
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Brought to you by McDonald's

Tonight is McDonald's night at my children's school. Know what that means? It means that the McDonald's in our neighborhood will donate 20 percent of all its earnings this evening to our school's PTO. I talk a lot on here about the incorporation of our country and this is one fine (shitty) example. Any of you know why our education system REALLY sucks? It's because of crap like this. Let's market to a bunch of kids and use our little carrot of money to an already underfunded entity in our country and draw them in like flies to shit.

Further, we have an enormous (pun intended) problem with obesity in this country and McDonald's is part of the problem, not a solution. Even worse than that, it's just another example of how our children are brainwashed into believing that everything is sponsored by something. Success means private corporation...especially if an athlete or movie star is associated with it. Learning? That's boring! Someday I'll make it rich and be like _____ because _____ Inc. says I will if I buy their product. As an instructor, I don't have millions of dollars to throw into a PR campaign. They do.

Sadly, they win every time.

So, the next time any of you want to whine about liberals destroying our schools, why don't you stop and think about shit like this? What's destroying our schools is our materialistic and indulgent culture...brought you by McDonald's!

And your seemingly never ending support and worship of private corporations.


GuardDuck said...

Wait a minute,

McDonalds is destroying America because their marketing influences young easily influenced minds, right?

I guess it's too bad we don't have some thing, some place where we can put these easily influenced minds for long periods of time in order to learn. Learn how to read, learn history, learn math. Learn how to put all that reading, history and math together into logically sound research. Learn how to make decisions weighing both the risk versus the reward.

If we had such a place, and put those oh so easily influenced young people there for long periods of each day, wouldn't those whose job it was to teach them have such an easy time at their job? Considering as how those young minds are practically crying out for brainwashing?

No Mark? You can't counter the 30 second soundbite that McDonalds throws out on the TV? With hours of time having these so easily influenced kids in practical lock-down?

Perhaps if you gave McD's a little less credit it wouldn't make you look like such failure.

Oh, and I just love how you couldn't talk about schools without tossing out the obligatory 'under funded schools' jab. Is that Education 101 or is it part of your union contract?

juris imprudent said...

And your seemingly never ending support and worship of private corporations.

May I ask, just who that comment is aimed at?

What's destroying our schools is our materialistic and indulgent culture...brought you by McDonald's!

Does it not occur to you that the culture creates the corporation and not vice versa? Or are you so enamored of the idea of the malleable human mind that it is always susceptible to nefarious manipulation (yours of course miraculously immune to such).

And speaking of materialistic and self indulgent... to an already underfunded entity in our country

What underfunded schools? Public schools are better funded today than when you were a student. The question is what results are we getting for the money put in?

Speaking Truth to Idiots said...

McDonalds … Pearl Harbor … McDonalds … Pearl Harbor … McDonalds …

Whatever shall M write about today? Gotta have the priorities.

-just dave said...

So I have this vision of a young McDonald’s manager, eagerly presenting one of those great big cardboard checks to the PTO…and Mark steps forward to spit on the donation. Nice.

6Kings said...

How timely. Our PTA night was Spring Creek BBQ.

Great night out with the kids and the PTA got 25% of the proceeds.

I, however, have no issues with restaurant sponsorship, McDonald's or otherwise. MD doesn't cause obesity, people's choice does.

last in line said...

(Homer Simpson voice) "mmmmmmmmm...bbq"

Schools are still underfunded? Whose fault is that? Hell you've had 2 years. Must not be a priority for this current administration.

Yes 6kings, people shoving those fries into their pieholes causes obesity. If the runts of the house scream for happy meals because there is a toy in them, who the hell drives them to the nearest McDonalds? Who is in charge in these households? Must be the kids.

I am not destroying your local school.

jeff c. said...

Have any of you every worked in marketing? Being in the music biz, I've had my fair share of experience. People that work in marketing know what you want before you even do. You might have the illusion of a choice to go to McDonald's but it really comes down to behavior. This gets into that fear of loss of control that many of you seem to have but, sorry, you don't have it.

Try this. Go into McDonald's hungry and tell me what you order. A salad? Better yet, bring your kids in there-hungry as well-and tell them they're getting salads too. Mickey Ds knows that if they sponsor schools like this they hook people just like tobacco companies. Food can be just as addictive as nicotine. The relationship between physical need and mental need is also quite powerful. It's just another example of corporations controlling the way we live.

How sad and pathetic that you think you actually have a choice. In other words, good luck avoiding marketing!

Anonymous said...

"You might have the illusion of a choice to go to McDonald's..."

Wait. Say that again? I will somehow 'end up' at McD's no matter what I want?

Wow, and to think I drive by that place every day and never stop.

How sad and pathetic that I don't even realize that I don't have a choice. How sad and pathetic that I somehow imagine that I am actually NOT eating at McD's when (as you say) I don't even have a choice.

Damn corporations!

"You might have the illusion of a choice to go to McDonald's but it really comes down to behavior."

Say that again please? Illusion of choice... behavior...? Huh? If I don't choose to go to McD's then didn't I choose not to go there? Didn't I control my actions when I didn't go there?

If I didn't go there, then how is that corporation 'controlling' my life? It's not like I give them a chunk of my paycheck and hope to get some of it back in fries? I'm not worried that jack-booted assistant managers will kick in my door on a no-knock BK raid?

Nope. Not convinced.


