
Saturday, November 21, 2015

What Could ISIL Do To Us That We Don't Already Do To Ourselves?


I actually think that the major terrorist organizations have gotten wise to this. How do you terrorize a society that murders 11,000 of it's own citizens every year? They're probably thinking about what it would take to truly terrorize Americans, and not seeing how it would be possible, short of acquiring a nuclear device. This is why I expect to see American allies hit again and again. That sort of tactic might bring more pressure to bear on American policy than simply adding to the carnage Americans are obviously so comfortable with.


Nikto said...

No, that's not it.

Terrorists attack places like France, Beirut and Mali instead of the United States simple because of proximity and ease of access. We're further away, we have a smaller population of Muslims and the Muslims in the United States are better off economically than the Muslims in France. France is also more secular than the United States -- it has strict laws and customs against public displays of religious affiliation -- some Muslims resent being told they can't force their wives and daughters to wear chadors in public.

American Muslims are generally less motivated to commit terrorist acts. Of course, the more Republicans like Trump scream about how we have to ostracize Muslims, the more they will be alienated, and the more motivated they will be to commit terrorist acts.

Jack said...

No shit. Somebody needs to shut that asshole up. He's making the ISIS problem worse.