
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

The Indiana Backpedal

Governor Mike Pence has caved.  He wants "clarification" legislation on his desk this week so there can be no mistake that Indiana SB 101 will allow discrimination against gays and lesbians.

So, once this gets all sorted out, how will businesses then be allowed to exercise their "religious freedom" if they view homosexuality as a sin? It seems to me that any clarification legislation will nullify the very goal of the law. Yet, conservatives are telling us that this was never the goal nor will it be so in the future. If this is the case, what was the goal?

1 comment:

oojc said...

That was the intention all along so now the law will be toothless. Adding in protection against gays and lesbians may not be enough. What about a pharmacist who won't sell birth control to someone who is single? Or a wedding planner who won't decorate a cake because someone is divorced an marrying again? What separates this law from other religious "freedom" laws is that SB101 extends to for profit businesses and denies complaintents legal recourse.