
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Communists Past and Present

The Times has a great piece up about Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's new Chief Strategist. Everyone knows how much of a racist asshole the guy is but what I can't figure out is why right wing bloggers like him so much. After all, he said this:

I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment. 

Wow. made the quote red on purpose so the right wing bloggers and commenters that I know still read this site every day have a hurt head the rest of the day. Seriously. How the fuck does this guy rate so high with the alt right? Aren't they the ones who foam at the mouth about how liberals are turning us into Russia?

It seems like they are the ones that have some bromance issues with communists, both past and present!


Cornbread said...

A woman lost, having run an over-scripted campaign run by the wrong people targeting the wrong voters in the wrong states.

Mark Ward said...

Imagine if one of Obama's people said what Bannon said. What would the reaction be on right wing blogs? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.

VoteLibertarian said...

America certainly isn't easy. Sometimes it is a big smelly dirty bitch. But maybe let's all try to be successful instead of rooting against each other.

I don't know who voted for this guy...but he will be our President and we owe him the respect afforded as such.