
Friday, May 24, 2013

Scandals Redux

Now that all the dust has settled down from the "big" three scandals things have pretty much played out like I predicted. Conservatives don't really give a shit about the AP phone tapping flap because they hate the media anyway. Hasn't the media always been comprised of traitors and always been a threat to national security? Yes. Yes they have.So no mas on the AP shizzle.

And the IRS flap was greeted by people with a resounding ho hum. The president's approval rating has remained about the same...a little lower of a little higher depending on which outfit you are looking at. It's pretty clear at this point that the IRS was put in a really crappy position by Citizen's United and then went off the rails after that. Had Citizen's not turned out the way it did, the targeting of Tea Party groups would likely have not happened as there would not have been as much pressure to root out the tax dodgers (side note: I'll have post about Apple coming in the next few days).

Benghazi, of course, is still going strong inside the bubble even with people outside of the bubble not really caring about it all. Clearly, this is all the Right has to stop a Hillary Clinton presidency so they are getting an early jump. It continues to amaze me how tone deaf conservatives are on the priorities of voters. This simple fact was summer up recently in my Honors Civics class when students in all three blocks wondered why DC was talking so much about scandals and not actually governing. Even the libertarian kids find the continued personal attacks on the president and Democrats to be counter productive and have wondered to me many times if Republicans simply want to keep losing election after election.

Voters want to see action on immigration, the budget, and jobs. Some Republicans are getting this message and don't want to see a repeat of 1998. But far too many want to "win." That's why I say, keep it up, dudes! We'll take back a few more seats in the House and hold the Senate in 2014 followed by a Hillary Clinton presidency and full control of both houses in 2016 at this rate.


Juris Imprudent said...

Yes, yes "nothing to see here, move along". Your pathetic devotion to Obama is noted.

Questions remain.

More than eight months after the 9/11 anniversary attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, the CIA is still trying to find out how the attack that killed two former Navy SEALs at the agency’s annex transpired.

Nikto said...

I don't welcome Republican craziness and Democratic domination of government. The problem is that Democrats will become complacent and too used to getting their way. Then a big raft of opportunist Republicans will quit their party and become Democrats (like ex-St. Paul mayor Norm Coleman, who left the Democratic Party to become a Republican, and was elected senator because of the illusion of being some kind of centrist).

Coleman turned out to be just another political operative who doesn't care about anything except manipulating the levers of power, and doesn't give a whit about effective governance. And that's what's killing the Republican Party: it's all a big food-fight for them, and they have no interest at all in actually doing the things that elected officials are supposed to do.

A party needs a competent "loyal opposition" to govern effectively. That's why Republican presidents always seem so much more "effective" than Democrats: Democrats cooperate with Republican presidents to make sure the country doesn't fall apart, while Republicans actively incite chaos and conduct political and economic sabotage to make Democratic presidents look bad.

Juris Imprudent said...

Coleman turned out to be just another political operative who doesn't care about anything except manipulating the levers of power

Who the fuck do you think is ever going to run for office? It doesn't matter which label comes after the name, D or R, it is the same story. Except for gullible fucktards that think their side is angels and the other is demons. You honestly deserve the govt you get, as Mencken said - good and hard.