
Friday, April 17, 2015


There's a guy that posts on Quora who I have come to respect a great deal. His name is Rich Kennerly and he identifies as "Former Police Officer, NRA Life Member, Tx DPS Police Firearms Instructor, MPA, BA-Pol Sci." On the surface, you would think that Rich and I wouldn't get along, right? Yet Mr. Kennerly has come up with a meme that is completely fucking brilliant.


Mr. Kennerly thinks that we need to address the losers with guns problem and not the guns problem. He is adamant about all sides of the gun issue being able to work together to stop losers from getting weapons. Check out some of his words.

We'd like to find a way to deal with the #LosersWithGuns problem and do not accept that "nothing can be done."

The bad guy, the psychotic always has the upper hand in any situation. He knows what he's going to do and what he wants to do. Most self-defense strategies are fantasies in reality. OTOH, through education, training, testing and licensing we've made driving, flying, food handling, medicine, and a myriad of other potentially deadly endeavors into some of the safest, most productive in the world, but somehow resist applying the same civilized methodology to firearms, even to the point of prohibiting the scientific study by the CDC and NIH.

Well, they certainly have not been very forthcoming on uniting to help on workable solutions to the nation's #LosersWithGuns problem. That common gound issue should unite both camps, pro-gun & anti-gun alike.

Great stuff and very appropriate considering this.

Nearly 9% of Americans are angry, impulsive - and have a gun, study says.

So, what are we going to do about it?


Nikto said...

I've been asking the same question for years: why do competent gun owners want to have these idiotic clowns running around with guns that they don't know how to use, letting their kids shoot each other and shooting themselves when the weapon falls out of their purse or pocket?

The answer seems to be a combination of the gun manufacturers wanting to move as much product as possible without regard to who gets killed and all those angry idiots who like to use guns to intimidate others and make themselves feel powerful.

And, of course, they dare not contradict these people publicly because, after all, they have guns and they're mentally unstable.

oojc said...

The reason why is fear. They are afraid, Nikto and it's hard to move that immovable object. If the somehow became more afraid of the accidents caused with guns, then they might change. As Mark says, they have to experience it personally.