
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Still Running The Show

As blk and I drove home from the fantastic film "Inception," our conversation turned to politics as it usually does. BLK has been trying to get me off of the Cult meme and shift into defining the current form of the GOP as being more tribal. His points are very well taken. They do behave in quite a tribe like fashion and I may shift some of my views on this slightly. Perhaps a tribal cult?

One of the points we poured over in amusement was how The Tribe (let's just try it out for this post and see how it works:)) really has only one goal: to win the argument. They do this by desperately trying to prove anyone left of them wrong. We see this in comments all the time in regards to yours truly. There's not really much critical thinking on my posts--just the driving force of proving me wrong. That's all that really matters. Reality certainly doesn't matter.

The same thing holds true for the issue of racism. The Tribe will never admit their obvious racism and take any chance they get to accuse the left of racism. Sonja Sotomayor is racist, for example, and Rush Limbaugh is most certainly not. They take great delight in sifting and searching for any racist remark made by non white people. If they find even a kernel of one, whoops of delight are seen exploding all over the blogsphere, the radio and Fox News. "See? They're racist!! So that means we're not!!!"

Take a look at what happened with Shirley Sherrod. Right wing blogger Andrew Brietbart wanted desperately to prove that the NAACP is racist--he wanted to win the argument--so he put up an edited video of Sherrod reflecting on her own struggles with bias. It turns out that the much longer version of the video paints a much different picture. In no way did she harm any white farmers in Georgia.

This whole incident proves a few things. To being with, it proves blk's point about how the Tribe is really only interested in winning. They aren't interested in confronting these issues in a serious way. They simply want to point and accuse others of what is, in reality, their problem. It also shows how people like Brietbart and Fox News get to be complete dicks and get away with it. BLK and I discussed this as well. People like Rush and Glenn Beck can say whatever they want and be assholes. Even elected GOP leaders can be dicks. In their assholeishness, they have created a seemingly fool proof position in which all outcomes are desirable. If they are ass hats with no response from the left, then the left is weak. If there is a response, then it's "Look at the rabid and insane Lib!" See, people expect the GOP to be rabid and insane so it's OK when they do it.

Best of all, though, is we have yet another answer to Last in Line's question. How can you still bitch about conservatives when they aren't in power?

Because nutless monkeys like Ben Jealous listen to them.


last in line in the journolist said...

If Obamas policies were so great they would speak for themselves. You can bitch about conservatives all you want but it's the giant ignore of Obamas policies that I notice.

Nice Journolist info coming out btw, good stuff. You're just worried your charges of racism are going to start ringing hollow. Is slinging charges of racism around part of the new era of united politics?

You need them to be running the show so you have someone to blame. Being on defense and being asked to defend policy just isn't as fun.

Ann said...

The Democrats are depressed about their collapsing poll numbers, so it's time to start calling conservatives "racist."

the iowa kid said...

Because they are.

A Tribal Cracker said...

You dumb fuk. Who doesn't want to win. Do you play a baseball, football, basketball game to achieve a tie? No.

Unfortunately, what's at stake with our country is far more serious, that conservative ideals MUST be implemented. Never mind the fact that they're tried and true, and what this country was based on.

Have you seen the list of "The Blackest White Folks we Know" from the online magazine for blacks co-founded by Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates (Obama beer summit guy). Guess who NUMBER TWO is?

Question for you. Would MLK be a Rep or Dem if he were alive today?

NOT Ben Jealous said...

You, Sir, are full of crap. You had no dialog with BLK who called "The Cult" the "Tribe". You stole that moniker from the imbeciles at JournoList.

I call your bluff.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Brietbart's bigger plan is to take down the Obama administration, not merely "win" an internet fight.

blk said...

"Who doesn't want to win. Do you play a baseball, football, basketball game to achieve a tie? No."

Treating business, foreign affairs, domestic politics and legislation like a football game, one where anything goes and you try to crush your opposition totally every time, is a mistake.

It's a mistake because we all have to live together. Eventually we will need each other's help somewhere down the line. In a game, you can go all out because there are no real consequences -- once it's over, it's over. Someone won and someone lost. You might be mad at the other guy for what he did, but in the end it's just a matter of pride. As long as you're playing by the rules.

But in their lust to win at any cost, the conservatives aren't just playing hard. They're breaking the rules. They're taking steroids. They're buying off refs. They're putting helium in the football, scuffing the baseball. In the sports world cheating just gets you tossed out of the game. And people stop playing with you.

In the real world, no-holds-barred tactics hurt people seriously. They can destroy reputations and lives, and sometimes get a lot of people killed (like the full-court press of lies the Bush administration waged to gin up the Iraq War in 2003). Karl Rove ran a similarly dirty campaign of lies and innuendo against John McCain in the 2000 presidential primary, which I believe is what really made McCain a "maverick" and ultimately knocked him off his rocker.

Many of the men involved in the financial meltdown had so much money that the billions they were playing with became unreal and they thought of it as a game in which they could do anything they could think of to win (Raj Rajaratnam, who was charged with insider trading is a prime example).

In business a "tie" is usually more desirable than a "win" -- a company that routinely "beats" its suppliers or customers doesn't earn a very good reputation, and can seriously damage its partners (like Walmart did to its American suppliers over pricing. Walmart is probably the #1 reason everything is made in China now). It's best to reach a mutually beneficial compromise in most things. Even among directly competing companies it's often best to avoid totally destroying competitors to avoid the ire of customers and anti-trust regulators.

In foreign affairs it's often extremely important to avoid crushing your enemies. Letting opponents save face will often allow them to eventually become allies. At the end of the Gulf War the US essentially allowed Saddam to play to a "draw" to avoid empowering Iran. G. W. Bush screwed this up when he attacked Saddam, demonstrating to North Korea and Iran what the US would do to anyone they didn't like that didn't have nuclear weapons. So, of course, we have arrived at the problems we've got today.

Splitting up American domestic politics into the Conservative tribe and the Liberal tribe is on first principles nonsense. The majority of Americans are neither, sharing some attitudes from both camps. They seesaw back and forth between the parties each election based on economic and social conditions, and are easily influenced by hype and current events.

When you start slicing up the country into tribes that are bent on defeating each other you will find each tribe starting to fight within itself over who is the purest. When you are of the mindset that anything goes to win, you start treating other members of your tribe the same way you treat your enemies (like Bush treated McCain). Then the tribe starts splintering into smaller and smaller pieces. This is ultimately self-destructive, and there have been seeds of this in the Republican party for years.

And, by the way, there are sports and games where you will sometimes play to a tie for long-term reasons, including soccer and chess. If you're playing a sequence of games a tie may give you an overall win. And that's more like real life.

Anonymous said...

But in their lust to win at any cost, the conservatives aren't just playing hard. They're breaking the rules.

How so? Any more than the Democrats?

When you are of the mindset that anything goes to win, you start treating other members of your tribe the same way you treat your enemies (like Bush treated McCain).

And like Obama treated Clinton.

Damn Teabaggers said...

The Tribe will never admit their obvious racism and take any chance they get to accuse the left of racism. Sonja Sotomayor is racist, for example, and Rush Limbaugh is most certainly not.

You've been provided with a pretty unequivocal example of Sotomayor's racism. Care to provide a counter-example of Rush's racism? One with more depth than "proof" of racism by calling a liar a liar, or daring to wear white?

Or is Rush just racist because you say so?

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