let the other two thirds of their loony bin put up someone (that would be the evangelicals and the Waco brigade) they will lose the election to the Democrats.

So, enter Ron Paul. He doesn't have a prayer of getting the nomination but there are enough people that love his libertarian booty that he will get some say at the convention and could lay the groundwork for a real revolution.

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