
Friday, December 03, 2010

WTF Has Obama Done?

As John McHypocrite yells at the very officials he said we would listen to on DADT, today's WTF is dedicated to him and his pandering to the homophobes of the base.

OMG! The anti-colonial Kenyan (© Newt Gingrich) is letting the fags run roughshod over us. Hide the kids!


GuardDuck said...

Question Mark,

Were these 150 or so appointees the best people for the job, or was being openly gay the primary qualifier?

Damn Teabaggers said...

He has also appointed more officials in violation of one of his own Executive Orders (the one restricting lobbyists in his Administration) than any other President in US history. Funny how you forget to mention that one.

He was, what... something over 2 months in office before the number of days he'd been President exceeded the number of waivers he'd granted to his own EO?

I'll grant you, he's made a lot of firsts. My list is probably somewhat different from yours.

juris imprudent said...

Since you keep insisting on throwing anyone not a liberal under the evil-conservative-libertarian bus, I'll remind that you that this is utterly unimpressive to me - a libertarian.

I don't care which genitals turn you on. It has nothing to do with your competency to do a job (save perhaps one).

And remember, McCain is the great Maverick of the Republican Party - always willing to stand up to those nasty social cons...

Oops. That doesn't work too well either, does it?

6Kings said...

"I don't care which genitals turn you on. It has nothing to do with your competency to do a job (save perhaps one)."

This is spot on. The only people keeping score on this are gays and social engineering cheerleaders who want to spite Christians and Muslims. It 'should' have no relevance to anything. This isn't an accomplishment.