
Sunday, November 20, 2016

An Optimistic Note

I have to admit that I've been pretty bummed since Donald Trump won the presidency. How can someone with such an ugly personality be representing our country? Further, consider how he would do, minus his celebrity, if he was applying for a job. His background check? Fail, due to poor credit and the bankruptcies. And most companies look at social media activity which would be a giant red flag. The video of him bragging about sexual assault would be an automatic disqualifier.

Yet I am optimistic about a couple of things. With the Republicans controlling all three branches of government, they are going to be held accountable for what they do. No more bitching about the Democrats ruining everything. Sure, they will try to blame the liberal media but they are the ones running the show so they have to do a good job. No doubt they will try to dodge the responsibility but the people that voted them in likely won't let them.

It's also nice to see that Trump is nominating old guard Republicans, going back on his promise to "drain the swamp," to key posts in his administration. Bannon by himself can likely be handled. Thankfully, there won't be a cabinet filled with Bannons, although ol' Steve-O is also going to see just how fun it is to be the responsible one. I'm going to be very interested to see a right wing blogger try to spin away mistakes.

If Trump ends up nominating Mitt Romney as Secretary of State, that would be his first good move. It would also be a sign that his cozying up to Russia was all an act. We'll see...

1 comment:

Cornbread said...

There is a bright side for you. The press and liberal bloggers everywhere will suddenly awaken to:
The elderly and the paltry return on CD’s and other fixed income; (the fastest growing work demographic right now is women over the age of 65...we would have heard more about this by now if Romney was president)
The homeless
The huge numbers on food stamps and other forms of welfare
The shrinking real income of working stiffs
Every job relocated overseas.

More predictions...

When jobs numbers come out, nothing less than 250,000 full-time jobs will be considered "strong".
“Real” unemployment will be adjusted once again by the labor force participation rate.
Crises in the Middle East will go back to being attributed to U.S. foreign policy.
If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it will be because of Trump.
Adding even twelve cents to the current $20 trillion national debt will be “unpatriotic” and a fiscal catastrophe in the making.
The worst race relations in 50 years will be due to Republican control of the White House and Congress.
Public outrage over health insurance will be due to Republican failure to fix the health care system, not the law itself.
We will learn that 13 million more people than in 2008 have instantly descended into poverty.
Anything less than 3 percent growth in any quarter will be labeled an abysmal administration failure.
The Justice Department will now be labeled as horribly politicized.
There will be alarm over the rule of law being denigrated.
The ranks of racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, and bigots of every stripe will have swelled tenfold.
Actual instances of government incompetence will be uncovered after eight years of astonishing bureaucratic perfection.

Welcome back to folks who claim to hold government accountable - your eight year vacation is over.