
Friday, July 09, 2010


One would think that the Cult has plenty of things to rip President Obama on these days. Jobs are still in Shitsville...AfPak is a mess...there are still a gazillion gallons of oil spilling into the Gulf...

But no. Oh no. What are they upset about?

Muslims are taking over space. Outer space, that is.

I was left this in comments recently.

And help me understand (through a liberal prism) why the head guy at NASA said this on Al Jazerra TV- "When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.

First of all, the "head guy" is Charles Bolden. Let's try to use names and not sound like a secondary character from the film Idiocracy. Second, so what? Islam has made historic contributions to science. Pick up a fucking history book and read all about it. A simple Google search will show you how their advances in math, physics and a whole host of other disciplines changed our world. So, he's right. We do have a lot to thank them for in regards to their contributions. Although, most of that thanks should be given to those Islamic scientists from 8th to the 13th centuries. I'm certain a scant few would respond positively as a great deal of their culture is now run by their own versions of Dick Cheney.

But that doesn't mean that they are "taking over space" as was intimated in this comment which, naturally, came from a variety of Cult information sources. "Muslims Threat To Space" and "Killer Niggers Go Free" are the two latest stories that are causing their undercarriages to turn decidedly unfresh. I don't get it. They have so much to go after Obama on and have the potential to take back many seats in both houses Congress this fall. Why are they on about this drivel?

Oh, that's right. Silly me. Their ideas have no practical application in reality which leads to the obvious conclusion that they have no real solutions.


juris imprudent said...

Well M, imagine what YOU would be saying if Bush had made such an "outreach to the Christian world"?

Wait, WAIT! I need to put my earplugs in - wouldn't want to have a permanent hearing loss from the 200+ decibel howling.

to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and engineering.

That is what the man said. I don't know about outrageous, but I think it is pretty goddam funny. Last thing I heard that reached that level of stupidity was the California legislator (D - naturally) that was all absorbed with the "self esteem" of California school-kids and didn't care if they could actually read; everything was okey-dokey as long as they felt good about their ignorance. Even Doonesbury ridiculed that asshole.

The criticism cited by TPM may be stupid, but not really any more than the original Administration official.

Now, even TPM doesn't say "Muslims taking over space" - so did YOU invent that all on your lil own? How cute - must be another one of those voices in your head that you keep arguing with.

...which is considered a black separatist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Oh NOES! That is the same SPLC that is all worried about WHITE hate amongst American service men and women.

And you certainly aren't defending the NBP, are you?

Good to see that you are fervently seeking out the most irrelevant issues of the day. Gawd only knows you don't want to actually have to defend this Administration for what it ACTUALLY has and has not done. [Hint: is GITMO still open? Do we actually have a clue what we are going in A-stan now? And WHAT IS IN the HCRA?]

Anonymous said...

...which leads to the obvious conclusion that they have no real solutions.

Why would they bother? The Democrats have made it clear that they want no part of Republican solutions. If it is ever acknowledged that a Republican offered solutions at all, it will only be so they can demagogue it. It's a given that whatever happens, the Republicans will be entirely cut out of the process.

That's what happened with healthcare policy. That's what happened with financial policy. That's what's happening with energy policy. "Republican solutions", whether good bad or indifferent, can't save the country because the Democrats refuse to allow that. There's no upside.

You guys demanded ownership of all this shit. Embrace the suck, bitches. You have gotten precisely what you demanded.

brendan said...

You mean the health care policy that was essentially the same one that Romney passed in Massachusetts? Or the one that the Republicans in 1993 proposed?

Mark's right. The GOP's ideas have no practical application in reality. Your health care policy is "Don't get sick." And when you do, it's going to cost you insane amounts of money. And their solution to that is tort reform? Meanwhile, Sharon Angle is suing Harry Reid....

They don't have any ideas because their part is so far to the right that they can't explain how not governing is a solution to governing.

Anonymous said...

You mean the health care policy that was essentially the same one that Romney passed in Massachusetts?

