
Monday, May 20, 2013

Barely Any Words

I don't have many words after seeing the recent scenes in Oklahoma City. I will say that I am sick and tired of seeing stories on the news about kids being killed in a school and I don't really feel like posting much for the next couple of days.

Honestly, after this, I can find little comfort in anything...


Nikto said...

I didn't have any desire to say anything about it either, until I read Tom Coburn's demand that we take billions of dollars directly away from other Americans and send it to Oklahoma.

These guys are so stingy about helping others, yet when they're in trouble they want the rest of us to sacrifice for them.

See my post.

Juris Imprudent said...

This should make you feel better.

How to Humble a Wing Nut

wing nut is someone who has a dogmatic commitment to an extreme political view (“wing”) that is false and at least a bit crazy (“nut”).

For a positive answer, consider an intriguing study by Philip Fernbach, a University of Colorado business school professor, and his colleagues. Their central finding is that if you ask people to explain exactly why they think as they do, they discover how much they don’t know -- and they become more humble and therefore more moderate.

Well okay, maybe that won't make you feel all that much better. Questions are such weaselly things, aren't they?

Maybe this will help?

Moral authority entails a moral hazard: the temptation to abuse political and cultural power. Today's liberal left conceives of itself as being on the side of all that is good, right and reasonable. It caricatures the right as racist, extremist, greedy, dishonest, fanatically religious, prone to violence--and dangerous because, through the Republican Party, it has maintained parity in the political arena. Of the 10 presidential elections since Watergate, each party won 5; and voters haven't entrusted the Democrats with full control of government for more than two years since the Carter era.

Ah yes, full of moral certainty - just like Westboro Baptist in all it's inglory.

Mark Ward said...

Questions are such weaselly things, aren't they?

Obviously they are as I am the only one answering them.

Interesting article, though. I wonder how well that would work on Unix, NMN or DJ. Their version of answering questions is to ask me more questions:)

Juris Imprudent said...

Obviously they are as I am the only one answering them.

Where on earth did you get the idea that you answer them? Only on the rarest of occasions do you. You don't like to clarify your opinions - you didn't read the whole article.

Mark Ward said...

I read the entire article, juris, and as usual, it sounded more like an apt description of conservatives, not liberals.

Interesting take on reality regarding my "lack" of question answering. As I have always said, I will answer an equal number of questions as the person asking. It's an equal give and take. I don't include you as being particularly bad with the question asking but Unix, DJ and NMN...all they do is ask questions and give answers that contain only questions. Further, they are all some variation of "how long have you been beating your wife" or "are you with us or with the terrorists?"

Juris Imprudent said...

and as usual, it sounded more like an apt description of conservatives, not liberals.

Yes of course you would say that. I love the way you project without the slightest bit of reflection - ever.

I don't include you as being particularly bad with the question asking

You respond that I am asking weasel questions more than you respond to the questions themselves. And you flat out don't respond more than either of those. You're kind of amazingly unselfaware.