
Friday, August 19, 2016

Hitting Reset Again

The Trump 2016 campaign hit the reset button yet again with the hiring of Brietbart News' Stephen Bannon as its chief executive. Trump also brought Kellyanne Conway on board to be the campaign manager. I guess I'm not sure what the difference is between the two roles. Paul Manafort just resigned as campaign manager so that probably helps with the confusion.

So, basically an already failing campaign now has two bosses instead of one. Bannon has vowed to "let Trump be Trump" but that has actually caused far more damage than anyone in the organization would care to admit.

Donald Trump’s Crucial Pillar of Support, White Men, Shows Weakness

I agree with Nate Silver on this one. Trump is doubling down on a losing strategy. He looked a little more polished yesterday, which the media is attributing to Ms. Conway, but this is only one day. Can he actually sustain this? Worse for him, though, is the fact that his main base of support loves it when he is NOT polished and makes offensive comments.

If he becomes someone else, will they lose their interest?

1 comment:

blk said...

To see why Trump's "statement of regret" is just another one of his lies, see archconservative Jennifer Rubin's piece at the Post.

Today also brings news of Paul Manafort's resignation. This was precipitated by the discovery of emails between Manafort and Paul Gates (another Trump advisor who should be exiting soon), in which they discussed working for pro-Russian Ukrainian political parties, without registering as foreign agents. Which is a crime.

Kind of ironic that after all that nonsense about Clinton's emails, it was emails that took Manafort down.