You do know that RomneyCare is an expensive failure, right?

Wait, wait... you're throwing up Mitt Romney as some rabid right-winger that "you're a hypocrite if you criticize it 'cause HE did it..."?




...oh jeeze...







...yeah okay, I give. You win.

juris imprudent said...

You mean the health care policy that was essentially the same one that Romney passed in Massachusetts?

The Dems have run the Mass legislature for how many years? Sure Romney signed it. Why don't you tell us all how that is working?

Or the one that the Republicans in 1993 proposed?

I'd love to see a link. Otherwise, I say bullshit.

Hell, you STILL don't know what is actually in the HCRA.

blk and I agree - it is ridiculous to have health insurance tied to employment - that is an out-of-date union concept. I don't see why health insurance isn't like ANY other insurance you buy: home, auto, life. When I was self-employed I bought my own insurance - this isn't rocket science, and it also isn't welfare. And my auto insurance doesn't pay for gas and oil changes - like health 'insurance' is expected to pay all of your medical costs.

Mark Ward said...

Like any other legislation that is passed, there are ups and downs. Of course it HAS to be a failure, anon, otherwise your head would explode.

Juris, Romney more than just signed it. He was on all the shows stumping for it and was driving it all the way.

Your link, if Brendan doesn't mind me answering for him.

juris imprudent said...

From wiki: "In 1993, he joined with Democratic Louisiana Senator John Breaux to form the Senate Mainstream Coalition, a coalition of six Democratic and six Republican Senators seeking bipartisan consensus on health reform."

So that wasn't really a Republican proposal. As I recall, the Repubs in '93 and the election of '94 ran AGAINST the Democratic healthcare proposals. You do recall how the election of '94 ended up, don't you?

Since there is only a single source that I could find, I smell something rather fishy about offering up "hey the Repubs were all for this in '93". Particularly considering the campaign/election of '94.

Nor was Chafee ever a mainstream Republican - for the better or worse. He had been pushed out of the leadership by '93. He was one of the worst on RKBA - worse then many Democrats (of the time, let alone today).

Lastly, how IS RomneyCare (if you like) actually working out in Mass? Why so assiduously avoiding that question?

last in line said...

As a cult member, I guess my question, along with Ed and Juris I presume, is still...

Is this what Nasa should be doing?

The discussions on here have veered off into polling, healthcare, etc. Mark immediately started talking about Muslim contributions to science centuries ago...which is fine, and I can't see where anybody has denied those contributions. I guess I'd like to know if you folks who are left of center on here think this is something NASA should be spending a lot of their time and energy on.

juris imprudent said...

Is this what Nasa should be doing?

Apparently not, as Obamessiah's mouthpiece clarified today.

Last in line said...

Ahhhh yes indeed, the folks you all voted for have "clarified their remarks". Got it!

Kevin said...

"You guys demanded ownership of all this shit. Embrace the suck, bitches."

Oh that's good!

juris imprudent said...

And M is still sure the cult is all up in arms about "Muslims taking over space".

Well, perhaps it is, since the cult seems to really only exist in his mind.

Hellooooooo - anyone in there? Got something to say about how great that health-care reform is working in Mass?

[waits, waits, kicks pebble, turns and walks away]

Mark Ward said...

Juris, I've addressed the MA issue several times regarding its ups and downs. If people don't like government run health care, then MA is failing. It has nothing to do with facts or reality. There's no point in engaging in further discussion unless you are willing to embrace the positive points.

juris imprudent said...

There's no point in engaging in further discussion unless you are willing to embrace the positive points.

Such as? The only thing in the news of late is that the system is going broke, fast.

And you want to talk about the positives?

Damn Teabaggers said...

There's no point in engaging in further discussion unless you are willing to embrace the positive points.

Which are what, precisely?

juris imprudent said...

{crickets chirping}

So, M what positives are we supposed to be embracing?

It has nothing to do with facts or reality.

Oh, I get it - IMAGINARY positives! This must be the Really New Math.