Last in line said...

Yeah, I have no choice because of McDonalds marketing. Got it.

The choice doesn't occur when I look at the menu in the store, the choice occurs when the family decides what is for dinner. I know what is garbage food and what isn't. I haven't been to McDonalds in a long time and the kids in my house eat there maybe a couple times a year. The behavior is driving your car to McDonalds, something I don't do.

In my household, the adults are in charge and the kids know it. Must not be that way elsewhere...

Good post dw, haha.

Damn Teabaggers said...

Try this. Go into McDonald's hungry and tell me what you order. A salad?

Been there, done that. I don't go into McDonald's unless I am both really hungry and there's absolutely no other choice. And I get the cheapest, smallest thing I can find, just enough to make my stomach shut up until I can get to some real food. My business involves a lot of travel, that's not an unusual situation for me.

But regardless of all that... first you demand control of people's healthcare choices, then you use that as an excuse to demand control of people's dietary choices, because it costs you extra taxes for the government healthcare you demanded. This even as the number of waivers for supporters of those healthcare laws exceeds the number of days since it was passed, and probably will until next summer.

What's up with that? There is no freedom that doesn't include the freedom to be stupid. If you insist on tyranny for the people's own good, there are a number of places on the globe where that's available. Why does it have to be here too?

Speaking Truth to Idiots said...

So j.c. is arguing that we don't or shouldn't have free will?

But "the Other JC" does allow free will, to the point of allowing full bore evil choices, including the full consequences of those choices.

What was this about being in agreement with the "actual" teachings of "the Other JC"?

Methinks this j.c. doesn't have a clue about the real JC.

Speaking Truth to Idiots said...

BTW, j.c., for an expert in marketing who claims that marketing destroys our ability to make choices, your marketing mojo is doing a really piss-poor job of influencing us, nevermind turning us into mindless drones who accept your orders without question.

Mark Ward said...

I never thought of Skinner and operant conditioning, Jeff. Nice one!

The only reason why I brought up the underfunded thing was because that's how they think. My belief has always been that it's not a money issue but a human capital one...quality of...

So when you are desperate for cash and a corporation dangles a cheeseburger in front of you, one bites at it.

I'm also wondering how long it will be before we see this:


Children already are inundated with the view that materialism=success. They don't need more of it. This is the essence of the problem and yet we continue to perpetuate the myth that financial reward is holy.

Anonymous said...

"So when you are desperate for cash and a corporation dangles a cheeseburger in front of you, one bites at it."

Translation as I hear it:

When you are desperate for cash, and someone gives it to you, you should hate them for their generosity.

After all, didn't McD's steal that money from the obese lower class?

Of course, you've said that it isn't about money, so I don't know why you are 'desperate for cash'.


p.s. I controlled myself just long enough to make this comment. Contrary to those who believe no control exists....

juris imprudent said...

jeff c sez People that work in marketing know what you want before you even do. You might have the illusion of a choice to go to McDonald's but it really comes down to behavior.

So, ladies and gentlemen, the next time you hear of someone killed in some third world shit-hole because she was accused of witch-craft (making an angry, ignorant man impotent for example), I want you to return to what a supposedly educated, intelligent American man just said. Because jeff c believes in magic just as much as some dumb-ass, dirt-ignorant Nigerian.

How marvelous, topical and timely that this should be published in the LA Times today.

"The McVictim syndrome spins a convenient — and unhealthy — narrative on America's emerging preventable disease crisis. McVictimization teaches Americans to think that obesity is someone else's fault — and therefore, someone else's problem to solve."

M sez The only reason why I brought up the underfunded thing was because that's how they think. My belief...

LMAO - you didn't think you'd get called on it - with numbers from the U.S Dept of Education no less. You brought it up without attributing it to anyone else. What a sad piece of shit you can be - blaming someone else (and what they think) for your own piss-poor ability to construct a coherent and factually-based argument. Oh that you would just learn.

Anonymous said...

As for speaking truth to idiots here, I think that happens every time you talk to yourself in the mirror.

And sadly, PARENTS (NOT big nasty Corps, which ARE nasty for the most part) ARE allowing children to make the choices and run the houses these days. Marketing directly to young children (difficult prior to TV) is a bad practice, that leads to exhausted parents giving in. As it would be almost impossible to prove the effect (outside of tobacco) you can't persecute every Corp that attempts to appeal to children as pat of their entire marketing campaign.

So in this case, I have to side with the rights of the Corps to do this type of marketing. Yes, I DO believe in a free society!

While a business should not have the same rights as a person (seems they have more these days), they are made up of people, and must be allowed to sell their products, which means advertising.

If parents would use something like this event to explain marketing to their kids, every one would be better off, oh, except maybe the Corp that has to market to adults.

-The "other" JC.

Mark Ward said...

Actually, juris, it shows what people will do when they need (or, in this case) think they need more money. That's how our society works is the answer to everything and it means "success."

GuardDuck said...

Well Mark,

Please tell us what money is, what it represents and what it measures.

And please also tell us what success is, what you think it should be and by what method you think it should be measured.

Corporate Shill said...

One of my biology profs once told me "there's no such thing as junk food - only a junk diet", meaning a variety of foods including fast food is just fine. Limiting your diet to a particular type of food, whatever that type is, can be harmful to us omnivores. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I'll help you out, Mark. Don't bother with


Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principal that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value.

Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed.