
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Worm Turns

Eight years ago, after Hillary Clinton had run against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, and John McCain had selected Sarah Palin as his running mate, I had a discussion with a woman who is reliably conservative. She wasn't having any of this female empowerment nonsense. "Women are too emotional to be president," she told me. 

I disagreed: men can be just as emotional; they are particularly vulnerable to the emotions of lust, anger and the thirst for vengeance, especially when their masculinity is threatened.

Now the worm has turned. And that worm is Donald Trump:
In a striking series of defections, high-profile Republican women are abandoning decades of party loyalty and vowing to oppose Mr. Trump, calling him emotionally unfit for the presidency and a menace to national security.
In this election, there's absolutely no question that Hillary Clinton is more emotionally stable than Donald Trump.

Throughout his candidacy Trump has persisted in throwing out petty insults in debates. He is always angry, peevish, jealous and prideful. He constantly brags about nonexistent accomplishments, like some insecure teenaged boy trying to impress a girl.

He constantly insulted the appearance of other candidates, including Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie. This is particularly ironic, since he's a fat old man with orange skin, tiny porcine eyes and a ridiculous-looking hairpiece that he still insists is his real hair -- which, if true, is even crazier than if it were a toupee: he actually wants his hair to look like a clown's fright wig?

He tweets outrageous nonsense at all hours of the night or day, like a catty thirteen-year-old girl with ADD. He pouts and whines about how unfair everyone has been to him, how they keep saying such mean things about him.

Trump is so emotionally needy and unstable that he insults the parents of a man who sacrificed his life to save the lives of the men in his unit.

Why is Trump so emotional and flighty? Is it his incipient senile dementia? His psychopathy? His overprivileged upbringing? Has an excess of testosterone curdled his 70-year-old brain?
Lots of Republicans, especially Republican women, are increasingly turned off by Trump's antics. He was funny in the beginning. Now the act is wearing thin.

Many conservative women were especially turned off when Trump told them that they should just suck it when they're sexually harassed at work. He defended Roger Ailes, a pervert who ogled and pinched and touched and patted and petted and grabbed and slobbered over his female subordinates.

They were disgusted when Trump said women should be forced to quit their jobs to escape men who abuse their positions of power to extort sexual favors from female employees who have husbands they love and families they have to support.

They were shocked when Trump said that he would have his own daughter, Ivanka, just quit her job if her boss treated her the way Ailes treated his employees, instead of fighting back against what in the final analysis is attempted rape.

Apparently Trump believes that CEOs should enjoy a modern form of prima nocta, a medieval practice which feudal lords could have sex with female subjects on their wedding nights. Only in Trump's mind all female employees are fair game all the time.

You have to wonder how many of Trump's employees he treated this way: sadly, we can't find out because he makes everyone sign non-disclosure agreements.

Or maybe they were turned off when they heard draft-dodging Trump's interview with Howard Stern in which he compared his sleeping around to the dangers soldiers face in war:
“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
How can any conservative evangelical Christian woman possibly vote for such an emotionally self-involved twit? The man is bragging about countless acts of fornication and adultery, while dismissing all the women he's slept with as diseased sex toys, comparing them to torture in Viet Cong prisons, land mines, Agent Orange and ceaseless machine-gun fire.

In Trump's mind John McCain is no hero for getting captured in Vietnam: Trump was the real deal, spending the Vietnam War banging busty bimbos in New York, while McCain lazed about as a prisoner of war in the posh Hanoi Hilton.

This was all fine and dandy when Trump was just some dorky fat guy in a phony reality show. But when he's president he'll have real power. He's already promised to change the laws to allow an orgy of lawsuits against news outlets who he thinks have insulted him.

Is eliminating laws against sexual harassment is on his agenda as well?

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