
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Memo To Media: Shut the Fuck Up About Rural White Voters

At this point, the media really needs to shut the fuck up about rural white voters. Let's see...some people have lost their jobs because of globalization (along with a steadfast refusal to retrain in a different field) and technology versus hundreds of years of systemic oppression which still continues to this day.

If I were a person of color in the US today, I'd be way past sick over this hyper obsession with people who have honestly enjoyed privilege their entire lives and refuse to accept it.


Cornbread said...

Those people acknowledging their privilege is simply symbolic and will accomplish nothing. Will it do something like getting be the green light to more government programs?

Vote Libertarian said...

The rare situation where Mark and I agree. It is fair to be angry about losing a job you had for X number of years. But if you can't find a job today then you just aren't looking very hard and you need to stop crying. Of course, that job will likely be at McDonalds for hopefully an ever-increasing minimum wage. I'd like to think we can do better. But still, Mark is right...let's get past the 1980 archetypes.