
Friday, November 18, 2016

Ivanka Babysits Trump at Meeting with Japanese Prime Minister

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka attended the meeting with Shinzo Abe, prime minister of Japan. 

The New York Times headline says her presence "raises questions:"
WASHINGTON — The potential for conflicts of interest between President-elect Donald J. Trump and his family’s business ventures emerged again Thursday evening, when a photograph was distributed that showed his daughter Ivanka at a meeting between Mr. Trump and the prime minister of Japan.

News reporters were not allowed to attend the session, Mr. Trump’s first with a foreign head of state, and no summary was provided about what was discussed. A separate photograph was distributed — press photographers were not allowed to cover the event — showing that Jared Kushner, Ms. Trump’s husband, was present for at least part of the gathering.
Questions like, was she there to make sure he didn't talking about pussy-grabbing? Or start yakking about how Japan is killing us?

Or was she there just to hawk the $11,000 bangle from her jewelry line?

The Trump administration is shaping up to be the most ignorant, uninformed, incompetent, corrupt and nepotistic in history.

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