
Friday, November 13, 2015

Just How Bad George W. Bush Was....

Check out this recent piece from Politico.

By May of 2001, says Cofer Black, then chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.” “There were real plots being manifested,” Cofer’s former boss, George Tenet, told me in his first interview in eight years. “The world felt like it was on the edge of eruption. In this time period of June and July, the threat continues to rise. Terrorists were disappearing [as if in hiding, in preparation for an attack]. Camps were closing. Threat reportings on the rise.” 

And yet the Right gives him a pass and are blowing a bowel about Benghazi. What a bunch of assholes...

1 comment:

Nikto said...

The article doesn't mention it, but just weeks before the election in 2000 Al Qaeda bombed the USS Cole in Aden, killing 17 American sailors.

Did that attack change anyone's minds about voting for Republican Bush instead of Democrat Gore? Did Bush benefit politically from the Cole bombing?

Was bin Laden's October surprise a slam at Clinton for running him out of Sudan? Did Osama intend to help Bush get elected?

In any case, Bush clearly ignored the Cole bombing and every other warning sign his national security advisors told him about.